Thursday, August 16, 2012

Macs shoutbox out for blood

When is enough enough?  It seems one of the moderators won't be happy until Vikki just kills herself on cam so they can all laugh.

 How fucked up is that??   

They sit there every single day and stalk and harass her. Every single day.  They have nothing better to do.  She is so fascinating to watch, they just can't quit.  Yet are constantly telling her to cam down.

They want to reserve the right to heckle anyone they want PLUS the right to tell you, who and who you should not be friends with.

"Anons" on macs blog are hardly anonymous. They can see your ipset and know who it is. They keep track of that.  So if you log in under anon, they know it is you. 



Anonymous said...

i like vikki but if you say that in chat they turn on you. you go troll2. don't let them tell you what to say or think.

Anonymous said...

Fucking sickos cunts.

Anonymous said...

They are obsessed with Vikki in the shoutbox and Lurkers Anonymous hate blog Bruce and Vikki should screencap all and sue for slander.

LurkersAnonymous said...

why go through the trouble of screencapping? just hand the blog's address over to the authorities. lol

Anonymous said...

because what you and mac and others are doing to her is crossing the line. harassment, stalking, using her image without her permission. you all take it way too far.

someday someone will turn on all of you and you'll see how it is like to live it everyday.

Anonymous said...

Vikki hates on people first and she doesn't stop. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Bruce and Tommy are the one's killing her, idiot!

Anonymous said...

they have the same excuse everyday saying its vikkis fault. blaming her is easy. they are extremely cruel to her and laugh when they get her to explode and then say look at her go nuts ! a lot of people know and like vikki and realize part of this is an act and she is very good at handling the trolls but when they don't stop I will say it again it is cruel.

Anonymous said...

I applaud you troll, you are exactly right. Vikki may be a drunk and a train wreck, and every likes to watch a train wreck of course but sometimes it is taken way too far. If you chat nice to Vikki she will chat back nicely to you. People will say, oh she will turn on you etc....., but what do you expect when she is attacked every single day. Some people are mean and nasty to her for no reason, they just follow what everyone else does. They see people troll her so they jump on the Vikki band wagon. Some of these people deserve what they have gotten from Vikki. Alot of people provoke her to see her rage, then those are the ones who turn around and say Vikki is a mean person, yet they provoked it. Vikki is actually fun and nice to chat with but then you get a group of people who come in just to troll her and it ruins her room and of course she is gonna lash out, who wouldn't.
Granted we all know Vikki is a drunk and she does need help but it does not give people the right to go into her room and call her names and make nasty comments for no reason. People will say oh well she was mean to me that one time, well they probably deserved it. This woman gets beat up daily, people thrive on her, they wait for her just so they can cut her down. The comments that some people make to her are completely out of line. I for one am sick of it. I used to enjoy going to the shout box because it was another place to chat but it seems it is just a Vikki hater box now. What ever has been said about Vikki has already been said, its repetitive, there is nothing left that anyone can say that hasn't already been said before. It is sad that you can't even go talk to Vikki without people saying you are kissing her ass, what does just chatting with someone have to do with kissing her ass. The people that say this are the ones who have burned their bridge with Vikki forever for being so damn nasty to her. I know Vikki has said some down right mean and nasty shit as well, but I am sure she was provoked. People can sit back all high and mighty and talk shit about her all day long, and it makes me wonder, are they like this in real life, do they not have anything better to talk about, are they that obsessed with her and have no life either that the only thing they thrive on is hatred. Those kind of people are the ones who scare me, not Vikki. I will say this again, I know Vikki is an alcoholic, hell she even says she is, and she gets way too drunk on a daily basis, but is that really a reason to go into her room and troll her daily? She is indeed a very lonely woman, she is only wanting people to talk to. Unfortunately, it is easy for people to hide behind a user name and be as mean as they can, it does make me wonder, are these people like this in real life? And when people say, oh well she said this to me so it gives me a right to be mean back to her, well they probably deserved every single hateful thing she throws back at them. The thing is, most of these people are followers, they do what they see other do, jump on that wagon people, it doesn't make you any better than Vikki.

JustSayin said...

