Dalton Dingus HC 62 Box 1249 Salyersville, KY 41465
The blogs have a varied array of users but I think it would be great for everyone to go grab
a card out of a box and write this kids name down and fire it off to him. It will only take a minute to do and would mean the world to this kid who just wasn't given a fighting chance at his age.
UPS and FedEx delivered hundreds more.
Dalton has stage four cystic fibrosis. In October, his mother said, "Doctors had given up on him."
No more needs to be said. Everyone please grab a card for this kid.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Hey Haskel, since you chimed in
AnonymousDecember 24, 2012 10:10 AM
anyone's skin? What is funny he is the one always crying over at Mac's
blog every time he gets banned. Not only that but constantly whining
over Alki apparently doing him wrong over 2 years with the same song and
dance. There are shrinks for that, give it a god damn rest. There is
always someone worse off. Why don't you complainers think about that for
a change?
What does haskels and macs blog do? and culvers?
The easiest first. Culver records vikki 24/7. That's an obsession. It's down right damn scarey. Rarely anyone but her. Always her. Think he's obsessed?
Haskel and macs blog. They are like everyone else's a blog. Yet, they want explicit exclusivity that they alone can tell you who you can troll, harass, stalk, cut down, run down and make fun of. They just aren't having a good day unless they target someone and then go after them non stop. We have covered this in blogs before. You want the exclusive right to say what you want to say but you will just shit a brick if everyone doesn't follow the leader and repeat after you. This hasn't changed no matter who has written about it.
Haskel. Do you really think trolling me about him got me to rage? I merely reached over and banned you and then you ran to the shoutbox telling everyone you got banned. Grow up. I was in there having a bit of fun with Ryder and a few others and you thought you'd just come in and start on Christmas eve ? It took no effort at all to reach over there and ban you. I laughed. I laughed because that's what you expected me to do so you could run to the shitbox and make your report.
You allege that I have talked about him for two years.
YOU talk and write about people using drugs. Violators of TOS on different sites. Exposing pedo's. (I agree with that but many think you are way too obsessed with it since you are not a law enforcement officer). You need to quit worrying about the problems going on at these sites and take your own advice and get a shrink and lay down on the couch and tell him all about it. You are not a one man police force on the internet. Many people think what you are actually doing is a bit strange that it consumes so much of your time.
You complained about me banning . lol. I have one rule. Anyone that says his name in any room I am a mod in, I am going to ban them. Plain and simple. I was in there just chatting and you came in and despite a warning continued. BAM. I will ban anyone, regardless of who it is that types his name to me. So open 10 tabs, cause you'll get 10 times to say it. I don't care if it spoils your fun. Go back to the shit box and type that shit.
It's funny, you don't want certain people to talk about certain people yet any time of the day and night you can go there and the same people are cutting the same people down. ::yawn::
Everyones life is different. You say I talk about it. Well, it does take a bit of time to actually sue someone. You have to find the right lawyer that not only will take the case but believes in it and you. You have to gather all sorts of shit to use as evidence and make a list of any witnesses you think you need. Then it's all up to a few depositions back and forth and you leave it up to a judge and or jury to decide if you were correct. If you win, that doesn't immediately make everything go away even then.
I'll get vindicated when the time is right. I actually broke no laws on my part. I could not have been a better friend to anyone in this entire world. In regards to the "stock" I can indeed prove I was lied to from damn near day one. I did not deserve that. As a friend, you think I would have commanded that amount of respect to be told the truth from day one.
When you think and are told for two years that the investment you make was the decision of a lifetime on your part and it is all going well and you tell everyone you know along the way and then you have that rug ripped out from underneath you- it hurts. It hurts like hell.
Suddenly, that new truck you promised your nephew is not going to happen. Suddenly that new car you promised your niece is not going to happen. You did nothing wrong but now have to tell everyone you know that it was all a big as lie and you get your original amount refunded.
Take that and then have your health spiral down to shit. Every time you see a family member or relative you promised something to, you feel incredible shame and humiliation. He's the one that old me that my 30,000 shares rose to 300,000 shares due to a stock consolidation. WOW ! Why wouldn't I think everything was going great? Then to be told the stock would go back on the market at about 10x the old price. It went back on at $6.65. You do the math. Of course, I could promise things to people that were close to me.
See a shrink? Not me, they can't change what happened. I can get vindicated in court but it still doesn't do anything about a two year span where you work your heart and soul out for a company and your investment and then have it ripped right out from underneath you and you are made a fool of.
So, by your trolling me with my story to think it will make me rage, is your twisted head. I"m not going to start typing in caps, yelling at you. You aren't anyone. I don't even fucking know you. You are a fail troll, that's for damn sure.
This Christmas I am not going anywhere. I am not going over with dozens of relatives to tell me how sorry they are about that stock deal. It's humiliating and he shamed me in front of everyone and could not care less. I called a few and told them I was terribly ill and that I would not be able to make it. I told them am turning off my cell phone so I can get some sleep.
I hope you have a Merry Christmas.
I banned you, you went to macs room and cried about it so here is my predicted blog about it all. I did not want to disappoint anyone and thought that you could see what a holiday could mean to one person when you don't know what is going on in everyone's home. Go spoil someone elses day.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Merry Christmas, mass murder, depression
Anyone else having a hard time to get in the Christmas mood knowing that about 20 kids were shot to death and gunned down like a dog by some madman? I can't even fathom that act. Why didn't he just kill himself and be done with it?
We were talking about depression a few times on the blog. Unless you have really let something bother you to the point you can't even get up out of bed, you probably wouldn't understand it.
I just saw that Scott777 quit two jobs again. Now he has a chipin for "hot water, rent and a new computer". He created that chipin because for $100 a few of them wanted to be mods in his room. In selling his modship for a greater price than Keemstar ever got, he also sold his soul to the devil because now everyone has his email address and his real name if they click on that link. A fool and his money are soon greedily joined together. Maybe for $100, he can go buy a Hungry man XL turkey dinner for Christmas as he hovers around a candle to keep warm. I wouldn't give him the match to light the candle. Yet, who knows, by taking the chance with the chipin he just might raise his $1,500 goal and exceed it. Maybe he could date lily? Those two could be the mom and dad of the battlecam clan kids of dysfunctionality.
I tried my luck once. Invested in a stock. 2 years and 3 months later got my money back. I turned down a one time interest payment of $3,900 because it wasn't part of the deal. I was lead to believe the stock was going to be very valuable and even told so right up to the point it went back on the stock market for the second time. Then I learned the news that I could get a refund but nothing more. Lies lies lies were fed to me. I repeated them. I suddenly learned that my smart choice was a huge joke on me. Suddenly the expected payout wasn't going to happen. For over 2 years, I bragged to family and coworkers and everyone I know about the great company I had invested in and all the good things that were going on with it.
My biggest problem was the fact that I was told almost up until the stock was relisted that it was going to go back on the market a lot higher than the previous closing price before it was taken off the market and privately held. Who would not brag about making the correct decision of a lifetime to watch it pay off. I was told that if I waited, I was going to get a nice gift of shares from 30,000 to 300,000 shares due to a "stock consolidation". Another investor and I, saw a tidbit on the internet that the stock was being consolidated a few months prior but nothing was told to us. Why wait? Was this suddenly information that was being given to me as if it was something new?
I counted on the fact that the company I invested in was a good one which I helped for over 2 years since it was started by helping anyone who came in a chat room to get their software up and running. I felt pretty damn good the entire two years. I felt what I was doing was very important and that as time passed, I got to watch the company grow. I also got to make a few promises along the way.
When I cashed my stock in, I was going to buy a relative a new house. I was going to buy a niece and nephew a new car. I promised a few friends a couple of things that would really help them along their way in life.
When it all came crashing down, I was floored. I raged. I was in total shock. I could not believe that after all that time, work and energy, suddenly, I would get a refund but not be able to cash in those 300,000 shares of stock because I was "not a nice person". Suddenly they were not due to a stock consolidation but were then declared "a gift" I was no longer allowed to have.
I bring this up because the subject was depression. I was speaking to anne about it. Do you know what it is like to take pain pills because you have severe arthritis and without them you could hardly function or sleep?
Have you ever been so let down, with something effecting your life so strongly that you can barely even get out of bed in the morning? You go throughout the day and it's all a giant blur from one day to the next. You realize that what you thought would happen for about 2 1/4 years was suddenly not going to happen at all. You told everyone. Now you had to tell them because they'd been asking along the way when you were going to cash out and start a new way of life.
Have you ever taken pain medications and wondered what it would be like to go out to your car and start it in the garage? To press the garage door opener and let the door close as you drifted off to sleep? I always wondered why someone would do that. Sometimes when the pain hurts that deeply and there is no end in site, some choose that route. I admit, I thought of it. Hoping I would get lucky and they'll all say what a terrible accident it was. What was he doing? Trying to start the car and could not move? Had an asthma attack? Arthritis attack? It's a lot better to think that than to have friends and family and co workers laugh that you got fucked over a stock deal. A decision you made over two years ago and thought that one lone decision was going to separate you from others who dared not even take the risk in trying. It would set you up for life. Granted, to some that amount of money is probably nothing. To others it is a fortune. I've realized a few hundred dollars might be the difference in someone eating or doing without to pay a bill and keep a roof over their head.
Because tomorrow you just won't have to wake up and go through that all again. Wondering what you did wrong that really blew things all out of proportion and suddenly you are in worse shape than when you started out. Bills pile up, health deteriorates, money was spent thinking it would be paid off when you cashed in your shares of stock. Debt looms. File a lawsuit, wait months and months to see if you can file in federal court. Do you want to do it? Is it worth it in the big picture? You blame yourself for getting into the situation to begin with.
Depression can take you down roads you never dreamed your mind would even take you.
