Sunday, June 5, 2016 another failki david catastrophe

OH MY GOD.  What a bunch of LOSERS.  "Nigger"? "Bitch"?  NONE of these guys have a single bit of talent.  If you have NO skills just tell people you are a "rapper".  Summerjam currently on is yet the latest failed attempt to draw in viewers.  They are so bad they give rap a bad name.  You can't understand a bit of what they are saying.  They are just throwing out words to a stupid beat and clapping for each other like it is some form of grand performance.

Who is the black guy in a blue hoodie with dread ponytails?  LOL, What a bunch of freaks!

With access to the family fortune, this is the BEST that can be brought to battlecam?  D list celebrities and D list performers that were probably thrilled they got a gig that paid more than the price of a lousy Dominos pizza.  It's embarrassing to see bc main taken offline and casters shoved aside for a fiasco like this.

"Download the app now Nigger".  These goons will go back home and tell their moms that they were live on tv.  It will be the highlight on their resumes.  "Bad bitch get my wink on".  LOL.  Made up on the fly and totally worthless.  A huge waste of time and money.

GaryGiving is the number one draw when he is on bc main.  He is extremely funny.  He gets chatters going like wildfire. They want to get rid of him. They want to poop him off.  Yet he comes on and the chat starts to fly.  He is an unpolished gem in the rough.

Gary was at his best the other night reminding people that Slaya is a bad mother, a broken housewife and alcoholic. ChrisBama was a fake drunk.  Chris Bama let it slip that Alki gave him $5,000 to get his teeth fixed.  He got 6 or 7 of them fixed and then stated that he used the rest of the money for something else and doesn't have the money to get the bottom teeth done.  LOL.  Booze? Saved the family trailer from foreclosure?  NO new teefs for Bama, he spent the money!  Beggar.

Here are snippets of what chatters thought as well:

For the hour or so it was on, Alicia tried her best. That ugly girl Alli did nothing but complain, cut down users and battlecam.  What a poor poor choice. They should have had Messi there with Alicia to banter back and forth to at least give it a decent vibe.  Alli acted like a crude, vulgar street rachet who complained she should be getting sleep. What a horrible hostess.

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