Very nicely written to get the same thoughts out as I stated.

Everyone likes to have someone to chat with. We all log on to seek a little bit of attention or friendship to make our day go better. You go back to the same sites, not just for the site but for the people.

When macs' group yells at me for liking Vikki, I just laugh. When Vikki first came on bc, she was a very nice person. So well mannered and afraid she'd get pooped lol. Her and Bruce have given us all quite a few good times.

Everyone rants. Everyone vents. That is a good thing. The great thing about this is you can rant or vent online anonymously when you normally don't spout off at home or at work. You see someone that makes you laugh. You see someone that just gets your dander up and all of the sudden you see yourself typing "YOU BITCH !!". You get caught up in it. Many people can take it. Some cannot take it at all. Vikki is tough but even the toughest can get tired of the same lines of stupid ass chat being typed by the same people day after day with nothing new.

If you don't like her or anyone else, just don't watch and upset yourself. The "haters" have been surpassed by the group that literally obsesses and stalks someone. They just won't give up. They fixate. That isn't normal. Give it a rest already.

Trolling can be quite fun ! You can get others into it. Others just want to log on day after day and watch the antics of the casters and the troll chatters. It's almost a game but with limits.

Bourbon- was the king patsy for getting trolled. People went so far to make him explode that he went beyond the norm. That one day he had a knife. He said that he'd love to kill his parents and love to kill his little brother while he slept. Who talks like that? Seriously, that isn't funny at all. If he was doing the "talking" he most certainly could have followed through with action. Action driven on by those that encouraged him and egged him on. When he pulled out the knife that one night, I called the police and reported him. He was taken away, by his own words, for the third time. I'm glad he is gone just so he gets out there and gets a life he could not have being online with those that would do him more harm than good.

The thing is, no one should ever tell me who I should or should not be friends with. Nor should they ever tell YOU.
It's hard to pick because no one trusts anyone online. Hell I picked out a pal I thought I would be emailing when I was in my 90's and he was in his 80's. I chose poorly. Very poorly and it bothered me and still does. I don't mind writing or talking about it because it's something real that has happened to me.

You will find that once all the trolling shit is set aside, any group of people can actually sit down and have a decent conversation with others and it can last for hours. You log on and suddenly realize 4 hours have past and you do not know where the time went. It's addictive as hell and while some might choose to be a couch potato or others might choose to live in bars, I like the online community because you can have access to it 24/7 anytime of the day or night at your disposal. Need a laugh? log on. Sad? log on.

The same old adage applies all the time. We often make fun of someone else to feel better about ourselves. At other times we make fun of people because they deserve it and we need a good laugh. It's ok to laugh at yourself. Use common sense. I'm just saying, once again, it's old hat to go after someone day after day when you literally want to push them to the edge - it's not right. No matter which chat site, blog or chatango you are from.

I'll be online all this week if anyone want to tell me to fuck off ! feel free !

Anonymous said...

Also, I want to add, I do realize that Vikki has made enemies with some people due to her own doing as she has hurled some mean and uncalled for words herself. Does she put on an act at times, yes she does, does she bullshit (other refer to it as lying) at times, yes she does, does she lie at times, yes she does. There is a difference between lying and bullshitting/kidding around. The whole Tommy drama did push her over the edge and made her even more delusional yet people praise Tommy for his actions when all he did was troll Vikki. I do think Tommy did care for her and has said on many occasions that he even loved her. I think he probably told her even more on skype than we will ever know. They stayed on skype together for months, they even slept on skype together. Who does this unless they are in love. He fueled the fire and threw water on it when he was done. In Vikki's mind they were in love so to be thrown out like yesterday's trash sent her into a deep depression. Tommy also is the cause of alot of the drama between Vikki and Nancy Jane. Nancy Jane is a good woman and only tried to help Vikki and unfortunately Vikki took Tommy's side on every thing.
Before anyone gets their panties in a wad, I am not saying that everything Vikki does is right because she is wrong on a lot of things. My post is mainly for the people who just side with others and troll her daily for no reason. When Vikki goes on main, its like a lynch mob with everyone going after Vikki, yes they love to see her rage but you cannot throw stones at Vikki and expect her not to respond.
I wonder if we can have a no trolling Vikki for a week. Let's all talk, hate and blog about Tommy. Let's have a be nice to Vikki week, it is not that hard people. Try it and see what happens then you can go back to your mean nasty ways.
That is all.

