Thursday, June 21, 2012

Nigga ger or nignorant

Uncle Tom Alexxx8 has been a usin nigga on despite everyone else being told it's a racist term.  How "nignorant" can he be?


Anonymous said...

Nigga or nigg-r shouldn't be allowed period by anyone. I hate that certain people can get away with certain things on the site but others can't.

Anonymous said...

Alex is just the house nigg-r and we all know it. Without alki making him a mod he would last about as long as anna on cam. He is above using racism and no one else is? All that nig shit should get him banned but we all know he won't be until someone makes an issue of it and then alki will deny he knew it was going on and dump him.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the anon at 9:01, the n word no matter ending with an a or er is still the same and it is still racist.

Anonymous said...

Alex is some uppity nigger that thinks his social status with alki now allows him to use racism and go unchecked. Bottom line is he looks in a mirror and is still just as black as yg dean missy or any other loser like the rest of us that go there. Alex said no one would call him that to his face in real life. I have news for Alex, they all call him that on battlecam behind his back and even in chat. Keemstar said it best "alex is a nigger".

Anonymous said...

they should have a picture of alex there

Anonymous said...

I never used to think that of alex but I do now

Anonymous said...

alex tries way way way to hard to be white and distance himself from other blacks who cast. who is he to call anyone nignorant?
we all know he is the whipping lackey boy of "the man'. he could not have found a better place to be than under the bootstrap of his master.

Anonymous said...

bstoes is on davelives show right now saying "nigger" every other word. how fair is that?

Anonymous said...

Bstoes is always saying it same with Bish. Why aren't them two perma banned? The site plays favorites and it needs to stop. Lily turns a blind eye to it all, pretends she isn't around to see or hear anything. She's a dam liar.