Friday, November 2, 2012

Zolar Chaos Louie hacking video

By request, a few of you said you missed it when they hacked into other peoples computers and started screwing with them. Here you can hear zolar telling louie trey to "hit her again, hit her again".  Ordering him to  put the "meat spin" video on her computer and have it pop up. At first she laughed and thought she was trolled. It took a few minutes until she realized there was more to it then that.

They should have been prosecuted for hacking, all three of them.
Is your computer safe there?  

  This was on June 13th of this year, 2012.  If hacking is a federal crime why were they not turned in? Why are they welcomed back?

Be very wary of going into zolars channel !  


Anonymous said...

Since Vikki was a target at the time no one gave a dam including myself.

JustSayin said...

Well, they didn't have her permission to do it.

If that would have been your computer, you would have screamed like a bitch. The story was about the hacking and zolar. You shitboxers always spin it into a vikki story. Remember, you don't have to watch her channel. Get a fucking life.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm not stupid enough to click on links. I don't watch her channel no more than 5 mins. if that. You shit talk Macgregor's all the time blog but keep going there. And remember if you don't like how the blog or the shout box is run stay the hell away. Practice what you preach cry baby.

JustSayin said...

Haha. Why do I bother to have a fishing pole? Why don't I just row the boat out in the middle of the mac pond and hold out a net and let you all just jump in it !

I could go watch the blog anytime of the day or night for a week. I could log in and you are always talking about Vikki, Scott777 or Bish mostly. Anytime of the day or night someone can just pop in and they can bet $10,000 bucks that they'll walk into a convo of hate about one of them. Vaughn and even bc does not talk about the same subject matter night and day.

This is why it's so easy to get ppl riled up. Why? Cause you are guilty as charged. Again, you are free to watch or talk about anyone you want. You people do sit there and cut people down a lot. If anyone dares to say "lighten up" or they don't agree with your clan you turn on each other. That is kinda sad.

The story subject was hacking and why those three haven't been prosecuted and are still welcomed back on battlecam. I would NEVER register with my personal information and believe others need warned to use a fake email address if they don't want their info hacked into or doxed.

The next time I get a notion to write a blog I'll go back to the same subject matter. Me and my experiences of being lied to and how it's a living hell to have been duped. Then you can have something to yak about again ! Susie and jtvnews need to start theirs up again. I understand why they closed them. I hardly write on here. "too medicated and drugged out in a deluded lunatic madman state" !

Anonymous said...

WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINE !! Drugged up and medicated? Now it all makes sense why you cry all the time.

JustSayin said...

It never makes sense to me why you are such a constant complainer and can never follow a thread. You are indeed shitbox material.

Anonymous said...

Constant complainer? yes that would be you, OK HYPOCRITE.

JustSayin said...

Why don't you just sign in and identify yourself?

Anonymous said...

I might consider signing in when you cam up on a public webcam site announcing it on your blog and at the shout box with Alki identifying that it is you on cam live.

Anonymous said...

LOL Troll, I think you have a die hard fan.
Yeah the hacking stuff was crossing the line and they should not have been allowed back on BC. I for one don't watch Zolar as I don't find him funny at all.
Kudos for this statement Troll: You people do sit there and cut people down a lot. If anyone dares to say "lighten up" or they don't agree with your clan you turn on each other. That is kinda sad. - You hit the nail on the head with this :)

Anonymous said...

"You people do sit there and cut people down a lot" And what does this blog do if not attacking others or cutting the few down he writes about duh? He does the same at the shout box. Get your shit correct before opening your mouth anon unless it's Troll2 again writing comments on himself again.