I was told once that I was an awful person. I was told that my name and employer would be revealed to everyone they knew so that they could contact my employer and tell them that I was a "lunatic madman". In the world of online chat, good or bad, you might not care about your name, I don't. But to have them contact your employer? That threat shook me up because it suddenly broke up the security I had, that no matter what, I was still employed and had a job.
I no longer have that job so the threat is dead. Tell what you want, it's a moot point now. Suddenly that threat is no longer a problem and was lifted from my shoulders. Should I be happy that I am no longer working so they have nothing on me to divulge? Isn't that sort of funny?
The day you realize that you can lay in bed day after day and accomplish absolutely nothing forces you to make a few decisions.
As a few of you know, I found an attorney and am awaiting their final decision on how they want to proceed. Suddenly, this lunatic madman realizes that when people think they have any power over you- they use that to their advantage. Come hell or high water, good or bad, if we can file in January of 2013 or so, I will do my best to get vindicated to prove that I was a very honest person and did nothing wrong. At no time did *I* break the law. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. I hope a federal judge believes me and awards me those shares of stock to sell at that last price set when they sold. 300,000 shares at $6.65 cents.
To Alki David. Do I hate him? No, I hate what he did. After 16.5 years of friendship, I was owed the truth all along the way. Friendship alone should have commanded it. Do I wish him a Merry Christmas? Oh hell no. I hope sometime, somehow, one day in HIS life that he realizes that money does not make a man. Money doesn't buy friends.
One day, when he gets upset and is down, I hope he reflects back on every single person that he's paid to piss and get shit on and asks himself if it was worth it. To have someone degrade themselves for money because they are poor and needed it. To pay a miserable no good fucking whore to call upon a poor pizza driver only to have the filthy slut scream RAPE and send him scrambling to get out the door as the next week or two makes him wonder if someone will be knocking at his door with charges against him. Among others. It's not funny my friends. Not funny in the least.
I hope that one day when he looks back and sees what he has done he sheds even one fucking tear. By doing that, it would prove he was human.
It's after 6am. I tried to sleep twice, I toss and turn toss and turn. Nothing is bothering me yet everything is on my mind. In a few minutes, it will be time to take a dose of Nyquil and try once again for sleep.
Those poor poor children who died in Connecticut. Doesn't it make all of our life's problems seem so insignificant? I'm not a religious person. God help those children and their families. God help the survivors who are going to suffer for years because of one lone act of a madman.
I am going to a relatives house to stay for awhile to help them get some things done. As much or as little help as I may be.
My last thought is for Lindsey Lohan. You have enough problems kiddo, stay away child, stay away !
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a meal to enjoy and if you get desperate you can always hop online Christmas evening and day and come troll with me. We won't break into any songs but we can always cut down anyone else who isn't online !
ps good luck anne. you can chat with me anytime.
We were talking about depression a few times on the blog. Unless you have really let something bother you to the point you can't even get up out of bed, you probably wouldn't understand it.
I just saw that Scott777 quit two jobs again. Now he has a chipin for "hot water, rent and a new computer". He created that chipin because for $100 a few of them wanted to be mods in his room. In selling his modship for a greater price than Keemstar ever got, he also sold his soul to the devil because now everyone has his email address and his real name if they click on that link. A fool and his money are soon greedily joined together. Maybe for $100, he can go buy a Hungry man XL turkey dinner for Christmas as he hovers around a candle to keep warm. I wouldn't give him the match to light the candle. Yet, who knows, by taking the chance with the chipin he just might raise his $1,500 goal and exceed it. Maybe he could date lily? Those two could be the mom and dad of the battlecam clan kids of dysfunctionality.
I tried my luck once. Invested in a stock. 2 years and 3 months later got my money back. I turned down a one time interest payment of $3,900 because it wasn't part of the deal. I was lead to believe the stock was going to be very valuable and even told so right up to the point it went back on the stock market for the second time. Then I learned the news that I could get a refund but nothing more. Lies lies lies were fed to me. I repeated them. I suddenly learned that my smart choice was a huge joke on me. Suddenly the expected payout wasn't going to happen. For over 2 years, I bragged to family and coworkers and everyone I know about the great company I had invested in and all the good things that were going on with it.
My biggest problem was the fact that I was told almost up until the stock was relisted that it was going to go back on the market a lot higher than the previous closing price before it was taken off the market and privately held. Who would not brag about making the correct decision of a lifetime to watch it pay off. I was told that if I waited, I was going to get a nice gift of shares from 30,000 to 300,000 shares due to a "stock consolidation". Another investor and I, saw a tidbit on the internet that the stock was being consolidated a few months prior but nothing was told to us. Why wait? Was this suddenly information that was being given to me as if it was something new?
I counted on the fact that the company I invested in was a good one which I helped for over 2 years since it was started by helping anyone who came in a chat room to get their software up and running. I felt pretty damn good the entire two years. I felt what I was doing was very important and that as time passed, I got to watch the company grow. I also got to make a few promises along the way.
When I cashed my stock in, I was going to buy a relative a new house. I was going to buy a niece and nephew a new car. I promised a few friends a couple of things that would really help them along their way in life.
When it all came crashing down, I was floored. I raged. I was in total shock. I could not believe that after all that time, work and energy, suddenly, I would get a refund but not be able to cash in those 300,000 shares of stock because I was "not a nice person". Suddenly they were not due to a stock consolidation but were then declared "a gift" I was no longer allowed to have.
I bring this up because the subject was depression. I was speaking to anne about it. Do you know what it is like to take pain pills because you have severe arthritis and without them you could hardly function or sleep?
Have you ever been so let down, with something effecting your life so strongly that you can barely even get out of bed in the morning? You go throughout the day and it's all a giant blur from one day to the next. You realize that what you thought would happen for about 2 1/4 years was suddenly not going to happen at all. You told everyone. Now you had to tell them because they'd been asking along the way when you were going to cash out and start a new way of life.
Have you ever taken pain medications and wondered what it would be like to go out to your car and start it in the garage? To press the garage door opener and let the door close as you drifted off to sleep? I always wondered why someone would do that. Sometimes when the pain hurts that deeply and there is no end in site, some choose that route. I admit, I thought of it. Hoping I would get lucky and they'll all say what a terrible accident it was. What was he doing? Trying to start the car and could not move? Had an asthma attack? Arthritis attack? It's a lot better to think that than to have friends and family and co workers laugh that you got fucked over a stock deal. A decision you made over two years ago and thought that one lone decision was going to separate you from others who dared not even take the risk in trying. It would set you up for life. Granted, to some that amount of money is probably nothing. To others it is a fortune. I've realized a few hundred dollars might be the difference in someone eating or doing without to pay a bill and keep a roof over their head.
Because tomorrow you just won't have to wake up and go through that all again. Wondering what you did wrong that really blew things all out of proportion and suddenly you are in worse shape than when you started out. Bills pile up, health deteriorates, money was spent thinking it would be paid off when you cashed in your shares of stock. Debt looms. File a lawsuit, wait months and months to see if you can file in federal court. Do you want to do it? Is it worth it in the big picture? You blame yourself for getting into the situation to begin with.
Depression can take you down roads you never dreamed your mind would even take you.
I was told once that I was an awful person. I was told that my name and employer would be revealed to everyone they knew so that they could contact my employer and tell them that I was a "lunatic madman". In the world of online chat, good or bad, you might not care about your name, I don't. But to have them contact your employer? That threat shook me up because it suddenly broke up the security I had, that no matter what, I was still employed and had a job.
I no longer have that job so the threat is dead. Tell what you want, it's a moot point now. Suddenly that threat is no longer a problem and was lifted from my shoulders. Should I be happy that I am no longer working so they have nothing on me to divulge? Isn't that sort of funny?
The day you realize that you can lay in bed day after day and accomplish absolutely nothing forces you to make a few decisions.
As a few of you know, I found an attorney and am awaiting their final decision on how they want to proceed. Suddenly, this lunatic madman realizes that when people think they have any power over you- they use that to their advantage. Come hell or high water, good or bad, if we can file in January of 2013 or so, I will do my best to get vindicated to prove that I was a very honest person and did nothing wrong. At no time did *I* break the law. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. I hope a federal judge believes me and awards me those shares of stock to sell at that last price set when they sold. 300,000 shares at $6.65 cents.
To Alki David. Do I hate him? No, I hate what he did. After 16.5 years of friendship, I was owed the truth all along the way. Friendship alone should have commanded it. Do I wish him a Merry Christmas? Oh hell no. I hope sometime, somehow, one day in HIS life that he realizes that money does not make a man. Money doesn't buy friends.
One day, when he gets upset and is down, I hope he reflects back on every single person that he's paid to piss and get shit on and asks himself if it was worth it. To have someone degrade themselves for money because they are poor and needed it. To pay a miserable no good fucking whore to call upon a poor pizza driver only to have the filthy slut scream RAPE and send him scrambling to get out the door as the next week or two makes him wonder if someone will be knocking at his door with charges against him. Among others. It's not funny my friends. Not funny in the least.
I hope that one day when he looks back and sees what he has done he sheds even one fucking tear. By doing that, it would prove he was human.
It's after 6am. I tried to sleep twice, I toss and turn toss and turn. Nothing is bothering me yet everything is on my mind. In a few minutes, it will be time to take a dose of Nyquil and try once again for sleep.
Those poor poor children who died in Connecticut. Doesn't it make all of our life's problems seem so insignificant? I'm not a religious person. God help those children and their families. God help the survivors who are going to suffer for years because of one lone act of a madman.
I am going to a relatives house to stay for awhile to help them get some things done. As much or as little help as I may be.
My last thought is for Lindsey Lohan. You have enough problems kiddo, stay away child, stay away !
Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a meal to enjoy and if you get desperate you can always hop online Christmas evening and day and come troll with me. We won't break into any songs but we can always cut down anyone else who isn't online !
ps good luck anne. you can chat with me anytime.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Alki Davids latest offer of help
I was surfing the internet and saw this :
Alki's latest offer by reaching out to someone and offering help.
16.5 yrs never meant a damn thing, how about honoring your agreement with me?
Saturday, November 24, 2012
and another thing
the "forced log in" screen flies up if you have watched for 60 seconds. You can go to main or any private room and click the "find users" button and leave it up for 60 seconds. Then close it and you will not have the log in screen fly up and block your viewing.
Secondly, when joe's mic is up loud, it drowns out the real casters who are on cam. So if someone is on the right you cannot adjust their volume. Even when you watch an archive, you will hear the person on the right who is archived volume go low. That's because joes' blabberings are drowing them out even though you can't hear him on the archive.
Secondly, when joe's mic is up loud, it drowns out the real casters who are on cam. So if someone is on the right you cannot adjust their volume. Even when you watch an archive, you will hear the person on the right who is archived volume go low. That's because joes' blabberings are drowing them out even though you can't hear him on the archive.
Susie OWNED main and joe !
The video is of Susie owning main and joe's pathetic narcissistic ass. From day one on battlecam.com joe has thought he was funny. he's told everyone he's funny. HE'S NOT FUNNY AT ALL !
Leave it to Susie to speak the hell up and tell it like it is. I went to main to see Susie and Plunged, two of my favorite casters. I saw Alki on trying to get joes attention. Joe sat there and insulted Alki stating that things were "just fine til he got on". Then he called for some guy in the studio to agree with him that "Alki fucked up the ratio" and he needs to keep his hands off the settings. Joe will not work like that. Wow.
Then I saw Plunged come in and he had more likes than poops but was taken off pretty damn quick. Then I saw Susie come on and she tore into joe with both barrels. I'm sure she'll probably get banned for that. She's not joe, she's not getting paid to do this and her opinion means very little to the powers that be even though she's an OG CASTER and a hard knocker like Plunged, Vikki and many others who have casted during good times and bad to keep "PEOPLE" interested in staying and coming back for more.
You can read chat or macs blog. They have all been saying lately that "alki has no clue what he's doing". They are all saying it. It's just that joe said it to every single person watching when he's conned his way into a job that he's not even worth the talent to give him the opportunity. He's just about as useless as a guy could be who let's trannies suck on his penis in dark hotel rooms. ( as he did on main). He's disgusting. He's not funny (I love saying that because he thinks he's rodney dangerfield, mel brooks and chevy chase rolled up into one.
Why in blue blazes would you give someone an opportunity and a chance of a lifetime and have them fail on cam. Others would die to be in his place. To make millions? No, to have the mere chance to get up on cam, on tv and even try their skills at making a program enjoyable to watch so people stayed and came back.
Go Susie go ! I'd rather have 15 minutes of quality time with someone I liked and respected than two minutes of time with a loser. Throughout the past few years, you, plunged, vikki and many others made time fly by and a fun experience.
By the way, in the above video Susie starts to drown out and you can barely hear her because all of the sudden joe got on the mic and said she was fat and brought nothing to battlecam. Then he slammed alki for not even having good internet and he lost her and could no longer comment.
Joe, go fuck yourself. You are a loser. An absolute no talent unfunny pain in the ass guest that just won't leave and ruins the party. You don't leave so usually have to be thrown out. You are like a few others that have no skills, no job and yet think through your creative genius you don't have to work and can sponge off others good graces. Never compare yourself to Susie little man, you will lose every fucking time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Error of Dinty fails again
The fail dintwit was so desperate for attention he had to attempt to go after a soldier :
This failed loser tried and tried to make fun of Warriortru who has the utmost respect of battlecam.
What has dintfuck done? Served in the military for his country? No.
Constantly cried duck tear filled eyes that no one likes him? Yes !
Lived in the basement of his mommies house so he stays safe? Yes.
Look at him now. He looks uber gay in those Elton John flashy little silver fake glasses. His BLOATED face shows he eats way to much food and doesn't know the meaning of "exercise". He tried to get the soldier to talk about "suicide" and failed.
How many times has dintfuck thought of suicide and cried on cam, huge huge tears because he's not wanted and his show is a fail. We've seen him cry on cam, fall off a chair and heard his mom tell him to go to rehab. What a joke. He then made fun of Vietnam veterans calling them "baby killers". Considering the nazi admin who agrees that American soldiers should be killed and burned to death so he can go piss on their ashes really sets the tone of respect of soldiers who serve the armed forces on battlecam.
You just don't get any lower than this.
This failed loser tried and tried to make fun of Warriortru who has the utmost respect of battlecam.
What has dintfuck done? Served in the military for his country? No.
Constantly cried duck tear filled eyes that no one likes him? Yes !
Lived in the basement of his mommies house so he stays safe? Yes.
Look at him now. He looks uber gay in those Elton John flashy little silver fake glasses. His BLOATED face shows he eats way to much food and doesn't know the meaning of "exercise". He tried to get the soldier to talk about "suicide" and failed.
How many times has dintfuck thought of suicide and cried on cam, huge huge tears because he's not wanted and his show is a fail. We've seen him cry on cam, fall off a chair and heard his mom tell him to go to rehab. What a joke. He then made fun of Vietnam veterans calling them "baby killers". Considering the nazi admin who agrees that American soldiers should be killed and burned to death so he can go piss on their ashes really sets the tone of respect of soldiers who serve the armed forces on battlecam.
You just don't get any lower than this.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Zolar Chaos Louie hacking video
By request, a few of you said you missed it when they hacked into other peoples computers and started screwing with them. Here you can hear zolar telling louie trey to "hit her again, hit her again". Ordering him to put the "meat spin" video on her computer and have it pop up. At first she laughed and thought she was trolled. It took a few minutes until she realized there was more to it then that.
They should have been prosecuted for hacking, all three of them.
Is your computer safe there?
This was on June 13th of this year, 2012. If hacking is a federal crime why were they not turned in? Why are they welcomed back?
Be very wary of going into zolars channel !
They should have been prosecuted for hacking, all three of them.
Is your computer safe there?
This was on June 13th of this year, 2012. If hacking is a federal crime why were they not turned in? Why are they welcomed back?
Be very wary of going into zolars channel !
Friday, October 26, 2012
Banned Users under any other names too!
1. Tmarie
2. Ragematix
3. Ryderbak
4. BeerandCheerios
5. Miss Egyptbeauty
7. Yewmadbrah
8. GreenScreen aka Chris1592
9. OGMikeBattleCam
10. Gmoneyinc
11. Troll2
12. RealJustin
13. Majin - under any other user name too
14. CheetaSalad1
Majin, Cheetah-CONGRATULATIONS !!!!
Here is to anyone banned that made the list
for not being a scumbag !
Here is a video of the master of the shitbox
Here he is, making an almost rape mask in living color !
I thought I'd give a few viewers who might not have seen him a video so they too can join the shoutbox for fun and excitement !
Don't forget to edit parts of the video and make hate pics !
Everyone have a good day !
I thought I'd give a few viewers who might not have seen him a video so they too can join the shoutbox for fun and excitement !
Don't forget to edit parts of the video and make hate pics !
Everyone have a good day !
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Harry the stalker strikes again
Battlefag admin, harry balzac, Alan Smith fake name and all spends his time following me around from chat site to chat site harassing and typing lies in chat until he gets me banned.
Today, he was posting my personal information and I told him when I got his personal info, I was going to post it on the blog.
Then harry started screaming that was a threat and got me banned once again.
Harry is a lone gay man who is ashamed of being outted as "gay". Even the courts have ruled that being called gay is no slur anymore. Harry can come out of the closet with his German flag in one hand and his bright multicolored rainbow parade flag in the other.
He's butthurt that he tries to act nice but then turns on people and they delete him off skype. I did twice. The last time was for good. He's a sick ass narcissist who revels in tormenting others so he can have a good old jack off session.
If anyone has his real information, send it to me:
I'll make sure he gets more attention than he ever wanted ! All of Germany will know about him and his gay red room and how one anti american gay german can espouse such anti gay and anti american remarks in public chat and still be employed by battlecam and their parent company Filmon.com.
Today, he was posting my personal information and I told him when I got his personal info, I was going to post it on the blog.
Then harry started screaming that was a threat and got me banned once again.
Harry is a lone gay man who is ashamed of being outted as "gay". Even the courts have ruled that being called gay is no slur anymore. Harry can come out of the closet with his German flag in one hand and his bright multicolored rainbow parade flag in the other.
He's butthurt that he tries to act nice but then turns on people and they delete him off skype. I did twice. The last time was for good. He's a sick ass narcissist who revels in tormenting others so he can have a good old jack off session.
If anyone has his real information, send it to me:
I'll make sure he gets more attention than he ever wanted ! All of Germany will know about him and his gay red room and how one anti american gay german can espouse such anti gay and anti american remarks in public chat and still be employed by battlecam and their parent company Filmon.com.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
whining on blogs
someone told me to whine on a blog again. Ok
I just took my sleeping medicine and pain pills and it's been an hour and they haven't kicked in yet.
This week I have to go through emails and answer a few more questions and document them before I am ready to file a federal lawsuit to get vindicated, which is very very important to me. I make no bones that I no better than anyone else out there. I also do not apologize for sticking up for anyone I feel like chatting with and don't feel the need to run with a crowd that wants to tell me or anyone else who they can and can't chat with.
I used to consider myself quite normal. After i got screwed over, I never thought it would affect me that badly. It took a long time to get over realizing the person who did it really could not care less. I did feel pretty damn good one night I heard him calling Blue eyes, "delluded", "delirious", and "psychotic".