Anonymous said...

This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Have you been living under a rock. You get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

Using her images without permission? She is the one clicking broadcast if she don't want her pics out there don't cast.

Anonymous said...

Vikki goes at many. I have seen her attack people for nothing then after the fact she will turn into this victim and whine people are so ugly to her.

Anonymous said...

An act? So when she threatens to kill you and put your personal information out there it's an act? If she don't want hate stop attacking others. And don't give me this excuse she only goes at the trolls who go at first because that's bullshit. But I will say when she acts nice it's short lived and that is an act.

Anonymous said...

Well that is fine and dandy but do you realize she had support with people off the site? She had longtime friends who were nice to her and she turned on them. I know she can be attacked and it gets out of hand with wishing her death or to die but I have seen many times her go at people for nothing who have been nothing but nice to her. She was even on main earlier in the week in her usual drunken state and tossed out a many names of the people she attacked for nothing. Ever heard of a "hateful drunk" that is her. Her alcoholism is her demon until she gets that in check her hate will continue. It is making her full of hate and jealousy.

Anonymous said...

Have a nice Vikki week? That won't work if she is going to attack people first when drunk going off on people she sees in chat who say nothing to her. A ignore Vikki week sounds like a better plan especially when she is drunk on main rambling on talking about all the pain she has suffered over and over. No one should talk to her and just let her ramble on till she gets pooped off.

Gem said...


Anonymous said...

You people who are defending her will think much differently when she attacks you for nothing and makes up lies about you.

Anonymous said...

Alcoholic types love to gossip. So long as they are focusing on the faults of others, they don't have to work on their own shortcomings. It's a common trait of drunks to ignore their own misgivings by zooming in on the seeming inadequacies of anyone but themselves. Often referred to as egomaniacs with inferiority complexes, the stereotypical alcoholic is self-centered to the extreme and become impossible to be around, let alone live with. In the mind of a true alcoholic, nothing is ever their fault!

Anonymous said...

As long as an alcoholic (Vikki) has her enabling divices in place, it is easy for her to continue to deny she has a problem -- since most of her problems are being "solved" by those around her (Bruce). Only when she is forced to face the consequences of her own actions, will it finally begin to sink in how deep her problem has become.

Anonymous said...

Anons can't see other IP's unless that anon is a mod and signs in, that blog isn't one to toss around and collect people's information. If a mod sees anyone posting it, it is REMOVED. Some of the mods are anons big deal, nothing wrong with keeping an eye on things. It's not hard to tell who is who when you frequent the place often enough anyways. That blog gets numerous hits and gets quite busy so of course you will get a few assholes once in awhile that should be watched but as far as tracking IP's and giving them out IT'S NOT HAPPENING.

Anonymous said...

This is VIKKI:

Profile of the Sociopath

Glibness and Superficial Charm

Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

Pathological Lying
Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

Shallow Emotions
When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

Incapacity for Love

Need for Stimulation
Living on the edge. Verbal outbursts and physical punishments are normal. Promiscuity and gambling are common.

Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature
Rage and abuse, alternating with small expressions of love and approval produce an addictive cycle for abuser and abused, as well as creating hopelessness in the victim. Believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, entitled to every wish, no sense of personal boundaries, no concern for their impact on others.

Early Behavior Problems/Juvenile Delinquency
Usually has a history of behavioral and academic difficulties, yet "gets by" by conning others. Problems in making and keeping friends; aberrant behaviors such as cruelty to people or animals, stealing, etc.

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

Promiscuous Sexual Behavior/Infidelity
Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, rape and sexual acting out of all sorts.

Lack of Realistic Life Plan/Parasitic Lifestyle
Tends to move around a lot or makes all encompassing promises for the future, poor work ethic but exploits others effectively.

Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility
Changes their image as needed to avoid prosecution. Changes life story readily.

