Saturday, September 8, 2012

I have suddenly been asked........

A few people have contacted me about "upcoming current events" and said that some sites give away prizes and even money.

All I have to say is that I had an idea for a website and I believe it has not come to fruition at this time.  

Please allow me to quote :

"Mediocrity knows nothing higher than itself, but talent instantly recognizes genius." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I love you all and hope sweet baby jesus shines down on you!

If not, find a bottle and bury yourself in it for the rest of your life because without love and friends, you have no hope.


Anonymous said...

When your done clowning around with that Alki David mickey mouse bullcrap, can we troll some newbs like the good old days? Bubb

JustSayin said...

I can't , I am banned. Plus, it sucked in the beginning that I was banned because I told him not to degrade jimmy by having him pissed on again. I did/do miss quite a few people on there. Even though you aren't "close" friends you can build a camaraderie among some small groups. Despite any dispute I may or may not have with him, I did not like what he was doing on there. Paying people to degrade themselves.

Many others have agreed that it should have been like the "old days" when people came on for prizes and some fun. Right now, it's a very sparse place and even the casters that remain are totally unhappy.

I don't really care anymore. He did hurt me extremely bad but I get over it as time goes by. The only RAGE or hate I feel now is the fact he's got that scamming pervert zoltard still there while other broadcasters feel shoved aside. They did not do anything to get banned. They never showed nude teens or made teen girl strip. They never stated they had downloaded archives on alki and would cause him bad press if he did not pay up. He's scum.

I have watched and realized that a lot of people want money only because he's dangled it in front of him. He comes on, they scream for challenges and they are a rare thing anymore. We'll see how the $100 an hour broadcasting payout on main will go when all points are erased and everyone has to start over. It will fail, I'm telling you right now.

Yes, it's early in the morning and I'm rattling on again. I can't help it, like I said, it is still something I am working through when I never saw it coming at all.

Vaughns site is pretty mellow and trolls get by with a limited amount but usually are kicked by any room owner or mod. Shoutbox has a few good people but if you try and troll there and step out of the box to get them going, they go apeshit but it's funny to watch whether or not they understand what you are doing.

Oh, lastly, troll Chrome. I said from DAY ONE that guy was a shifty assed scamming beggar. RUMOR only was the he's broadcasting from a hotel again because his brother got a restraining order against him because the cops saw Chrome attacking him as they pulled up. God, Christmas there must be so much fun. I wish they'd cast. These are rumors that are floating around that he's kicked out once again and maybe he's not the "good son' he seems to portray.

Ahhh the good old days. As we all start to age, they are called memories. Makes you feel kinda old doesn't it? I do not care what anyone ever tells you how graceful it is. Getting older fucking sucks bigtime. You literally might feel you are 20 again and haven't aged a bit. Take a look in the mirror and realize you can run a mile anymore. It comes whether you like it or not. I'd love to be dying in a hospital bed with a laptop and be able to type out "YOU FUCKING LYING WHOREDOG, I HOPE YOU DIE BY FOOD POISONING AND SUFFER FOR DAYS". Only to have a nurse close my laptop after reading what I wrote. She'll go out to the nurses station and tell everyone "You should see what that old bastard was writing on his computer. I'm glad he's dead". Ahhh one final troll.

Anonymous said...

Macs blog shatbox mentions your name daily for months lmfao - heh who got trolled?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I wish we were holding hands and making out n shit. No homo

Anonymous said...

I love Troll, lets snuggle !!!

Anonymous said...

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger

Anonymous said...