Considering my character versus that of his, I now consider myself normal even if I do feel like shit.
Imagine a day when you just can't get up out of bed because you just don't care.
Imagine waiting so long to get into court you think it will never truly happen until you finally realize it
is in FACT a reality that it will happen.
Know this. On my worst day, I would never ask anyone to shit or piss on themselves for entertainment.
I would NEVER threaten anyone to try and silence them if they had an argument with me. If I owed
someone money, I'd pay them the minute I laid my hands on some.
It's coming. It's coming soon. Before the end of the year for sure. Good or bad, at least I'll have my say in court and have a bunch of lies about me proven false.
That alone, disregarding money, will set me on cloud 9.
I went and saw PLUNGED and he made me laugh. That guy knows what he is doing and what he says and it really pisses some people off that he makes fun of conmen, scammers and ass kissers.
again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PEACHY !! I know I said it once but I'll say it again !
Susie made vikki rant this past week so lets all slap her hands with a ruler !
Vikki, get sleep be well. Your thoughts have carried you places I have been and it's not worth it.
OG Mike, congrats on your new skype modeling job ! Other models would be so jelly to see your rate.
I just took my sleeping medicine and pain pills and it's been an hour and they haven't kicked in yet.
This week I have to go through emails and answer a few more questions and document them before I am ready to file a federal lawsuit to get vindicated, which is very very important to me. I make no bones that I no better than anyone else out there. I also do not apologize for sticking up for anyone I feel like chatting with and don't feel the need to run with a crowd that wants to tell me or anyone else who they can and can't chat with.
I used to consider myself quite normal. After i got screwed over, I never thought it would affect me that badly. It took a long time to get over realizing the person who did it really could not care less. I did feel pretty damn good one night I heard him calling Blue eyes, "delluded", "delirious", and "psychotic".
Considering my character versus that of his, I now consider myself normal even if I do feel like shit.
Imagine a day when you just can't get up out of bed because you just don't care.
Imagine waiting so long to get into court you think it will never truly happen until you finally realize it
is in FACT a reality that it will happen.
Know this. On my worst day, I would never ask anyone to shit or piss on themselves for entertainment.
I would NEVER threaten anyone to try and silence them if they had an argument with me. If I owed
someone money, I'd pay them the minute I laid my hands on some.
It's coming. It's coming soon. Before the end of the year for sure. Good or bad, at least I'll have my say in court and have a bunch of lies about me proven false.
That alone, disregarding money, will set me on cloud 9.
I went and saw PLUNGED and he made me laugh. That guy knows what he is doing and what he says and it really pisses some people off that he makes fun of conmen, scammers and ass kissers.
again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PEACHY !! I know I said it once but I'll say it again !
Susie made vikki rant this past week so lets all slap her hands with a ruler !
Vikki, get sleep be well. Your thoughts have carried you places I have been and it's not worth it.
OG Mike, congrats on your new skype modeling job ! Other models would be so jelly to see your rate.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Gofundme, begging or deceiving?
It seems some of the scammers have now found out about Gofundme. It's a site that is supposed to allow you to raise money for a charity, you or your child with cancer or special projects.
There is also another side to gofundme you should know about. Something you do not see unless you sign up and make an account.
When you see Jane Doe had raised $3,100 of her goal of $5,000 you would assume that $3,100 has come from all her efforts on the gofundme site. Not true at all. It is possible that someone actually donated $100 to Janes fundraiser.
As a registered fundraiser you can then "add money from outside sources". So if you want ot enter "John $3,000" and there is not John, it now looks like you have $3,100 in your account and that people are donating to your worthy cause.
In my opinion this is a tremendous fraud being perpetrated on the unknowing donor. One would assume that those funds raised came from the site itself through paypal or wepay.
You could add multiple donors ! Add 2 dozen names with small amounts and it really looks like people are on your bandwagon to donations. It states that if people give you money outside of gofundme, you can add that money to your fundraising campaign. Why would anyone do that? Add money?? Your campaign on Gofundme would be the amount you expect and hope to legitimately raise from being an account holder on that site.
I just don't like the idea that a user can manipulate the figures and amount of donors on their own fundraising attempts. It doesn't allow any donor to know this is going on. It's blatant deception in my opinion.
The shoutbox was flooded with chat about Moonboots and King Vamp using Vamps statement that he did not get paid and Moonboots line was "to get the truth". I was surprised Moonboots had anything to do with it. Those sudden rise to $8,000 in donations were clearly created as a troll. Gofundme cancelled both of their accounts when they were reported.
Other scammers will soon lineup and join the bandwagon as an easy way to try and scam, beg and con people out of money when they just won't log off the internet and go get a damn job.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
They would follow harry over a cliff
This was taken from the jtvwoodshed blog under the haskel chatango. They were ripe to throw harry on a pit of fire and roast marshmallows over his burning ashes so I thought I'd give them a venue to spout off ! Once revealed, suddenly mac appeared and I was banned lol. That guy is a bigass liar so don't ever believe a thing in the world that comes out of his mouth. Has everyone seen macgregors youtube video's? I'll post them soon.

Monday, October 8, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Saturday, September 8, 2012
I have suddenly been asked........
A few people have contacted me about "upcoming current events" and said that some sites give away prizes and even money.
All I have to say is that I had an idea for a website and I believe it has not come to fruition at this time.
Please allow me to quote :
"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I love you all and hope sweet baby jesus shines down on you!
If not, find a bottle and bury yourself in it for the rest of your life because without love and friends, you have no hope.
All I have to say is that I had an idea for a website and I believe it has not come to fruition at this time.
Please allow me to quote :
"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I love you all and hope sweet baby jesus shines down on you!
If not, find a bottle and bury yourself in it for the rest of your life because without love and friends, you have no hope.
What is dean doing?
It took Dean 1 minute 42 seconds to complete :
His exercises to tighten his butt muscles for Davelive.
In 1:42 buckle my shoe, he counted all of them.
In 1:42 he chased his cat for sex and lost.
In 1:42 he practiced bowing to harry_balzac being his living God.
In 1:42 he proved "yes, I really am this gay".
In 1:42 he washed, iron and pressed his hat his bf uses to pull him down harder than he would normally go
In 1:42 he can suck the creme filling out of a 4 pack of creme horns
without breaking a flake off their fragile shells
In 1:42 he proved sadly that he's the best talent currently on bc!!
His exercises to tighten his butt muscles for Davelive.
In 1:42 buckle my shoe, he counted all of them.
In 1:42 he chased his cat for sex and lost.
In 1:42 he practiced bowing to harry_balzac being his living God.
In 1:42 he proved "yes, I really am this gay".
In 1:42 he washed, iron and pressed his hat his bf uses to pull him down harder than he would normally go
In 1:42 he can suck the creme filling out of a 4 pack of creme horns
without breaking a flake off their fragile shells
In 1:42 he proved sadly that he's the best talent currently on bc!!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Macs shitbox starts a war they can't win
First, macs shoutbox is jtvwoodshed.blogspot.com
Most of you know about the continued harassment from the shitbox. NOT ALL of them are doing it. They want to troll Vikki, that's just fine. But everyday? We've talked about this on 3 blogs already.
Tonight, I was not doing a thing and they all started on me. Look above where DFW says to open multiple tabs. Why? Harassment and cyberbullying.
Fine, if they want to play war, we can too ! On the shoutbox...errrr.. shitbox, if you flag someone and enough people flag them they are automatically cut off from chatting in their own shoutbox for about 3 hours !!
So, when they come in to attack and play war, all we have to do is get a group of people to go to the blog and start flagging them until they can't type on their own blog and learn to let sleeping dogs lie.
Suddenly, they are saying "Why would troll2 tell them to do this?" Oh brother, like I care? Again, tonight I wasn't bothering anyone and all of the sudden you want to play? LET'S PLAY !
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Baby sex is funny on Davelive show
Here is Davelive on battlecam.com laughing at adult sex with children. Dinty was stating that Taiwanese families will suck on male babies "cocks" when they cry in order to shut them up. Dave broke out laughing. I just about puked.
Dinty went on to say that Japanese families used to do the same thing in their culture but stopped in about 1950. Dave asked Dinty where he got this information and Dinty said he was "culturally informed".
Any sexual act with a child is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of. Did they both not realize this was so distasteful that they should stop the god damn conversation??
Then Dave went on to make fun of a user called Ben who was playing a song "sound of silence" with his guitar. Dave blew up his picture and circled his "googly eye". What part of this show is the least it funny?
See my luck?
I thought I had picked a good firm for an attorney. After reviewing the matter, they suggest I file a complaint with the US Attorney Generals Office. Maybe I should have flat out typed a 50/50 split lol. I will pick another one on my list but include more info and a split to make sure they want to take the case. I will file anyway with the Attorney Generals office to see what they say. I'm including everything this time for them including the threats. I'll post again when I hear back from them.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Macs shitbox at it again !
That bitch !! Nancy Jane, that dirty bitch !!!
How dare she make friends with someone the entire shitbox lives to hate. That rotten backstabbing bitch ! Well, we don't want her around anymore either ! B I T C H !!
They still just don't get that A. People can change and B. and most importantly, no one has the right to tell anyone who they can and cannot be friends with.
If you do NOT like who the shitbox likes and if you do NOT hate who the shitbox hates then you are drummed out of the shitbox shit society club.
People have even been posing as me, troll2 (there I got the first person, happy !?) and pm'ing nasty hateful things to a few really cool people on the shoutbox. A few of them really do know that it is not me. I was there one day and someone pretended to be "mac" and asked me all sorts of questions. Mac was there so I pm'ed him "are you chatting to me in a pm under an anon account?". He said no. Evidently a lot of that goes on there. Someone will pretend to be someone else and then start pm'ing the hate to try and stir the shit.
If I have something to say, I just say it.
