Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Banned for being Button Moon, WTF??

Someone from the shoutbox gave me this archive number and said they felt everyone should boycott battlecam until buttonmoon has been returned and given a sincere apology.  He's a nice guy indeed.

It is MY opinion that some people should not throw stones when talking about others "looks".  It's shallow and plain down right mean spirited. 

At the end of the video you can hear Jen laughing.  Since I don't know Jen that well, someone ask her how many surgeries she's had to make herself look good enough in her eyes.  I was just curios.

Alki and I discussed looks one day and if he forgets the conversation he can email me and I'll remind him !!  Apologize.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow that isn't right at all. You know why he did this he didn't want Buttonmoon on main cammed up when Battlecam goes to TV soon. Jenn in the background laughing making her remarks was disgusting.

Anonymous said...

he needs to look in the mirror. look at his fucking hair. fool.

LurkersAnonymous said...

"he creeps the fucking shit out of me"? how does that equate to looks? he said whenever he saw him cammed up, but didn't specify it was his stick-out ears or nose or bald head that bothered him. maybe it was buttons mannerisms, goofy stoned smile or his accent and that he could never sit still, always bouncing around like he was listening to the latest pop tune lol that bothers him? maybe he reminds alki of someone who molested him as a youngster? who knows. it's alki's site. were it my site and someone creeped me the fuck out he/she would be gone. end of. i probably would be more polite about the dismissal but maybe not. =D

"everyone should boycott battlecam until buttonmoon has been returned and given a sincere apology."

everyone? yeah that's gonna happen. probably not. why the fuck would button want to be somewhere where the owner disliked him for any reason? he got his t-shirt which is all he claimed he wanted from battlecam from the get-go. be happy, roll up a doobie and move on. i'm sure there's a lovely spot at vl for him. he can continue to roll spliffs and pretend they're hand-rolled ciggy's there just as well as he did at BC. =P

Anonymous said...

Gee, you would think there are a lot more and stronger candidates for "creepy" on BC than Buttonmoon. His choice of what is and isn't "creepy" doesn't say much good for Alki, but is anyone surprised?

Anonymous said...

Your just as shallow as he is and you post almost exclusively about vikki as if you are some lesbian stalker. Look in the mirror bitch. Look in the mirror.

LurkersAnonymous said...

lmao if i were a lesbian stalker, i would think that my less than positive posts would NOT be the way to get into vikki's panties. oh wait, she doesn't wear any. =P i look in the mirror every day, several times, and i like what i see. you mad? yeah, you mad. =D there's a vikki post in the works that you'RE just gonna HATE, sweetheart. enjoy! =P

Anonymous said...

Lol "lesbian stalker"??? Well you can tell this one is a whoredog protege by the intelligence level. One would expect a "lesbian stalker" to be desirous of obtaining its female target due to to a high level of admiration, ardour and/or sexual attraction. It is more than abundantly clear to any clear thinking person that this is not the case here ... but, truly, we DO understand YOUR confusion.

As far as "shallow" goes, I believe the entire community of persons (and it is such a large group) who have developed a sincere dislike of the Whoredog over the last two years has more than provided ample and solid reasons as to why. Those are anything but "shallow" reasons. Of course, as a whoredog devotee who has likely not been around all that long, you wouldn't have an understanding of any of that.

You'd really be better off spending your time consoling your "friend" in her time of great discomfort over experiencing Rachel lying about an online boyfriend! ROFLLLLLLLLLLMAO!! xP

Anonymous said...

I am appalled that Alki would ban Buttonmoon just because the old guy made alki feel creepy. That is just wrong on all levels. Lily said herself that people would have to be preapproved to get on main during the tv time, so if Button would have wanted to be on tv I would think he would have asked. All the poor man wanted to do is be on BC like everyone who is bored online. This is just another uncalled for ban. No wonder people do not want to tell their friends about BC, I know i sure don't and never will. I was disgusted by Alki, and this is not the first time, but this one takes the cake.

Anonymous said...

Amen brother ! Sister !

Anonymous said...

L.A,"he creeps the fucking shit out of me"? how does that equate to looks?" Alki clearly says "whenever I see his face I feel nauseous" Clearly he's talking about his physical appearance.
What a shallow prick!