________________________________________________So after reading the above you can see why she attracts all those TROLLS. The bottom line she needs to be in a institution and Bruce said he couldn't do it. Some of you people really need to do your homework before you cast the stone at others who have tried to be nice to her.

Anonymous said...

BTW I forgot to mention I have known Vikki close to 2 years in October and watched her A LOT so I'm just some newb talking out of my ass when I say 95% of the hate is her own doing.

Anonymous said...

*not just some newb

Anonymous said...

You are also describing the trolls who made her like that.

Anonymous said...

that's a damn lie. someone will come in and one of the mods will announce that's rocco or that's vikki. you announce who is an anon by looking at their ip and then blabbing to the whole room. so don't sit there and say it is NOT HAPPENING when you know damn well that it is.

Anonymous said...

all i see is a bunch of liars. no one just "turns to hate". it is taught. taught by a site that alki lets run wild with mods and lily that condone and egg it on. you all keep trying to turn the argument solely to blame on vikki and won't even begin to accept anyone had a part in it or constantly trying to keep her raging alive. you fail and then whine in that shoutbox everyday what a loser she is when you are the losers sitting there waiting and hoping to turn her into a jekyl and hide at your whims.

Anonymous said...

like no one else has an alcohol problem. you pick on that issue as to wash your hands free from guilt.

Anonymous said...

I figured this would turn into a Vikki bashing moment. My post was not to defend her, can't you read, it was for all those LIKE I SAID WHO ATTACK HER FOR NO REASON, to simply back off and try to be nice. Who am I kidding, you are behind a keyboard, gotta be a big shot on the net.

to: _So after reading the above you can see why she attracts all those TROLLS. The bottom line she needs to be in a institution and Bruce said he couldn't do it. Some of you people really need to do your homework before you cast the stone at others who have tried to be nice to her.

Anonymous said...

I'm saying the IP's are not being given out but if you choose to believe that go ahead. Most who come to the chat box often pick up how a person talks even if they are an anon. Vikki makes herself known when visiting the chat box by speaking in her cast while at the chat box. Most times she lurks and doesn't chat.

Anonymous said...

No Tommy made her like that and the years of drinking. She was hateful before coming to the site. Why don't you ask Bruce about that?

Anonymous said...

She don't want trolls messing with her she should stay off main where most are and cast in her own channel. Main is where most of her hate comes from after she gets a few drinks into her.

Anonymous said...

That's the point. Who the fuck are you to tell her to stay off "main". No one. A big cowardly no one. You have zero right to tell her where she can and can not go. Troll her, go ahead, who cares. But every single god damn day? Every single god damn minute of the day? I can see why some are getting upset. You make excuses for YOUR behavior.

There is a line when you just don't know when to stop and give it a rest. hate hate hate blog blog blog. If she'd stop broadcasting a few blogs would shut down and about 2 dozen or more people would have nothing to wake up to.

Again, no one asked YOU who to troll or when you can or cannot troll them. If you HAVE to do it every waking moment you are up today to get your jollies when you do it to the same person then you are sorta pathetic. A loser troll. A loser person.

Again, you all keep stating YOUR rights and I've seen at least three just try to say to stop harassing and stalking her to the point of illegal activities or cyber bullying. And for the Anonymous that says to back off and try to be nice, it's a lovely concept you speak of. Too bad they were never taught that while being brought up.

Anonymous said...

the thing is, if people shut the fuck up and listen, vikki readily admits her faults. she actually sits there and broadcasts true reality. she admits she needs to curtail her drinking, she admits that she can lie. she is totally undervalued as a great troll. she's one of the best.

she can say something and get the chat hopping and then two hours later switch sides and say the opposite and the chat goes wild. so, don't tell me she does NOT know what she's doing. she's craftier than most of you could comprehend. pointing out others faults is a two way street. you can point out her faults day after day but god forbid she points out some of yours you -whoredawg sum bitch motha fuckka's sittin in the chat box being keyboard cowards.

Anonymous said...

Switch sides? yeah it's called being a sociopath and alcoholism. Google it she has all the signs. Nice one minute then turns into a monster.

Anonymous said...

