Monday, June 6, 2016

Misc & Pete going after Slaya and her fake cancer claim!

Here's a half a dozen snaps of chat.  Misc called out Slaya for faking her cancer.  What did she do? She brought up his kid!  Then mac chimed in.  Going after children? tsk tsk.  Then she brought up his mother and her "big black boyfriend".  She just had to throw racism into the mix.  What trash.

They forgot to touch on the most important part of her faking cancer.  She claimed she could not cast because her hair fell out.  Then she cast in her room which was made private.  Two people sent me some screen caps showing her hair was the same full length it always has been.  LIAR!  Faking cancer and going after someones children is just about as low as you can go.  Notice how she types stuff that was told in confidence?  She can't be trusted.


Anonymous said...

As anon commented in the previous article I too remember a statement was made earlier in the year about her apparent baldness and look at the caps below. . .

It grew back at a miraculous rate!!!!!!!!!!

Please contact the varies cancer charities and societies to let them know your secret! There's children all over the world who's last dying wish is to have a head thick with luscious locks of their own hair. Slayasweetie has always been a bit of a fantastical storyteller over the years and I've always put it down to her weekly wine binges but this has to be her pièce de résistance of all lies. Being that I'm such an infrequent visitor to the Blogs it was only by happenstance that I came here. Fookin Annoying (unbiased that he is) provides links to a multitude of blogging sites. Now whether they'll admit it or not, all of her chat friends will surely be regulars here too? Meaning they also know about Rapunzel and her magical growing hair? Which can only mean they are wilfully ignoring one of their own lied about such a diabolical and twisted thing. What happened with Macgregor? The Shoutbox has a trainwreck in their midst and not a peep from any of them?
Kudos to you Troll2. Please keep the community updated with this lulz-worthy content, it's comedic gold.

JustSayin said...

Mac rarely signs in to chat anymore. Slaya told me that mac didn't want me to be in the shoutbox but he would come in as an anon and talk shit to me. I ASKED mac specifically quite a few times if he didn't want me in the shoutbox and he said I was fine. Then that bitch tells me that so I know he is nothing but a two faced liar.

Slaya is having more and more call her out for faking her cancer. It's one of the most disgusting things a human being can do for attention. She constantly talks pedo shit on numerous men when she knows it's a bold face lie. She thinks by spewing that she'll turn others against them? No one believes a word that bitch as to say.

Earlier this year when she said she could NOT cast because she lost all her hair because of cancer, I KNEW she'd eat those words. Recently she cammed up in her bc room and made it private with a password. A few people in there sent me pics of her with the same long hair. Lying whore. She drinks so much wine she doesn't remember from one day to the next what she says. Well, PICS don't lie. She is on record as stating she had cancer and her hair fell out. About 4 months later she cams up and she hasn't lost her hair at all. She can lie all she wants to but everyone knows the toll it takes on a person with real cancer. Those pics proved that the length of her hair made her a bold faced liar. I mean, c'mon. Who would fake cancer of all things? A very desperate mentally disturbed alcoholic crying for attention anywhere she can get it.

That's why I blogged about ghostdog. He called her out on it and she got mad. She wants to sit on bc and go at people but she doesn't want what she does thrown back in her face. Everyone just needs to keep typing "hey slaya why did you fake cancer?"!! She's trash.

Anonymous said...

who is pete on bc?