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous August 21, 2012 9:01 PM Why aren't you and the previous post comments defending Vikki over at Lurkers blog? Really if she has a few supporters why don't they open their mouth over there? I hope the ones that are trying to defend her have known Vikki since she casted almost 2 years ago and NOT some newbie (less than a year) on the scene who has no idea what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Or the ones who haven't been around enough to watch her to know better in those 2 years.

LurkersAnonymous said...

perhaps i am being misunderstood. perhaps i am as shallow as some people think. no one's perfect *shrug* let me give an example: there is a fellow in my town who is the spitting image of my abusive ex-husband (who happens to be dead now by his own hand and i am grateful to have outlived his sorry ass - it could have been me maimed for life or buried 6 feet under). i feel sick every time i see this fellow and avoid close contact by ducking into a shop for a few minutes to collect myself, and it has nothing to do with his fellow's personality.
however, having said that, this morning trolling or not alki agreed with dinty's chat statement ... something to the effect that if someone were a 1st time visitor to bc, seeing button's face as opposed to anna williams' as a representative of bc, they'd never come back.
i still stand by my statement that if someone creeped me the fuck out for whatever reason, and it was my site, they'd be gone whether they broke any rules or not.

LurkersAnonymous said...

by the way, since alki confirmed "no button" what's the status of the boycott?

Anonymous said...

People should not judge people based on their looks. Period. I'd rather sit alone or beside an ugly person who those of you who deem someone not as "pretty" as you, than to be a follower with the rest of the sheeple. It is a sad fucking world when people judge others based on looks. I guess all of you who agree with Alki's banning of buttonmoon are simply gorgeous, but your attitude makes you ugly.
I for one do not judge based on looks and I would rather practice acceptance and tolerance than hatred and judgement.

Anonymous said...

God damn are you fucking stupid. I was not the one who posted at 9:01 but I want to comment on this comment. This post was not about Vikki ffs, are you fucking blind or can't fucking read. God damn, get off the Vikki fucking train, this post is about Buttonmoon, stick to the fucking post. You are a Vikki hater its apparent, I could care less about her or any one on the net but ffs, why bring up Vikki, sounds to me like you have issue regarding her, it seems thats all that is on your brain. ONCE AGAIN THIS FUCKING POST WASNT ABOUT VIKKI. I for one am sick of Vikki and all the post about her. I don't watch her nor will I ever, but god damn people, get her off your brain, there are other people to talk about. FUCK FUCK FUCK, GOD DAMN YOU!

LurkersAnonymous said...

yikes! it was anon @ 9:01 that brought vikki and my sexuality up, and i was responding to the comment, not the blog post which is how this blog is set up, to reply to individual comments if some looney goes off topic. =)

LurkersAnonymous said...

i'm no beauty but i take it you'll be boycotting battlecam from here on in as the whole premise of it judges broadcasters based upon their looks, sexuality, etc. =)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should be complaining about Vikki and her attacking everyone she doesn't like as "dog butt ugly" and totally ignoring her own reality and referring to herself as drop dead gorgeous and sexy. She's totally hung up on looks and will distort reality to suit her own "wish list". If that isn't twisted dependence on looks I don't know what is.

Anonymous said...

i find this to be lawls

Anonymous said...

Agreed it was Anonymous August 21, 2012 9:01 PM that started the Vikki topic so of course others are going to have a response back. If those such people have something to say on her go to Lurkersanon, JTVwoodshed or Culver69 blogs.

This post was on Buttonmoon not the drunk.

Anonymous said...

Your ex husband probably realized he was married to a nut and killed himself to get away from you. "Abusive" husband. Oh, please ! You are old enough to know for YEARS there have been other choices. You must have liked living like that to put up with it. Don't act like some fucking martyr and say you stayed for the kids. We've heard that line played out too.Oh, you are a "survivor". You lived through that harrowing hell and want to go out and tell the world that you were a victim and yet you survived. Sista please, you went on with your life to fill it with hate and simple meanness. Acting the way you do, if your husband ever punched or hit you I am sure you deserved it. I suppose you stay away from anyone that is handicapped so you dont "catch it" either. I suppose that man you avoid makes you feel guilty the way you treated your husband. After he killed himself I bet you were the first cunt to throw your body over the coffin and wail so loud windows cracked at how you will miss dear charlie. sniff sniff sob sob. If you want to stand by alki for looks you two deserve each other. He is ugly as fuck and balding and fat and has no class. He doesn't earn any of him money according to rumors only. You probably live off your dead husbands social security. I hope if you are ever in a car wreck that someone walks by who is very ugly or disfigured and sees your BITCH bumper sticker and keeps right on walking. People with absolutely all troll and no heart deserve the loneliness they get because the only thing they have left is to constantly strike out at others to make themselves feel better during their long lonely days. I pity you both.

