Friday, March 25, 2016

They day in the life of a psychotic

Notice the one theme slaya keeps throwing up in any argument? "Kids".  She has to absolutely rationalize any attack on her by stating someone is going after their kids.  As usual, her common bouncing from one reality to the other is filled full of lies.

I asked her if she won a specific gardening contest she entered.  She banned me from the shoutbox and the box below and states she removed my blog link.  When she lies about you, just google slayasweetie and read all the lies she puts out on herself.  Call her out on being a bad mom.

After sitting in the shitbox for 9 months screaming about Natasha being a bad mother for smoking while pregnant- she did the same thing. She blogged that she smoked during her pregnancy with her son the entire 9 months.  She said even the doctor was disgusted at birth with the placenta being disgusting.  That kid will have nothing but health problems his entire life because of her selfish decision.  He will be prone to cancer and other major diseases.   Studies have proved this.

It's funny to call her out on her lies. She spews her venom on sites and then retreats to her safe haven where she is a mod in macs chat room and can ban anyone or erase their chat that offends her. She can see your ipset.  Don't think for a moment she doesn't look people up.

This all started when she blamed poor Raz for threatening the safety of "her and her children".  Anons called her out on why she would unban him to chat in the chatbox.  She couldn't keep her lies straight and started attacking everyone.   It was funny to see others call her out on making up stories about herself, her family and others for drama.

She's on 20 hours a day 7 days a week. She goes to yoga. She goes out to the bars. She fakes having cancer.  She faked having a car wreck and literally no one gave her any sympathy for that.  She does all this while still managing to raise kids? LOL.  I don't think this bitch even believes her own lies that's why her stories change each time she's called out on them!

Keep calling her out.  Keep sending in screencaps if you think they are worthy.  She wanted atention and she's getting it.  I just hope in some way her ex husband sees these articles and goes back to court to prove she is a very unstable mother and those kids have a chance to be raised safely and away from her being so unstable.

Here is a video where she lies about Hater.  Surfrat says she killed the shoutbox because of her lies.
Wow! So I guess it's just not me? 

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