We discussed again yesterday when I was on Vikki's channel. A few people wanted me to leave and not be there. I once again pointed out that you can troll Vikki all you want. BUT, everyday? every single day? every minute and hour of each day? I'm telling you people it gets old as shit.
Then I hear "well well you don't know what she's said to us". BITCH PLEASE Vikki has told me to fuck off so many times when she first came on, I laughed my ass off she even said my name. You troll someone to get a response. Then when you don't like what they have to say you want everyone to hate them for what "they have done in the past". People change.
As most of you have been watching, this past few weeks, we have had some pretty damn good chats going on over there. No trouble, an occasional troll pops in but nothing major. We continue to talk. We talk about food, the weather, food, gardening, food, popular songs and food !
What I really notice, is that when the chat is actually going well and people are having a pretty good time, I still look at the shoutbox and it comes almost to a crawl because there is nothing to hate about. We chat, a few people still type that we should not be there.
Anyone from the shoutbox is more than welcome to come into Vikki's room and chat. If you really don't care to do that, hit me up and we'll go to the PD, public domain room on Vaughn and we'll chat while we make fun of the cheesy movie being played !
I want to take this time to wish everyone a great week, plentiful food and good friends. Remember, you or anyone else could die and this all seems so unimportant in the big scheme of things.
No worries, if you die, i'll be in the back of the funeral home laughing as I paint your face with some of Bish's blood and make you look like a clown before they close the lid ! Yes, I am that big of a prick.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Anna trolls TricepBrah, how rude !
Did you all see anna on main flip off TricepBrah?
This shocking display was so unladylike and low class that I personally was shocked. FLOORED that a female would come on and so vulgarly display her middle finger towards a very nice person.
Isn't SHE/HE the one that constantly says "I do not troll anyone". Poor Tricepbrah comes on to have a good time and anna can just flip him off for fun and them cam down? He even asked for an apology on the way he has been treated and she refused. I and many others would never tolerate such rude, vile behavior. Poor Tricepbrah, I hope he doesn't think everyone else is this low class!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Davelive's debut was the nail in his coffin
Turns out Davelive didn't miss anyone on his show last night. He cut them down to the quick. Insulted them, humiliated them all in the name of his idea of fun to suck up more to Alki to get paid for doing that all the time.
Nothing less than furor is going from site to site as people who weren't even mentioned said it was a terrible tacky show and he bombed.
Since nudity is allowed on the blogs as long as you put the warning page up that tells people it's going to be on here, I'll post all of daves pics as soon as I get them.
Remember them? Davelive used to bash Funboy all the time on battlecam.com main for being a "fag". Funboy found pictures of davelive as "bikerdave" in an online profile. He was checked off as "bisexual". He posed in his speedo's in the bathroom while taking pictures of himself. One with an erection popping out for his biker fans.
Suddenly, Davelive hates Funboy with a passion. A wild mad passion. Turns out that Dave likes to dish it out but can't take it !
If you don't want your pics put out, don't get nude on the internet. He will say they are "photoshopped" but anyone can clearly see they are originals and dave wanted all the boys to see "dat ass".
Many users were clearly offended by that broadcast. Many others now refuse to broadcast so they don't wind up on the GayLive show to be mad sport of. With the late night show being moved up to the 10 pm pst slot, will more people complain as the show offends?
Only the FCC will know. Will Davelive be able to quit his job and do that show fulltime for a living- in a huge asian market? He hasn't got a chinamans chance in hell.
Nothing less than furor is going from site to site as people who weren't even mentioned said it was a terrible tacky show and he bombed.
Since nudity is allowed on the blogs as long as you put the warning page up that tells people it's going to be on here, I'll post all of daves pics as soon as I get them.
Remember them? Davelive used to bash Funboy all the time on battlecam.com main for being a "fag". Funboy found pictures of davelive as "bikerdave" in an online profile. He was checked off as "bisexual". He posed in his speedo's in the bathroom while taking pictures of himself. One with an erection popping out for his biker fans.
Suddenly, Davelive hates Funboy with a passion. A wild mad passion. Turns out that Dave likes to dish it out but can't take it !
If you don't want your pics put out, don't get nude on the internet. He will say they are "photoshopped" but anyone can clearly see they are originals and dave wanted all the boys to see "dat ass".
Many users were clearly offended by that broadcast. Many others now refuse to broadcast so they don't wind up on the GayLive show to be mad sport of. With the late night show being moved up to the 10 pm pst slot, will more people complain as the show offends?
Only the FCC will know. Will Davelive be able to quit his job and do that show fulltime for a living- in a huge asian market? He hasn't got a chinamans chance in hell.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Battlecam.com DaveLive show mockery
He just told someone to write down to make fun of Jeff and his teeth. Who the hell would go on davelives show, even in that small market to expose themselves to the public to let dave make fun of them for sport at their expense? Where is funboy? I need more pics ! trollarmy@yahoo.com I'll expose dave for his public !!
"error of dinty" a troll2 line, being used without credit !! **I** was the FIRST to call the "era of dinty" the error of dinty. How lame to steal others comedy !
As always you can see Davelive on cam with at least one guy on his knee's. Dave is gearing up for the biggest catastrophic event in his entire life. To make fun of others on chinese tv while ruining what little dignity he has left.
Davelive will have guests appear on his show. Remember that this is HIS show and unspoken rules will say "This isn't the fuckin Cosbys or Tyler House of PAIN show, it's the davelive show so alex, yg and dean will not be allowed on due to my new "no blacks on cam rule".
Begging is also banned so zoltard and chrome tuna will have to shove those chip ins up their ass.
This is going to fail bigtime. It will live on in youtube video's as the most epic failure of daves sheltered bisexual life. Remember, in the true spirit of trolldome to laugh in his face everytime you see him and rub it in bigtime that all his efforts were for NOTHING and that he really was THE BIGGEST LOSER !
battlecam.com fake counts are higher than Missy's weight
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Why am I so mad? yeah mad !
There is a group of people that think I am mad and "just can't let things go". So, I'll do my best to give you a fine example of why that can happen to you or me.
When I bought the stock, I bought 30,0000 shares. I am going to round up some numbers so do not count the figures as exact and the same goes with dates. I'm not going to try and put everything in chronological order just for this story.. I was an admin in the filmon/chat room. Anyone who came in and could not get their filmon hdi stand alone player working - we helped. He had two other people on there to monitor chat and help out. They were part time and were paid, I was not. I did not or would not charge my friend to help him out in anything he wanted to do as long as I was online and able. I always saw him as a get up and go kinda guy. A move and shaker. A pound the pavement and get things moving guy. ( I at no time knew he was the son of a wealthy family, nor did that ever factor even one time.)
Staying in that chat room made me feel pretty damn good. I was helping out my friend and at the same time helping out FilmOn and my investment. People would come in and their player wasn't working and they wanted to watch the BBC or some other UK channel that they could not get in the country they lived in. They literally gloated with happiness once they shut down other applications they did not need running and allow the player to have full bandwidth and display their shows. THANKS THANKS THANK YOU !
People were literally thrilled. As time went by, that made me ever so confident that I did the right thing by investing in Filmon.
After I invested, about three months later the stock was taken off the market and privately held. One day I logged on to FilmOn chat and it wouldn't even load. I emailed alki as usual and got no response. I emailed Kutovoy and he said it was now shut down and it was alki's decision. What? I had been doing there to help out everyday and he shuts it off without even one word to me? wtf?
About a month later, someone emailed me to go to www.battlecam.com Oh brother, we all know that story. I felt it was a complete slap in the face to an EXACT story I had told him about a site I wanted to start. I have a witness. He replied "You've got something there".
Yet, after 16.5 yrs he shuts off the chat room where I was helping people with no explanation to me?
I was extremely upset and hurt. We all know the rest of that story. Banned, but not for that reason.
I was floored. Hell if it was that good of an idea to him, he would have only have said not only "you have something there " but he could have thrown in "I'd like to run with that". What would I have said? Yes. He was my best friend online and he could have just had the fucking idea. I would have liked my name somewhere, somehow that I contributed. I would have assumed I even got offered admin, but oh no, I did not even know about it until I was emailed.
YES, I was upset, irate. I told him to just give me my money back and that we were no longer friends and that some of his actions would make us not friends even if an investment wasn't involved.
He told me that "I knew you would do something like this from the start. YOU MAKE ME SICK. YOU ARE DRUGGED UP TO YOUR EYEBALLS ON MEDS and I never told you to buy my stock EVER. I NEVER TOLD YOU TO BUY IT.
I sent him an email where he tells me all about it and not only that he was going to have Filmon available for everyone to watch from home but he asked me to sell it for him twice !!!
He replied back "well, by then you had already bought stock and I just hoped for the best".
I wrote back "Oh no, you told me to buy it twice in like feb and march. I did NOT buy stock until July. I wanted to make that point clear. He scuffed it off.
Prior to investing, I had never done anything like that before and after reading and reading about stocks and different companies, I found one company I wanted to invest in and "take the risk". It was a company called NETFLIX. At the time, people were calling up and telling them what cd's they wanted and then they'd get them in the mail. Keep them as long as you like and when you return them you get more of the movies on your list. A lot of people found that to be a great service. I on the other hand would just run down to the local mom and pop shop or convenient store and rent a movie for .99 cents. It didn't really thrill me but I saw all the commercials and people loved it.
THEN, Netflix made an announcement publicly. They were now offering a service to allow users to watch Netflix directly from their tv and remote control. Watch any movie without sending them all back and forth in the mail. WOW ! I just KNEW that was going to make that company skyrocket in popularity. Again, I never invested in any company and when you looked at their stock price it was under $20 a share and I had a great feeling that it would go even higher as more and more people dropped the mail service and signed up to just watch Netflix from their tv anytime of the day or night.
