Monday, June 25, 2012

A second lie proven

On April of 2009, anyone who registered and joined got 10 free shares of stock. The article states that it was only good during the month of April, but as I recall it stayed up a lot longer than that.

Above it is stated that the market capitalization was now a staggering " € 550 Million Euro's Plus".  I was so impressed.  Later, a reporter wrote :


Anonymous said...

I read the whole article. Pay close attention to:

"The initial market capitalization for FilmOn’s current listing is €43 million ($62 million). That’s a far cry from the €500 million valuation it had when it first listed in 2009. Between then and now the company has been personally funded by David, a producer, actor and musician.

The company says it will be buying back shares sold in 2009 from any investor, taking 10 percent interest paid on the price at which the stock was bought"

That means that anyone invested in the site, just lost 10% per annum on their investment. WTG Alki David.

Anonymous said...

alki knows as much about finance as lily which is not much, he was handed everything by daddy and is doing his best to squander it but dont worry im sure jen will take most of it when she dumps alki for a younger version.

JustSayin said...

Plus the stock went from 2FOA.F, which I had 30,000 shares to FMX.F. He then said I owned 300 shares at $6.65 each. What? That's a devluation of 95%. !!!

I told him that if I had known some of the things going on I never would have invested. I am glad I got my original funds back, and turned down his offer for 10%. That wasn't part of the deal and he literally allowed me to believe that I was going to cash in those 300,000 shares for possibly up to $7 a share when I said I'd sell for $2 and be glad.

I then promised some items that I could now not deliver on. A neice asked for a new car, a nephew asked for a new pickup truck, as examples. Sure! They could have them ! Then the ball dropped and I was kicked in the gut and told to fuck off.

Anonymous said...

a producer, actor and MUSICIAN? hahaha what could that fuktard play but the kazoo