Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Davelives Wednesday Night show might be a re-run




Anonymous said...

I am not going to davesroom any more since he is right in their tight with alki lily and harry. All of the sudden you realize that he is part of their click and it has taken the fun out of it.

Anonymous said...

lol that cartoon is funny. did dave really have a bibiker profile?

Anonymous said...

yes, dave posed for some "pics" and they made there way into battlecam chat. dave was exposed. It was indeed an invasion of privacy to him. dave liked to broadcast users and expose their drunkenness and poverty. he gloated in making fun of users for the good of his show. dave got pics shown of him in briefs and with an erection. suddenly, when it happened to him it wasn't so funny.

he then called funboy a stalker lol. dave is like alki. he can dish it out but he sure as hell can't take it, in my and many others opinion. real talk.