Friday, August 24, 2012

Part 2 for the lulz

This is the beauty of what I have been trying to say !  Mac says "couldn't let shit go".  WTF do you think you and others are doing to Vikki and Frank on a day by day basis? 

Jesus H. Christ, you log in the blog:

blah blah Vikki booze bruce
Blah Vikki  fell lulz
tommy tommy tommy.

That was my point from the very first blog when I pointed out that you people "just can let it go" even for a day or two.  no, nonstop attacks because it is YOUR right to do so but don't want anyone else to have it or you say :

Did you see what he/she wrote about us?
Ban him, he posted this ::::

Two faced hypocrites.   I'm serious. Sit back, look at what you are doing and then see if you aren't carrying it farther than even bc members !!

And for those that did not see it, others, many others on macs blog told me Vikki was upset and to go to her room.  Now if I go, suddenly I am kissing up to her.  lol.

BEFORE I went to her room, i said "Ok, I'm going.  Are y'all ready for me to get this chatbox hopping?

A few said YES !

I said "OK here I go"

troll2 enters Vikki's chat:

Wow, I just came from the shoutbox and every single one of them were talking about black tar heroine.  I did not know they all congregated there for drugs.

GEMDUH Laughed !  So did Susie.

then I typed.  

I tried to stay there on the shoutbox but not a one of them knows what its like to buy deodorant or shampoo.

Suddenly it's being repost in the chat box.  DID YOU SEE WHAT HE SAID ABOUT US??  lol.  That was comedy gold, thanks shoutbox !  I haven't laughed that hard in a year.


Anonymous said...

Really troll2 you took 3 chatters at the shoutbox (that you mention) telling you to kill yourself serious? Damn dude I have been told that a few times. LET IT GO, LET IT GO!! Shame I used to think you were an ok guy. Who cares what we talk about, just ignore it. I ignore many comments from people and topics I much rather not hear about. Can't you do the same? Oh well you do what you have to do if it makes you feel better.

BTW didn't you already go over this in your first post?

JustSayin said...

probably, i'm going to delete them both.

I am not, nor have I ever been "mad or upset. never". Weeks ago, I said that when you go to mac blog it is 24/7 vikki vikki vikki. I said "give it a rest". BOY the chatbox went wild. "he hates us" "Did you see what he wrote? ban him" We hate him now.

Oh Lord. I'm a nice guy actually. Really nice. I got fucked but even getting depressed over that still has nothing to do with my commenting that, at times, people need to give it a rest.

Take today. Vikki is the HAPPIEST I have ever seen her. That makes me feel good for her. I am not an asslicker or suckup.

As I said from the very beginning "I like Vikki", It was only when macs blog goes nuts when anyone types that. WE are nuts, WE are crazy as her WE must be alcoholics.

I know Ive made my point a few times but ppl still don't get it over there. I don't actually know mac. I know his nickname and I know he runs the shoutbox.

ONE time, when I asked for the ipset, because someone typed something SO PERSONAL to me, I wanted to verify where it was coming from That literally hit my dna when I saw them type two words, one especially that only one person would know of.

Again "YOU ASK FOR IPS AND YOU'LL GET BANNED". I asked for a reason and specifically told why. Fuck DFW lol, I don't know him either at all.

It's just that if anyone speaks their opinion, they get BLASTED there. I do not care that I am banned. There are other sites to chat with although I'll miss a few that sit on the blog and really never wander.

Harry was there again tonight. I could tell by the CHAT ! saying he was a good looking woman who was attracted to good looking guys like harry. Only that fag would type that about himself. If a woman walked in his apartment he'd shoot a wad in his pants, scared shitless.

It's no skin off my nose. They are so quick to attack vikki, frank, etc. It just gets old. Yes, I could leave but sometimes another opinion to stfu should be allowed to be thrown in the mix without all the butt hurt anons and regs going nuts because you don't agree with the mass majority.

Anonymous said...

I think most of you do not get what troll is trying to say here. He is saying that he got banned for saying ok flag a person, yet people can say go kill yourself and such. Hmmm which is worse. Troll could care less about what people say about him, he is trying to show you dumb asses that you can't play both sides of the fence here. Hypocrites. He does not take anything said on the net seriously but I love his vigilante style by not being scared to speak up.
Troll is an excellent troll, he got to a lot of people just by typing words.
It appears that it is okay for people to be a lynch mob against others but boy oh boy, when you speak out and be a leader and not a follower they turn against you if you are not on their side.
I love troll and always will. People who are not afraid to stand alone always get my support. :)

Anonymous said...

Trol2 FTW !!!!

Anonymous said...

The shoutbox is a fucking popularity contest full of flip flopping, no life, two face, backstabbing morons.

Anonymous said...

you must know since you probably stalk them to make this comment.

Anonymous said...