Isn't she the one complaining of the ugliness from the Trolls? Isn't main full of hateful trolls? I'm saying if she doesn't want to deal or listen to the hate that she herself puts out on many for nothing don't go to main duh.

Anonymous said...

She's an alcoholic and has been for years a hateful one at that. Want to blame something blame the booze that is what brings out her hate? A bunch of liars? She is the queen of liars. I have been nice to her but turned on me. Wait till she turns on you. Go preach to someone else.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I drink booze and I love a women who will never meet me. but she trolls me ever day.

Anonymous said...

This is all so easy people. If you cam up and don't like the results, then cam down, easy. Apparently Vikki loves the attention, good or bad, end of story.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I missed in that screencap where anybody said anything about her killing herself. She keeps camming up and coming back so she obviously doesn't hate it all that much. She does love attention though and she's already proven that any attention is good attention as far as she's concerned.

She's the one that has put out all her personal family stories, including the ones that conflict what she has said before. She is the one that keeps Bruce in the picture by talking about him and bringing him in all the time. Its pretty simple, you either like drunks and liars or you don't. We all know there are some that do like them. IF she is so unhappy, why not leave the places where she is not liked or wanted and go someplace like skype and take her fans with her? It isn't rocket science, even for her.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know when all of you got your doctorates on psychiatry and human behavior. That's the funny thing about Vikki, she'll tell you flat out what she's doing. "I'm going to go visit the shoutbox and see what's going on?". Is there anything wrong with that? She's just as welcome there as anyone else. Mac, to my knowledge has never told her not to use it. Although there are a growing number that pretend to speak for mac and tell others they should not use his chatbox.

Everyone craves attention. It's no fun sitting at home by yourself with no interaction with others. Some seek attention even without being on cam. They like to pick a name, get it known to others so they can chat with them. People like to feel included. That's a very important thing in life for everyone. People love to be included and feel accepted and welcome for who they are without having to take sides, change because the group changes, don't drink because others do, etc.

Then when one person singles that person out and bans them, they go nuts. Why did I get banned? What did I do? Suddenly they are on the outside looking in. For those that take the interaction seriously, it can be very traumatic. No one likes to be cast aside.

That's one of the factors why is failing so badly. You have no rules or they change on a daily basis. You have runaway mods with no direction. You have completely fail admins and a bigger failure of an owner. The emperor has no clothes and those admins keep telling him he does. They pat themselves on sucking up so hard they have to put in an industrial claim for their elbow patting their back.

In my opinion, battlecam is just a small cheap chat site now. It is a complete and utter failure. How many heard zolar tell justin that when someone sends him justins info to his hotmail account that he's going to be very sorry. No one will sign up for battlecam when they keep hearing that. The word is definitely out that your information is NOT safe on that site.

Zolar has shown those nude teens, got one nude teen girl to strip and even directed the hacking and was allowed back. When he gets his little tv show, you better believe that media outlets will get inundated with stories and blogs of what zolar has done. It's inexcusable to the average person to allow him to remain a part of the community when he's as disgusting and vile as you can get. He constantly lies and the FBI should have brought charges for his participation into the hacking episode. It just doesn't sit well with others that Alki can allow him back when even Alki should have no say so in the matter. It may be Alki's site but to not only condone what zolar does, but to go so far as to erase archives of evidence is protecting the weirdo. Why?

In looking at the BIG PICTURE, it's one thing to say you don't condone that type of behavior but do you really want to be part of a site that does? You are condoning it by not speaking up up to and including getting banned until some of these losers like zolar, chaos, louie trey and a few others are DRIVEN off by the very community that owns it.

Suddenly Vikki doesn't look like such a bad person ! We judge people on what they say and do and then sometimes just have to sit back and rethink our standards.

Anonymous said...

"Suddenly Vikki doesn't look like such a bad person" That's great if you like compulsive liars. If you associate with her be prepared eventually to be part of them.

Anonymous said...

When you talk to Vikki nice, she is nice you to you. I don't condone Vikki's drinking or her behavior at times. Associating with people on the net does not make you like them. Sometimes people just go to chat with someone who will chat back, and not always full of ridiculous bullshit. So if your statement is true, we are all losers for even chatting on BC! YOU DUMB FUCK!