Monday, January 16, 2012

Captain Harry, german coward

Yes, we all heard about the ship that beached up like Vikki the whale.  Floundering to stay afloat, many passengers went above and beyond to help their fellow mankind escape unharmed.  In looking into this tragedy, we have to see the ship and it's captain.  Everyone is pointing fingers at Captain Harry as he wanted to steer the ship closer to the shore to waive hello to Gary for President and bish you were sunning naked on the beach.  Waive or get some cool pics?  Only harry would know what was going on his his weak failed german genetic designed mind.

You be the judge :


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

shouldn't that be and SS by harry's name?
just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Haskel420 is friends with Harry Balzac and says he got Alki banned from

Anonymous said...

harry said everytime alki did something in violation of jtv rules he got him banned since alki said he would start his own site if they kept it up. harry then moved in just as he said he would.
he's working alki and lily and they are too stupid to realize what he did

Anonymous said...

Anyone notice how Harry sticks up for Vikki alot more now? And seems to be obsessed with Croftman. I don't like Croft but every time Harry seems him he goes at him every time. Funny when Croft first came to the site Harry was defending him from others for months.