Saturday, November 24, 2012

Susie OWNED main and joe !

The video is of Susie owning main and joe's pathetic narcissistic ass.  From day one on joe has thought he was funny. he's told everyone he's funny. HE'S NOT FUNNY AT ALL !

Leave it to Susie to speak the hell up and tell it like it is.   I went to main to see Susie and Plunged, two of my favorite casters.  I saw Alki on trying to get joes attention. Joe sat there and insulted Alki stating that things were "just fine til he got on". Then he called for some guy in the studio to agree with him that "Alki fucked up the ratio" and he needs to keep his hands off the settings.  Joe will not work like that.  Wow.  

Then I saw Plunged  come in and he had more likes than poops but was taken off pretty damn quick.  Then I saw Susie come on and she tore into joe with both barrels.  I'm sure she'll probably get banned for that.  She's not joe, she's not getting paid to do this and her opinion means very little to the powers that be even though she's an OG CASTER and a hard knocker like Plunged, Vikki and many others who have casted during good times and bad to keep "PEOPLE" interested in staying and coming back for more.

You can read chat or macs blog.  They have all been saying lately that "alki has no clue what he's doing".  They are all saying it.  It's just that joe said it to every single person watching when he's conned his way into a job that he's not even worth the talent to give him the opportunity.  He's just about as useless as a guy could be who let's trannies suck on his penis in dark hotel rooms.  ( as he did on main).  He's disgusting. He's not funny (I love saying that because he thinks he's rodney dangerfield, mel brooks and chevy chase rolled up into one.

Why in blue blazes would you give someone an opportunity and a chance of a lifetime and have them fail on cam. Others would die to be in his place.  To make millions? No, to have the mere chance to get up on cam, on tv and even try their skills at making a program enjoyable to watch so people stayed and came back.  

Go Susie go !  I'd rather have 15 minutes of quality time with someone I liked and respected than two minutes of time with a loser.  Throughout the past few years, you, plunged, vikki and many others made time fly by and a fun experience.  

By the way, in the above video Susie starts to drown out and you can barely hear her because all of the sudden joe got on the mic and said she was fat and brought nothing to battlecam.  Then he slammed alki for not even having good internet and he lost her and could no longer comment.

Joe, go fuck yourself.  You are a loser.  An absolute no talent unfunny pain in the ass guest that just won't leave and ruins the party.  You don't leave so usually have to be thrown out.    You are like a few others that have no skills, no job and yet think through your creative genius you don't have to work and can sponge off others good graces.   Never compare yourself to Susie little man, you will lose every fucking time.



Anonymous said...

if alki is paying joe he needs to ask for a refund how unfunny can a person be

Anonymous said...

no one understands why joe was chosen. yet another fail decision.

Anonymous said...

Joe is a lot like Bish. They are both gawky, arrogant, annoying, pill poppers, absorbed with themselves, thinking their shit don't stink, wanting to do whatever they please.

Joe tries to hard to be funny when he isn't. I was happy to hear Susie put him on blast he needed it, wish many others would do the same.

LurkersAnonymous said...

i was under the impression that joe was hired TO insult alki and staff since he's done little else since moving into filmon. regardless, he was due for a good susie thumping. ty and congrats, susie. =D

Anonymous said...

did you see the votes light up when she started telling him off? she will say what others are thinking but won't cam up and say themselves. that will be next. they will figure out how to ban you when you vote up someone they don't like or want to hear tell the truth.

Anonymous said...

You wonder how long it takes Alki to realize that he's made a bad decision when everyone is constantly telling him he did. He will leave Joe there to spite us all. I move to side channels.

Anonymous said...

hello Dan Laser I mean Troll2 why would you think that fat slob owned anything??? She looked like a mental retard slurring her words like the true alcoholic she is!!! SRS some fat ass man looking dyke need to fight Alki battles. Seems time to shut down your blog and cower in your bed like the pathetic POS u are. Your gross exaggeration of who got owned is disgusting! Die K thx

JustSayin said...

Are you mad? Yes, I believe you are mad.

LurkersAnonymous said...

well, just don't make susie mad. she'll take you out with her eyes closed =D

Anonymous said...

wooohooooo loved seeing this video and joe getting owned by Susie was great !!!! Way to go Susie !!!!

Anonymous said...

Fuck Joe Wisdom.