Friday, October 26, 2012

Here is a video of the master of the shitbox

Here he is, making an almost rape mask in living color !

I thought I'd give a few viewers who might not have seen him a video so they too can join the shoutbox for fun and excitement !

Don't forget to edit parts of the video and make hate pics !

Everyone have a good day ! 


Anonymous said...

Ok so you put a video for those who haven't seen Macgregor now how about you? Why don't you show yourself? Only fair we see what you look like right? If you are going to attack him make it a fair fight.

JustSayin said...

That's the beauty of trolling. I DON'T FUCKING HAVE TO !

LurkersAnonymous said...

lol i love this post and a man who does crafts! <3 =D

JustSayin said...

He was allowed to use the paper plate, string and markers but someone else punched out the holes using a sharp instrument for him. (doctors orders I heard but not confirmed). At least with craft time he can teach others a skill lol. None of them have jobs so why not teach them something ?

LurkersAnonymous said...

oh please, i gave him safety scissors months ago =P
i think we can all learn a thing or two from mac, don't you? ;)
btw, how goes the struggle? i send good vibes when i think of you (often) <3

JustSayin said...

The struggle is the most depressing thing I have ever had to do in my entire life.

I have to email back and answer some questions and I need to get a few bank transactions certified that they actually happened and the date and amounts. I have to sift through some emails hunting for specific statements and get them in a timeline so it's almost done.

It's been a long time in coming but a tremendously depressing and stressful situation. Who would have ever thought I would have to file in a federal court to get vindication that a few major statements that were made about me were absolute total LIES and I have the documents to prove they were lies.

It's sad. I will be glad when it's filed and all done and over with. It took me awhile to get over the loss of knowing someone that long but I find great comfort in the fact that I am still who I am and I was literally floored by some of the disgusting challenges and antics that I did not know were part of someone I considered a friend. That part is now closed. I can't control it so write it off to the fact that there are a lot of strange people in this world- some moreso than others.

I would NOT EVER make someone do something disgusting for money. NEVER and I'm not ashamed to say that. I don't have any now but even being poor, I have given money at times when I knew someone needed it more than me and made do. The poor help the poor.

I truly wish a lot of people that I know or have known would move to another site and settle in and make it their home. But where?

LurkersAnonymous said...

i don't know where. your's has been a long road and for better or worse, hopefully it will be over with and behind you soon. what i've never understood is 1. how you could be friends with that greasy weirdo for so long not knowing his "evil" side and 2. how you two never met in person. anyway, take care and keep us posted. =)

JustSayin said...

My had to almighty God, I did not know him like this. None of it. He was always a very nice friend, funny, could get mad, I would calm him down and always remind him that when someone is nice to you THANK THEM and don't be an inconsiderate ass.

He yelled at a housekeeper? once. "BRING ME COFFEE NOW". I heard him sitting there in his garage. I flat out asked him "Who the hell were you just yelling at?". He said the housekeeper and he wanted coffee. I said something to the effect that "She might be employed by you but she's no damn dog. Why don't you get off your lazy ass and go get yourself a cup of coffee and while your at is ask her if she'd like a cup? YOU need to apologize".

When she came and brought his coffee, he quickly explained and apologized and she laughed and said "thanks sweetie". Alki said "if anyone talked to me like you did I'd fire them". I said "well, I don't work for you and If I was there, you'd bring me a barq's rootber or I'd bitchslap you all the way into the kitchen since I would be a GUEST". We both sat and laughed and laughed.

I always knew he had money. He said he made a movie "Me and the God's" and as I recall he said it had like a $30,000" budget. If you look at lets say "slipp". you see a guy with a nice setup and nice home and would assume he makes more than you. So he makes more money? big deal. that has nothing to do with friendship.

I cannot even fathom why or what I did, originally that he turned on me. I was in his filmon chat room for over 2 years. He KNEW I enjoyed that. I would wait and see if anyone came in and needed help getting the filmon player up and running and they'd leave happy. He told me how much he had riding on it and how important it was to him. He told me he borrowed a million dollars. I felt damn good helping out a friend who was trying to launch this new tv internet startup. Then, after about 2 years he shut it all down with no word or notice and stopped emailing me.

Then only thing I could assume was that at the end , when I told him about wanting to startup that site were people could argue, sing, tell jokes and be on a main viewing screen with others waiting their turn and let chatters vote and have prizes that after about a month of no word he started battlecam.

Suddenly, getting MAD and telling him off, I'm the bad guy. I'm scum, a lunatice, delluded, a ton of names. I apologized on my end for an email I sent insulting him because I was mad about battlecam and him shutting down that filmon chat room where I helped people for FREE, never once asked to be paid to help a friend.

JustSayin said...

So, NO, I did not know he was the son of a billionaire. Who cares. NO I did not know he liked those nasty challenges and played those idiotic prank calls. NO I did not know he'd flaunt that money in front of people to get them to do anything for a chance at it.

I don't care what anyone says. Throwing away a friendship of about 16.5 good years was very hard for me. Very hard indeed. I did not know, not only who he was or what he was like, that come hell or high water he would not honor his word with me.

I have the email about the 300,000 shares and it was typed as a "stock consolidation". It said nothing about a personal gift because he doesn't like me. I held onto that stock purchase for two years and NEVER ONCE asked him about it or lost faith.

He admitted once "well maybe I should have told you what was going on". Ya think?

I told all my friends, coworkers, family what he told me. 300,000 shares and they were going on the market for $6.65. Yes you can have a new house, yes you can have a new car, yes you can have a new truck.

All that time I believed him turned out to be a fucking 18 yr troll. I fell for it. I was humiliated beyond belief. Totally ruined at work. All those people laughing I got duped and there was going to be no happy ending.

I have a few medical problems that made me miss work. This past year, because of it and being depressed, I finally got my wish and I am no longer working there ! woohoo. I used up all my allotted time and they do not give you anymore. Bye bye !

Yes, I talk too much. Oh, even being a stockholder meant nothing. I told him to stop paying that dirty bastard to piss on jimmy derzko and BAM , perma banned. I asked him if his father would be happy he paid people to do that. THAT is the reason for being banned, not a dispute over money.

Anonymous said...

Put it anyway you want to you are still a COWARD. Even trolls show their faces once in awhile. YOUR TURN!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your bitter is showing! You are a lot like OGMike, be obnoxious constantly and then whine, cry and tantrum when you get booted. Too bad, get a life

I don't like that haircut but Mac is a good looking guy, killer dimples.

Anonymous said...

MMMMMM I love A&W rootbeer, I love troll2 and i love lurkersanon :)