Sunday, June 12, 2016

Slayasweetie fake cancer from New Zealand

OUCH!! Slayasweetie was called out again by at least three people on for faking cancer for attention.  "Pics or it didn't happen" people say. Well, we have POSTED the pictures!  She not only claimed she had cancer but said her hair fell out and she could NOT cam up until it grew back.   So in February of 2016 she stated she would NOT cast until it was at least shoulder length.  Then the bitch cast in her side channel and people emailed me pictures of her LONG shoulder length hair she just pulled back behind her ears and tried to hide from the cam!  Lowlife bitch.

So for those that need PROOF, you can scroll down and see her copied chat and see the PICS for yourself and see she completely lied about having cancer.  That's disgusting and everytime she tries to go at someone or troll them they are now calling her out for being scum and faking cancer for attention.

Then she turned on Raznet in the shoutbox!  Seems she's off her "meds" and pretty unstable.  God knows what those poor children are going through with an alcoholic raging medicated mom :(


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Slaya rage quits more than Scott77 or ogmike. She loves fake drama.

Anonymous said...

she will be snapchat and skyping them when the wine and pills kick in. drunk pills weed smoking bipolar cancer fakeing mess. she rages when shes sober and thats less and less now. it a good read tho lol

Anonymous said...

I don't think she was ever bald.

Anonymous said...

8:05 AM I never saw her bald either but I did see her type that she could not cast until her hair grew back. So she did lie.