I told alki this. He told me that he was going to have that service too for FilmOn.com. Considering he was a longtime friend of 16.5 years at that time was the deciding factor in my purchasing his stock over Netflix.
(How I regret that decision to this day. For those that followed along, Netflix grew to about $300 a share !)
If I had sold at $600,000, after taxes I would have easily cleared $400,000 and been set !
Everyone has different goals, dreams or standards they hope for to quit or retire. For some, $400k wouldn't even be enough to buy their dream house let alone maintain it.
I was told that I was being given a gift of shares from my 30,000 up to 300,000 shares due to a consolidation of the stock. Wow ! Things like that just don't happen to people like me.
Alki later private messaged me that the stock would be going public again and go for 5x to 10 the last old price. "NO 10x " he said. The last price was about .50-.70 cents a share. At $7.00 a share, my 300,000 shares were now worth possibly 2 million. While no one could guarantee liquidity right away when it started selling on the market, it was going to start trading again. I think it started and remained at $6.65 cents.
Once it was back on the market, Alki had listed it under another stock symbol. I bought 30,000 shares for about $38,900 and the symbol was 2FOA.F. Now Alki had the new symbol at FMX.F.
I was told that my 30,000 shares of original shares were being converted to the new symbol. Instead of owning 30,000 shares, I now owned 300 shares of FMX.F. .... WHAT????
I said that you just devalued my investment by dividing the stock by 100 and my $38.9k investment was now worth about $2,100.00. And filmon is still growing ? wtf?
I emailed him and said that you divided by 100 and now I only own 300 shares? He replied back and said "I did not divide by 100... I divided by 100 ". wut?
He told me that if I ever wanted to see any of that money back I had better be nice to him. what?
I stopped emailing for awhile so he would not without my money from me since we were no longer friends.
Later, I pointed out that when he started Filmon, a company accused him of stealing their proprietary channels and bandwidth and they were coming into the filmon chat room and demanding it stop. They came in day after day. I emailed alki and he replied "FUCK HIM".
Later, when Sky sports channel was added to the lineup of the hd player, a ton of people came in because the Championship Game was going to be on in a few days and they wanted to watch it. They bought their subscription and were THRILLED that they got to see the game. After the game, Sky was off the channel lineup and everyone was coming in screaming . "I signed up for a year and Sky is no longer on the channel list... wtf?? " I emailed alki and got no answer so told them all that legal agreements were being worked out. Later Alki said someone threatened him and I told him to make sure he had someone always around him. He said "no they had the right to threaten me, I was stealing their signals (Sky) form the UK.
Later, CBS et al filed for a temporary injunction and won . They said he was broadcasting their signals illegally..
I told him that he should have disclosed the fact that when I bought stock and anyone else bought stock, he did NOT have those proper licensing agreements in place. We saw Filmon and what was on it but those channels has NO legal agreements to be aired, hence the legal actions.
Then alki said he'd return my money. I posted that "He did not have the agreements and should have disclosed this from day one. I would not have invested. It's like loaning a billionaire $38.9k a ZERO interest loan for 2 years and 3 months. Later, Alki said that he'd buy back any original stock for what they paid plus 10 %. I told him I did not want the 10% back because that was never ever mentioned in any way shape or from as part of investing in Filmon. He said I was being pious and acting too good to take that 10%. It was NOT supposed to work out that way. Basically just a loan?
300 shares? $2,100.00?? No no no. do not do this.. no way.. FilmOn is growing... I told everyone about FilmOn and the stock. My entire family and relatives. Everyone at work. Doctors , dentist office. Everyone I knew. Not only told them about FilmOn and they also have stock but if you signed up on the Filmon bloomberg page and registered you got 10 FREE SHARES OF STOCK. ( that also turned out to be untrue and I did not know :( People were asking me where their 10 free shares where)
300,000 shares? I'd sell for $2.00 a share and still have $450,000 or so in the bank. At that time, when he was telling me that it WAS going to go back on the market for 10X the price, I honestly thought that for every year I had ever done something for my relatives and done without stuff myself so they'd have a better life, it was going to be like being silently rewarded. Around here in Ohio, you can get a lot of bang for your buck, even in 2012.
I bought stock in july 2009. Later, when he told me it was due to a stock consolidation, of course, I was thrilled and elated. I was really almost humbled for the fact that through his hard work and my efforts helping out that I was going to be able to quit my job. I was going to buy my mom a new small one floor plan house so she could finally have something nice to live in until she died. My neice was in college and had a few more years to go. When she graduated college, she would get the money to buy a brand new small car and enough money to pay for her insurance and gasoline for a few years so she'd have no payments. That was going to be my gift to her. She was such a good kid. Her dad told her that he did not want her anymore when she was 6. Although I am just an uncle I have tried my best to give her even more to help compensate for the fact her father was trash. I never once said anything bad about him in front of her. I'm sure a lot of you have relatives you'd just love to push off a cliff.
For my other nephew who was about 22, I was going to get him a new small pick up truck so he'd have it paid for. That's the only thing he asked for. I told him, i'd buy one small repo'ed house and show him how to convert it easily and do ALL THE WORK himself so he'd have about $500 a month income for the rest of his life, minus maintenance as the years went by.
I want to make this point clear. Alki did refund my original monies. He bought the 300 shares of FMX on the open market and then in a separate transaction paid the balance of the $38.9 k.
I was floored. Shocked, ruined. I told him he ruined me. There I was on Filmon chat room during 2008 and 2009 and part of 2010? and then it all got shut off. He TOLD me to "tell everyone" and to "spread the news" because he had a lot riding on this. I could not have done more to help out my friend. When he sent me the email that my stock rose from 30,000 shares to 300,000 and that it was possibly going to start at $7.00 a share, I couldn't believe it. THAT is when I updated friends, family, people at work, etc, that I would be quitting around July of 2010. THAT is when I was able to finally tell my family that it looks like for once in my life my decision to side with Alki was going to pay off. That is when they started to jokingly ask for a car for the niece and nephew. That's when I told my mom that I would have more than enough money to get her a small one floor plan house . Washer and drying on the first floor and a nice kitchen so she could really enjoy the rest of her life. I was going to buy my kid sister a house in MY name so no one could ever take it away from her and she and her husband and their son, my nephew with a small disability would finally have the security that they'd have a roof over their head forever.
When alki and I got into our email fights, I was floored. I told him he ruined me and to not do this. I honestly believe it was the fact that he now despised me that he was only returning the original money. I had the email stating I owned 300,000 shares !!!!! He later said "those were a personal gift he no longer wanted me to have". NO NO NO NO don't do this ! I told everyone like he asked !! I'm ruined !
Suddenly, I could not buy my mom that new home. Suddenly the time rolled around and my niece graduated from 4 years of college and I could not buy her that car. My nephew who was 22 and staying here, moved out thinking that I was just lying to him all this time and that I was just not going to buy him a new vehicle.
damn. After helping out and doing exactly as I was asked I got fucked. I told everyone and then had to go back around and tell them that I could not buy them that stuff. I was not going to be able to leave the employment. Boy did some of those people constantly rub it in :( Alki made a huge fool out of me at work and there were days I didn't even want to go in anymore. The harassment was almost intolerable.
I was embarrassed beyond belief. I did not want to leave the house. I was so humiliated all this came to backfire in my face. I was ruined. I was only getting my original money back yet FilmOn STILL grows?
I did not deserve that. I told him that if he did not lie to me in the beginning I would have bought Netflix and this would not even be an issue. I told him if he had not lied to me I would NOT be in this humiliated situation I am now in.
After I thought I was going to be able to sell for at least $2.00 that would be about $600,000. I would certainly be able to buy all those things I promised.
In 16.5 years, I never asked alki for one thing. Not one dime. Ever. I did ask him to loan me $78k to get a foreclosure house for my kid sister and her son with a disability. He said "No". I did wonder at the time "wtf?" because I owned those 300,000 shares and told him he could set any terms of the loan he wanted.
I borrowed the money thinking that when the stock sold, I would write a check and pay it off. In addition, unknown to me, when I told my mom she could have a new house and that I would be able to give her a nice check to put in her checking account that would last her until she died. I did not know that a few of my relatives started asking her for things NOW. She started letting them use her charge cards. Yes, oh no ! I did not know that was going on. I did wonder once where a few of my relatives were getting all this new stuff.
After I told my mom that I would not be able to buy her a house, she said that was ok. About a half hour later, I went back to talk to her and she was crying. god damn, grrrrrr.
A week or so later, she said "you are going to be really mad at me". I said of course "never". She told met that she thought she'd have that money in the bank and people started asking her for stuff they needed and she let them use her charge cards and now she owed a total of about $15,000 in charge card debt. OMG, those rotten fucking relatives. What scum. What lowlifes.
I've probably left a lot out and needed to move a few paragraphs around but you'll get the jist of why I am so mad all this time. I got my original money back but then went into debt myself which I NEVER would have done had I not believed he would keep his word. I did NOT know she had $15,000 in debt because she believed ME when I believed HIM.
He's ruined me. He actually told me "maybe we'll meet someday and shake hands over all this". He then said that when he put the stock back up on the market again, he'd let me know but I should not invest that much into it and start out small.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If I bought 30,000 shares of 2FOAF and he switched the symbols and technically it was now worth $2,100 of FMX why would I buy again? I would buy $50,000 of FMX and when he pulled it off the market and reposted it again, he could just as easily change the symbol once again and start it out at a higher price while only refunding me my original $50,000.
Shake hands? It would have been a long term goal to someday meet alki. After knowing him almost 18 yrs on the internet I would plan someday how to meet him. I even wrote him about it.
