Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hogslammer on vaughn and Slaya is still trash

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Oh you dirty vaughnlivers!   I posted a link to  a gardening article slaya wrote and she banned me.  Mac then deleted me from his blog list so my two readers will have to just come here from their bookmark.    Click read more if you are still bored.

In case you don't know, Slaya, in an attempt to get attention has claimed she has cancer.  At one time it was pointed out with taking chemo you lose your hair. She said she took pills and it didn't effect her hair. When she got called out on her despicable LIE about having cancer she now says it all fell out and is growing back.  She is also "taking supplements" to get it to grow. Wow, scientist can't truly find anything to make it grow but she has the cure!

This is the same nasty bitch that talks about people having sex with underage children.  If those thoughts are in her mind it makes you wonder how safe her own children are.

In being her vile self she then goes on to blast those unfortunate enough to be handicapped:

Can you sink any lower?
Next you will see someone named "Jac" turned on her too? Good Lord why is everyone turning on her and it's never her fault?

So it seems she can attack anyone she wants from the safety of the shoutbox but you cannot say one word against her.  This mentally unstable woman has been proven a born liar these past few months.  Not only filled with lies but totally untrustworthy and of very low character.  She is boycotting vaughnlive. LOL, who will miss the bitch?

Lastly, do you remember Slaya going around acting like she was literally in tears and afraid for the safety of "herself and her sweet children" because Raz allegedly threatened them? Do you remember all that drama?  She was SO AFRAID of him!  Now look. This woman is PSYCHOTIC.

An anon asked her WHY she would associate with someone who threatened the safety of her own children.  Raz denied it and we all believed him.  She caused drama for sympathy because she wanted everyone to turn on him.  She failed.  Unstable Mabel loses again.

Hogslammer has had some pretty good skype calls in his room lately.  Croftman, Witchypoo, senorwingman and others.  Even Wiscon from the bc Kings of Content dropped in chat to wish Hogslammer the best and let everyone know his support!  What a great kid.

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