Sunday, January 22, 2012

Battle on the davelive show and dave won !!!



Harry_balzac came on davelives show and told him he was going to shut it down.  Dave told harry to fuck off, for once and for all. He deleted him from skype permanently and banned him from his room.
Harry still has "admin" capabilities thanks to alki and he can still do in or shut it down.

Dave asked for the consensus and everyone in the room stated to kick harry out, hang up on him in skype and to get rid of him.

How long do people have to put up with harry??

Harry is Alki David's Battlecam admin who once said that :

"we kill american soldiers and then set them on fire down at the end of the street.  I walk down and then piss on their ashes".  What kind of person says that?   Any veterans group would lead a protest against him working for battlecam and making FilmOn look very bad for even associating with this german nazi.

Dave has earned MAD RESPECT for finally telling harry that he is sick to death of him coming in his room and threatening him and threatening to close down his entire room.

Dave is playing Wheel of Fortune with three guests and harry has no business to start crap on dave since no actual money is involved.

Dave stated he was now forced to call alki and ask him to remove harry once and for all.

VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE on the poll to the upper right !


Anonymous said...

harry is like alex. without mod no one
would even give him the time of day
strong 50 users on this site now

Anonymous said...

Vikki Loves Tommy. It's Tommy Tommy Tommy day and night. Tommy this and Tommy that. Tommy Tommy Tommy. The Vikki and Tommy drama will never end.

Anonymous said...

there was 36 users on. 36. 'nough said