I said that someday he'll be outside promoting some band or singer and there would be 50,000 in the crowd. I'd make my way up and hand one of his guys a note on the steps of the stage. On the note it said "for alki david". I back away and see him open the note . Inside the note simply told him it was me and that I was in the crowd. He scribbles something back on the note and it blows out of the guys hand and onto the ground. I pick up the note and open it and it says "kill the bastard that gave you this note !!".
I asked him to settle this. No, he owes me nothing. I am drugged to the eyeballs. He never told me to buy that stock and putting a positive spin on it was the worst thing he could do. Again with those same lies I have emails to prove he's lying. If not for his lies, I would have bought and sold Netflix by this time and been set. So when he told all of battlecam that he never told me to buy that stock and I bought it on the open market despite his objections, I asked him to tell everyone that was an absolute lie. He refuses.
So, when some of you wonder why I am still mad and "just can't let it go", I can't. It will bother me probably for the rest of my life. I told alki, "On my dying deathbed, I will say that you cheated me".
One of the last emails he sent me was saying that I was going on battlecam and "making death threats" and he'd report me to the FBI. I have never on any chat channel, email or post ever threatened any ones life in my entire life. I assumed after 16.5 years I thought the friendship was rock solid that he'd credit me for that much. I reminded him that he is the one who is on record two, possibly three times for threatening people.
When that Joe Mullin reporter wrote a story about Alki and Filmon that Alki did not like, he came on cam eating a bowl of soup and said to call up the "fag from San Fran and give him death threats". He gave out his name again and his telephone number and yes, people called up Joe and gave him death threats. I let him know where that was coming from. I had to do it. I did not want some poor guy wondering what was going on and why he was getting death threats. I could not imagine some poor bastard looking over his shoulder and always wonder why he got those calls.
The previous email, when I spoke of suing and settling he was going to tell everyone he knows my real name and my employer and have them call them up and tell them that I am a "lunatic madman".
So, sometimes when I say I am depressed you might realize why now. I am not the least bit ashamed of being depressed over this. There are days I don't even want to get out of bed. Maybe in the eyes of the legal system everything he did was above board and I am just totally wrong. A lawsuit settles a dispute among two parties. It is a fucking shame that even has to be an option in order to settle this , win or lose on my end just so I can let it go.
Lastly, one of the last civil emails he sent me he stated he can be a dishonest person and has an ego. He told me that mabye he does remember me saying something about a website and prizes. Maybe he should have been more open and truthful all along.
I did NOT know things were going bad. I did what he asked to help him, FilmOn and myself and any other person that invested. Those investments are dreams of a lifetime to get in on. It was all legal. AT no time did I ever ask him to disclose anything to me that he did not make public FIRST. It's hard to swallow the fact that I did not know all this was going on. I did not know things were not going to go well when he did. He not only knew, but knew I was offering gifts to a rare few family members that I wanted them to have a few things.
When it eventually goes to court, I'm sure I'll get awarded more money than I would have sold out on $2.00 for. I'll tell the attorney that he can keep 80% of the judgement just for vindicating me.
Ok, done. that out to give even the lamest of you trolls enough ammo to use !
"hey, troll2 wanna by some swampland ?" I can hear them now.
When I bought the stock, I bought 30,0000 shares. I am going to round up some numbers so do not count the figures as exact and the same goes with dates. I'm not going to try and put everything in chronological order just for this story.. I was an admin in the filmon/chat room. Anyone who came in and could not get their filmon hdi stand alone player working - we helped. He had two other people on there to monitor chat and help out. They were part time and were paid, I was not. I did not or would not charge my friend to help him out in anything he wanted to do as long as I was online and able. I always saw him as a get up and go kinda guy. A move and shaker. A pound the pavement and get things moving guy. ( I at no time knew he was the son of a wealthy family, nor did that ever factor even one time.)
Staying in that chat room made me feel pretty damn good. I was helping out my friend and at the same time helping out FilmOn and my investment. People would come in and their player wasn't working and they wanted to watch the BBC or some other UK channel that they could not get in the country they lived in. They literally gloated with happiness once they shut down other applications they did not need running and allow the player to have full bandwidth and display their shows. THANKS THANKS THANK YOU !
People were literally thrilled. As time went by, that made me ever so confident that I did the right thing by investing in Filmon.
After I invested, about three months later the stock was taken off the market and privately held. One day I logged on to FilmOn chat and it wouldn't even load. I emailed alki as usual and got no response. I emailed Kutovoy and he said it was now shut down and it was alki's decision. What? I had been doing there to help out everyday and he shuts it off without even one word to me? wtf?
About a month later, someone emailed me to go to www.battlecam.com Oh brother, we all know that story. I felt it was a complete slap in the face to an EXACT story I had told him about a site I wanted to start. I have a witness. He replied "You've got something there".
Yet, after 16.5 yrs he shuts off the chat room where I was helping people with no explanation to me?
I was extremely upset and hurt. We all know the rest of that story. Banned, but not for that reason.
I was floored. Hell if it was that good of an idea to him, he would have only have said not only "you have something there " but he could have thrown in "I'd like to run with that". What would I have said? Yes. He was my best friend online and he could have just had the fucking idea. I would have liked my name somewhere, somehow that I contributed. I would have assumed I even got offered admin, but oh no, I did not even know about it until I was emailed.
YES, I was upset, irate. I told him to just give me my money back and that we were no longer friends and that some of his actions would make us not friends even if an investment wasn't involved.
He told me that "I knew you would do something like this from the start. YOU MAKE ME SICK. YOU ARE DRUGGED UP TO YOUR EYEBALLS ON MEDS and I never told you to buy my stock EVER. I NEVER TOLD YOU TO BUY IT.
I sent him an email where he tells me all about it and not only that he was going to have Filmon available for everyone to watch from home but he asked me to sell it for him twice !!!
He replied back "well, by then you had already bought stock and I just hoped for the best".
I wrote back "Oh no, you told me to buy it twice in like feb and march. I did NOT buy stock until July. I wanted to make that point clear. He scuffed it off.
Prior to investing, I had never done anything like that before and after reading and reading about stocks and different companies, I found one company I wanted to invest in and "take the risk". It was a company called NETFLIX. At the time, people were calling up and telling them what cd's they wanted and then they'd get them in the mail. Keep them as long as you like and when you return them you get more of the movies on your list. A lot of people found that to be a great service. I on the other hand would just run down to the local mom and pop shop or convenient store and rent a movie for .99 cents. It didn't really thrill me but I saw all the commercials and people loved it.
THEN, Netflix made an announcement publicly. They were now offering a service to allow users to watch Netflix directly from their tv and remote control. Watch any movie without sending them all back and forth in the mail. WOW ! I just KNEW that was going to make that company skyrocket in popularity. Again, I never invested in any company and when you looked at their stock price it was under $20 a share and I had a great feeling that it would go even higher as more and more people dropped the mail service and signed up to just watch Netflix from their tv anytime of the day or night.
I told alki this. He told me that he was going to have that service too for FilmOn.com. Considering he was a longtime friend of 16.5 years at that time was the deciding factor in my purchasing his stock over Netflix.
(How I regret that decision to this day. For those that followed along, Netflix grew to about $300 a share !)
If I had sold at $600,000, after taxes I would have easily cleared $400,000 and been set !
Everyone has different goals, dreams or standards they hope for to quit or retire. For some, $400k wouldn't even be enough to buy their dream house let alone maintain it.
I was told that I was being given a gift of shares from my 30,000 up to 300,000 shares due to a consolidation of the stock. Wow ! Things like that just don't happen to people like me.
Alki later private messaged me that the stock would be going public again and go for 5x to 10 the last old price. "NO 10x " he said. The last price was about .50-.70 cents a share. At $7.00 a share, my 300,000 shares were now worth possibly 2 million. While no one could guarantee liquidity right away when it started selling on the market, it was going to start trading again. I think it started and remained at $6.65 cents.
Once it was back on the market, Alki had listed it under another stock symbol. I bought 30,000 shares for about $38,900 and the symbol was 2FOA.F. Now Alki had the new symbol at FMX.F.
I was told that my 30,000 shares of original shares were being converted to the new symbol. Instead of owning 30,000 shares, I now owned 300 shares of FMX.F. .... WHAT????
I said that you just devalued my investment by dividing the stock by 100 and my $38.9k investment was now worth about $2,100.00. And filmon is still growing ? wtf?
I emailed him and said that you divided by 100 and now I only own 300 shares? He replied back and said "I did not divide by 100... I divided by 100 ". wut?
He told me that if I ever wanted to see any of that money back I had better be nice to him. what?
I stopped emailing for awhile so he would not without my money from me since we were no longer friends.
Later, I pointed out that when he started Filmon, a company accused him of stealing their proprietary channels and bandwidth and they were coming into the filmon chat room and demanding it stop. They came in day after day. I emailed alki and he replied "FUCK HIM".
Later, when Sky sports channel was added to the lineup of the hd player, a ton of people came in because the Championship Game was going to be on in a few days and they wanted to watch it. They bought their subscription and were THRILLED that they got to see the game. After the game, Sky was off the channel lineup and everyone was coming in screaming . "I signed up for a year and Sky is no longer on the channel list... wtf?? " I emailed alki and got no answer so told them all that legal agreements were being worked out. Later Alki said someone threatened him and I told him to make sure he had someone always around him. He said "no they had the right to threaten me, I was stealing their signals (Sky) form the UK.
Later, CBS et al filed for a temporary injunction and won . They said he was broadcasting their signals illegally..
I told him that he should have disclosed the fact that when I bought stock and anyone else bought stock, he did NOT have those proper licensing agreements in place. We saw Filmon and what was on it but those channels has NO legal agreements to be aired, hence the legal actions.
