Friday, March 25, 2016

Gary glitter is back on bc!

Gary cammed back up on after a long rest.  Despite vicious rumors he was released on his own and let back out into society.  You will see a video of him attacking Enmity.  He is upset that Enmity is rubbing his head and looks bored.  How dare he!  He then proceeds to tell Enmity to go to bed and to leave bc.

Maybe now that Gary is back, Slaya won't be so much of a cunt.  Once those two start having regular skype sex things should be normal again.

Update:  Slaya is HARASSING people on Facebook. The word it out just to block her.  If she'd going to censor people in the shitbox, do not go there and do not let her take it outside of there. block her Facebook from harassing you.

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