Tuesday, August 21, 2012

zolar playing personal info, harry fails again.

 Once again your personal information is NOT SAFE on battlecam when a mod can play a video and give out your real name to those who never heard of it.  He stated "there are people who do not know about this".  That is clearly a violation of the TOS.

Zolar started himself after Croftman told him that he was a PEDO for watching nude boys in camera.  Croft held main with 64 votes and then kicked Croft to the side so he could post that personal information as retaliation.

There were a lot of people who were on main the night zolar was broadcasting those nude teens.  Teeda and Alexxx8 were there.  Alki was emailed and came into main and saw what he was doing and immediately banned him.  Zolar says this is all a lie and that's not how it happened.

Let him call alki a liar to his face. Alki banned him because of THAT episode.  It was disgusting and all of us were sickened he even went there.  Archive was deleted. 


Anonymous said...

Zolar also posted an address in chat that I assume was Justin's who was in Dinty's channel bashing Zolar last night and Captcontversay (sibannac) was on skype giving out his IP.


Anonymous said...

no one at all understands why alki keeps him fucking on ? banned and gets to come back everytime.

Anonymous said...

Croftman OWNED zolar on main today telling him off. He had like 64 likes and was yelling at zolar that he can't deny any of it when so many saw what he was doing. CroftArmy !!!

Anonymous said...

Alki pays zolar 1000 dollars a show

Anonymous said...

Alki pays zolar 1000 dollars a show

Anonymous said...

Sure and I'm the president of the united states.

Anonymous said...

So Zolar, can be a mod on main and encourage someone else to hack into someones computer and show it all live on main, ask a 17 girl to get naked, show underage teen boys cocks and post Justins address and yet he remods Zolar once again and bans Buttonmoon because he doesn't like the way he looks. Great way to ruin a website Alki you fucking prick, no wonder people are leaving.

JustSayin said...

I still say OGMikes "I'm leaving" was his best work yet. Such emotion, such conviction !

"Everyone said Mike should have went "
"I wouldn't come back bitch if you paid me"
"I use to like you but now am ready to disconnect you"
"no wonder your first wife left you"

Then he grabbed all his stuff and flew to the airport when he heard a plane ticket was ready and waiting.

Attaboy mike. stick to your convictions !!