Then alki said he'd return my money. I posted that "He did not have the agreements and should have disclosed this from day one. I would not have invested. It's like loaning a billionaire $38.9k a ZERO interest loan for 2 years and 3 months. Later, Alki said that he'd buy back any original stock for what they paid plus 10 %. I told him I did not want the 10% back because that was never ever mentioned in any way shape or from as part of investing in Filmon. He said I was being pious and acting too good to take that 10%. It was NOT supposed to work out that way. Basically just a loan?
300 shares? $2,100.00?? No no no. do not do this.. no way.. FilmOn is growing... I told everyone about FilmOn and the stock. My entire family and relatives. Everyone at work. Doctors , dentist office. Everyone I knew. Not only told them about FilmOn and they also have stock but if you signed up on the Filmon bloomberg page and registered you got 10 FREE SHARES OF STOCK. ( that also turned out to be untrue and I did not know :( People were asking me where their 10 free shares where)
300,000 shares? I'd sell for $2.00 a share and still have $450,000 or so in the bank. At that time, when he was telling me that it WAS going to go back on the market for 10X the price, I honestly thought that for every year I had ever done something for my relatives and done without stuff myself so they'd have a better life, it was going to be like being silently rewarded. Around here in Ohio, you can get a lot of bang for your buck, even in 2012.
I bought stock in july 2009. Later, when he told me it was due to a stock consolidation, of course, I was thrilled and elated. I was really almost humbled for the fact that through his hard work and my efforts helping out that I was going to be able to quit my job. I was going to buy my mom a new small one floor plan house so she could finally have something nice to live in until she died. My neice was in college and had a few more years to go. When she graduated college, she would get the money to buy a brand new small car and enough money to pay for her insurance and gasoline for a few years so she'd have no payments. That was going to be my gift to her. She was such a good kid. Her dad told her that he did not want her anymore when she was 6. Although I am just an uncle I have tried my best to give her even more to help compensate for the fact her father was trash. I never once said anything bad about him in front of her. I'm sure a lot of you have relatives you'd just love to push off a cliff.
For my other nephew who was about 22, I was going to get him a new small pick up truck so he'd have it paid for. That's the only thing he asked for. I told him, i'd buy one small repo'ed house and show him how to convert it easily and do ALL THE WORK himself so he'd have about $500 a month income for the rest of his life, minus maintenance as the years went by.
I want to make this point clear. Alki did refund my original monies. He bought the 300 shares of FMX on the open market and then in a separate transaction paid the balance of the $38.9 k.
I was floored. Shocked, ruined. I told him he ruined me. There I was on Filmon chat room during 2008 and 2009 and part of 2010? and then it all got shut off. He TOLD me to "tell everyone" and to "spread the news" because he had a lot riding on this. I could not have done more to help out my friend. When he sent me the email that my stock rose from 30,000 shares to 300,000 and that it was possibly going to start at $7.00 a share, I couldn't believe it. THAT is when I updated friends, family, people at work, etc, that I would be quitting around July of 2010. THAT is when I was able to finally tell my family that it looks like for once in my life my decision to side with Alki was going to pay off. That is when they started to jokingly ask for a car for the niece and nephew. That's when I told my mom that I would have more than enough money to get her a small one floor plan house . Washer and drying on the first floor and a nice kitchen so she could really enjoy the rest of her life. I was going to buy my kid sister a house in MY name so no one could ever take it away from her and she and her husband and their son, my nephew with a small disability would finally have the security that they'd have a roof over their head forever.
When alki and I got into our email fights, I was floored. I told him he ruined me and to not do this. I honestly believe it was the fact that he now despised me that he was only returning the original money. I had the email stating I owned 300,000 shares !!!!! He later said "those were a personal gift he no longer wanted me to have". NO NO NO NO don't do this ! I told everyone like he asked !! I'm ruined !
Suddenly, I could not buy my mom that new home. Suddenly the time rolled around and my niece graduated from 4 years of college and I could not buy her that car. My nephew who was 22 and staying here, moved out thinking that I was just lying to him all this time and that I was just not going to buy him a new vehicle.
damn. After helping out and doing exactly as I was asked I got fucked. I told everyone and then had to go back around and tell them that I could not buy them that stuff. I was not going to be able to leave the employment. Boy did some of those people constantly rub it in :( Alki made a huge fool out of me at work and there were days I didn't even want to go in anymore. The harassment was almost intolerable.
I was embarrassed beyond belief. I did not want to leave the house. I was so humiliated all this came to backfire in my face. I was ruined. I was only getting my original money back yet FilmOn STILL grows?
I did not deserve that. I told him that if he did not lie to me in the beginning I would have bought Netflix and this would not even be an issue. I told him if he had not lied to me I would NOT be in this humiliated situation I am now in.
After I thought I was going to be able to sell for at least $2.00 that would be about $600,000. I would certainly be able to buy all those things I promised.
In 16.5 years, I never asked alki for one thing. Not one dime. Ever. I did ask him to loan me $78k to get a foreclosure house for my kid sister and her son with a disability. He said "No". I did wonder at the time "wtf?" because I owned those 300,000 shares and told him he could set any terms of the loan he wanted.
I borrowed the money thinking that when the stock sold, I would write a check and pay it off. In addition, unknown to me, when I told my mom she could have a new house and that I would be able to give her a nice check to put in her checking account that would last her until she died. I did not know that a few of my relatives started asking her for things NOW. She started letting them use her charge cards. Yes, oh no ! I did not know that was going on. I did wonder once where a few of my relatives were getting all this new stuff.
After I told my mom that I would not be able to buy her a house, she said that was ok. About a half hour later, I went back to talk to her and she was crying. god damn, grrrrrr.
A week or so later, she said "you are going to be really mad at me". I said of course "never". She told met that she thought she'd have that money in the bank and people started asking her for stuff they needed and she let them use her charge cards and now she owed a total of about $15,000 in charge card debt. OMG, those rotten fucking relatives. What scum. What lowlifes.
I've probably left a lot out and needed to move a few paragraphs around but you'll get the jist of why I am so mad all this time. I got my original money back but then went into debt myself which I NEVER would have done had I not believed he would keep his word. I did NOT know she had $15,000 in debt because she believed ME when I believed HIM.
He's ruined me. He actually told me "maybe we'll meet someday and shake hands over all this". He then said that when he put the stock back up on the market again, he'd let me know but I should not invest that much into it and start out small.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If I bought 30,000 shares of 2FOAF and he switched the symbols and technically it was now worth $2,100 of FMX why would I buy again? I would buy $50,000 of FMX and when he pulled it off the market and reposted it again, he could just as easily change the symbol once again and start it out at a higher price while only refunding me my original $50,000.
Shake hands? It would have been a long term goal to someday meet alki. After knowing him almost 18 yrs on the internet I would plan someday how to meet him. I even wrote him about it.
I said that someday he'll be outside promoting some band or singer and there would be 50,000 in the crowd. I'd make my way up and hand one of his guys a note on the steps of the stage. On the note it said "for alki david". I back away and see him open the note . Inside the note simply told him it was me and that I was in the crowd. He scribbles something back on the note and it blows out of the guys hand and onto the ground. I pick up the note and open it and it says "kill the bastard that gave you this note !!".
I asked him to settle this. No, he owes me nothing. I am drugged to the eyeballs. He never told me to buy that stock and putting a positive spin on it was the worst thing he could do. Again with those same lies I have emails to prove he's lying. If not for his lies, I would have bought and sold Netflix by this time and been set. So when he told all of battlecam that he never told me to buy that stock and I bought it on the open market despite his objections, I asked him to tell everyone that was an absolute lie. He refuses.
So, when some of you wonder why I am still mad and "just can't let it go", I can't. It will bother me probably for the rest of my life. I told alki, "On my dying deathbed, I will say that you cheated me".
One of the last emails he sent me was saying that I was going on battlecam and "making death threats" and he'd report me to the FBI. I have never on any chat channel, email or post ever threatened any ones life in my entire life. I assumed after 16.5 years I thought the friendship was rock solid that he'd credit me for that much. I reminded him that he is the one who is on record two, possibly three times for threatening people.
When that Joe Mullin reporter wrote a story about Alki and Filmon that Alki did not like, he came on cam eating a bowl of soup and said to call up the "fag from San Fran and give him death threats". He gave out his name again and his telephone number and yes, people called up Joe and gave him death threats. I let him know where that was coming from. I had to do it. I did not want some poor guy wondering what was going on and why he was getting death threats. I could not imagine some poor bastard looking over his shoulder and always wonder why he got those calls.
The previous email, when I spoke of suing and settling he was going to tell everyone he knows my real name and my employer and have them call them up and tell them that I am a "lunatic madman".
So, sometimes when I say I am depressed you might realize why now. I am not the least bit ashamed of being depressed over this. There are days I don't even want to get out of bed. Maybe in the eyes of the legal system everything he did was above board and I am just totally wrong. A lawsuit settles a dispute among two parties. It is a fucking shame that even has to be an option in order to settle this , win or lose on my end just so I can let it go.
Lastly, one of the last civil emails he sent me he stated he can be a dishonest person and has an ego. He told me that mabye he does remember me saying something about a website and prizes. Maybe he should have been more open and truthful all along.
I did NOT know things were going bad. I did what he asked to help him, FilmOn and myself and any other person that invested. Those investments are dreams of a lifetime to get in on. It was all legal. AT no time did I ever ask him to disclose anything to me that he did not make public FIRST. It's hard to swallow the fact that I did not know all this was going on. I did not know things were not going to go well when he did. He not only knew, but knew I was offering gifts to a rare few family members that I wanted them to have a few things.
When it eventually goes to court, I'm sure I'll get awarded more money than I would have sold out on $2.00 for. I'll tell the attorney that he can keep 80% of the judgement just for vindicating me.
Ok, done. that out to give even the lamest of you trolls enough ammo to use !
"hey, troll2 wanna by some swampland ?" I can hear them now.
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