Anonymous said...

Have you not noticed that its the Whoredog Vikki who has plowed self righteously into the middle of this whole thing, lying up a storm as usual about her own behavior in the past? We all wish she would extricate herself from social cam sites she claims have tortured her so much and get the hell out, but she refuses. She will make herself an unhappy fact of everyone's life on cam until she keels over or they haul her off, so you may as well get used to it.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha 2:24 PM is calling people shallow who dislike others based on looks and this moron has just concocted a whole fairy tale of a story about LA as their own justification for hating on her! I would point out to her that LA has family and academically successful children she loves and is involved with.

She is not alone and universally hated like the phony, lying Whoredog who has been incapable of having any long term human relationship - offline or online - including her husband/ex husband/Dad. By both her and his own admissions, that "relationship" went into the toilet long ago. You have all the intelligence and critical faculties that she does.

You are well suited to this shallow, idiotic world of social cam sites and the freaky denizens that inhabit it.

LurkersAnonymous said...

lol anon 2:24 pm
as a so-called matryr i would welcome your pity but it would be misplaced. my ex-husband killed himself 10 years after i divorced him, just prior to doing jail time for spousal rape against the 2nd woman he was with after i left him, too pussy to do the time for his crime. we had no children together. he was also cross-eyed, bow-legged and had one nut but i didn't hold his looks against him when i said "i do". i was the one who made the money between the two of us, as he was always getting fired (not because of his looks) but because of his attitude and poor work ethic. the pet cat we owned together for 9 years was strangled by him in a fit of rage when he realized i was really leaving him and he didn't want me or anyone else to have it. i don't know for fact, but i guess his "social security" covered his burial fees but i wasn't around by then, nor did i benefit from his death nor ask or recieve financial support for the divorce. i left with the things i came into the marriage with, personal property that was mine before i met him. i am not lonely by any means but i'll leave the rest of your creative but fail suppositions to your imagination and wish you the best with your future endeavors. =)

@ anon 2:40 ty ;) my children's father and i are not together but we still have a good relationship, he visits nearly daily, sharing meals and family events together and are both actively involved with our brilliant sons. =D

Anonymous said...

hehehe LA, you big silly! xP You know perfectly well these people will all bitch and moan loudly about their perceived injustices but they'll nevAH, evAH put any real action behind their blather.

LurkersAnonymous said...

lol sorry =P i lapsed into a brief moment of insanity after watching vikki on bc main this afternoon. perhaps any further la bashing can be done at my blog instead of hijacking troll2's blog, unless he digs that sort of thing. =D although,if he didn't he'd have this blog set up to approve comments before posting them. ;)

Anonymous said...

Lol, they love the blog traffic, don't worry about it. We stand ready to bash them right back ... it so easy, like shooting morons in a barrel! xP

Anonymous said...

wow holy shit storm batman

Anonymous said...

yeah, ghostdogs creeps me out

Anonymous said...

I love you still sweety

Anonymous said...

Why you mad at me u never said???

Anonymous said...

I love how this Anonymous August 22, 2012 2:40 PM just got put in their place hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

OOOOOPS I mean (Anonymous August 22, 2012 2:24 PM) My apologizes to my previous error.

Anonymous said...

Why did mac Perma bant you?

JustSayin said...

Because someone started my cam up without my permission and the women just swoooooooned and sighed and they guys got all jelly that suddenly they had no one to chat with.

True story, I do not lie. If you do not believe that shake the eight ball again and ask later !

I'm going to write another boo hoo for me saga today or tomorrow so everyone can cry that I talk about that stock again. A few people still have it all wrong so I am going to clarify it once and for all.

Anonymous said...

I lost the little respect I had for Alki after he banned this poor cancer stricken old man and to hear that gold digger Jen laughing is disgusting.