Thursday, June 14, 2012

Carson draws anna

Donatello step back !  da Vinci, find another trade.

We have a budding artist amongst us and his hame is CARSON, yes FreshCarson.

Within seconds, this grand master drew a sketch of anna and received thunderous applause from the onlookers. People gasped
in amazement as his hands rapidly sketched, with great detail, of the sites most unworthy person.  

He left out her FAT 300lb mother and her strutting herself on that bed, picking her nose and laying on Little Mermaid linens.

Stay tuned for more.  I'm sure he'll allow us to put his portfolio online of his entire collection of works to enjoy.


Anonymous said...

That isn't too bad

Anonymous said...

thank god he left her face blank she is butt dog ugly

Anonymous said...

I never watch her, have only seen her a handful of times and that was more than enough. A middle aged woman (wife and mother) who gets her kicks bouncing around on cam in a bikini, who couldn't look sillier panting after the billionaire's wife trying to curry favor? Of course she would deny all these things as she sees herself as rather an intellectual, but what else do we see when we watch her? I would say she gets the attention of rather desperate men and that's about it. Those with more taste and sense aren't too impressed.

As for little Carson, I am certainly not so dim as to equate deafness with retardation. In his case, I have no doubt they are two separate and unrelated problems for him. Why else would he be so irresistibly drawn to bouncing around like a lunatic, banging things and making loud, weird noises? When he is on cam I leave, as with Vikki, there is nothing but loud, ear raping noise.

Anonymous said...

he should have drawn her whoring herself on that bed for attention. A grown ass woman in a bikini posing for perverts??

"honey, go play outside with your friends, mommy has to go pose for Scott777 and harry on the webcam since neither one of them will ever see a woman pose in THEIR bed. I'll pose in the toddler bed so they can pretend I am daddy's little girl and give me a spanking for getting my brand new bikini all wrinkled up !".

It's sick as hell and she is a creeper.

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL, Carson sure got her tits right in the pic he drew. Yeah, I never understood why Anal Williams would even want to parade around in a bikini for pervs on the net anyway and why her husband approves is beyond me.