I think you have a crush of Macgreggor to be blogging about him. Don't forget to wash your hands after fapping to him and Vikki

JustSayin said...

i love you no homo

i love you, let's make love

just in case it was a guy or girl

JustSayin said...

i have seen one pic of him on his profile. He said he just got out of bed. He was probably waking up after a night of pulling you around on a choker chain and making you ride the pony and yell "yeehaw".

One pic does nothing for me and I don't even know that's him.

Anonymous said...

I stalk them less then they stalk Vikki.

LurkersAnonymous said...

i love you troll2 <3 you're as annoying as f-uck but you're fast becoming my favourite troll, behind harry. ;) =D

Anonymous said...

Sorry you are wrong about that August 24, 2012 4:15 PM he made a big deal of some chatters telling him to kill himself and wanted them BANNED. Mac even told him to provide screencaps of such a thing happening so again you're wrong.

Anonymous said...

If a person has an issue at the shoutbox as troll2 seems to have why keep going there? Geesh if I didn't like a particular place or rules set in place I wouldn't go there, Avoid it, it's not that hard to do.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he's annoying and very much stubborn lololol

Anonymous said...

Jezus fucking christ who takes chat that serious? big deal he was told to kill himself as he claims, get the fuck over it. MOVE THE FUCK ON ALREADY!!!

Anonymous said...

Vikki is a broadcaster like any celebrity on camera for the public to watch. She doesn't like it, get the fuck on camera.

LurkersAnonymous said...

stubborn? he's just staying the course! troll2 for president! king, even! =P

Anonymous said...

Yes stubborn because he can't let things go as mac said, move on, or don't go the shout box PERIOD.

Anonymous said...

HYPOCRITES !!! Stay in the shout box , oh I mean the Hater Box and watch people that disgust you and that you hate so much so you can spew all the hateful words in type in the hater box. If you don't like some one why do you watch them then?? Sounds to me like a lot of people need to get over it, yet they wanna keep coming back here to tell Troll to get over it. wtf is up with that, talk out of both sides of your mouth much???
People that watch people they hate, and then talk about them behind their backs are no better than them.

Anonymous said...

Vikki is a broadcaster like any celebrity on camera for the public to watch. She doesn't like it, get the fuck on camera.
This is to you dick fuck: If you hate Vikki so much, why do you watch her???? And once again as I always say, THIS FUCKING POST ISN'T ABOUT VIKKI, YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKERS WHO KEEP BRINGING HER UP ON POST THAT ARE NOT EVEN ABOUT HER ARE LOWER CLASS THAN VIKKI !!!!

Anonymous said...

The shoutbox is a fucking popularity contest full of flip flopping, no life, two face, backstabbing morons.

AMEN !!!! If you aren't on their side, you are an outcast. At least Troll has the guts to speak up against all you two faced bitches. The shout box is worse than BC chat ever was, that is why I don't and won't even go there anymore. It used to be fun now its full of the leftover out cast no face camming up low life pos scum.

Anonymous said...

Troll is the Joan of Arc of the internet !!! Long Live Troll2 !!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Here's an idea, why don't you troll the troll? If you have difficulty with anyone on the internet, why not try a little confrontation, instead of blogging your gripes. I've seen people try to act tough in the shoutbox, only to get sliced and diced and sent home to their mommmy's. Not everyone there is a genius, and those that try and fake it are weeded out. I think if you have trouble with the shoutbox, it's because you don't have what it takes to survive there.

Anonymous said...

LOL are you kidding me anon @ 5:57 am, going to the shout box is a choice of a chatters, people can come and go as they please. You say that as if its a privilege to be there ffs. And your comments just prove that the hater box or shit box is nothing but a vile bunch of people with no life that wanna do nothing but hate on others. Survive there, omg its way worse than BC ever was. The same people day after day, making fun of people and hating. I for one will not be going there and participating in the lynch mob and hating on others.

JustSayin said...

behind harry? those are fighting words bitch ! That lamebrain failed experiment of german genetics is just about as funny as bleeding rectal cancer.

The only time that nazi admin ever got a laugh was after I was banned and he reused my old material and made some n00b chuckle as he hit them up for gay skype.

I just got home. I'm going to do a lot of writing this weekend, I just feel like typing out my boring ass life so it will give you all more ammunition to use on me.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you'll be missed.

LurkersAnonymous said...

i take back what i said. you should be queen! =P lol

Anonymous said...

People in the shoutbox want you back. You need to come back and rip them a new asshole again.

Anonymous said...

People want him back in the shoutbox? who give me names what maybe 2 people? You are sadly mistaken even the owner of the chat box finds him annoying. We all know he still goes there as an anon (after changing his IP) even if he hates the place or not.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

as if he went anywhere, so many pull that pathetic im leaving the internet or stopping my blog

Anonymous said...

"WTF do you think you and others are doing to Vikki and Frank on a day by day basis?"

Priceless when you yourself have been going at Frank recently trying to proof his fake numbers. Were you dropped as a baby on your head?