Mike Mozart just stated something to the effect that he is now on battlecam because "I can say what the fuck I want and there is no one to push a button and shut me up ". HAHA. He has never heard of "perma ban". He stated he is not alki's "bitch".
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Noob with a lot to learn |
One day he'll jump ship and I will laugh.
He looks and sounds like a full blown retarded kin to Spent or Gary. He's "youtube famous"? lol so is everyone on bc from archives !
Mike Mozart my ass OGMike is more well known than him. He is evidently not making that much money off what he does when you see the dump he lives in. I can see his name on the ban list already lol
Another one who brought a bunch of kids to Battlecam. I remember seeing him cast on blogtv reviewing toys. He has a large following of young kids because of it and always kept his show G rated with no cursing. Way to go Alki more underage kids coming to the site. He is just another rambling loud mouth who thinks he is somebody.
Remember when alki said that everyone was going to be "stars". Everyone , the average little guy would be "famous". Jimmy Derzko took that to heart.
With all that "hype" going on about people being made famous etc etc etc, he even stated that besides being "featured" that he was going to do a tv show about all this.
Susie then asked something to the effect of : "Alki, if we are all going to be famous are you going to share the $ "
Alki read her statement and took a pause and said "Susie... no".
IN MY personal opinion, that was flat out cold hearted. Why not say "wait and see how it goes". If I was going to make someone a star or "internet famous" and was going to make any money off of it at all, I would certainly share it with the cast of players even if they:
A. could not sing
B. could not hold their liquor
C. Needed to brush their hair.
I'd still share in the profits whether it be a few hundred a month coming off the project or a few thousand. Never let anyone have you work for "free". I got bit in the ass by doing that for someone for a few years because I thought they were a friend and it burned me good. They didn't appreciate it at all.
In my opinion, Mike Mozart won't last a month when he realizes what is going on and he's been duped.
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