Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Slaya talking incest on battlecam.com

This psychotic alcoholic bad mother is accusing the Vaughns of having an incestuous relationship on battlecam.com. She then throws in that I am abusing an underage relative sexually.  This sick twisted mentally disturbed cow is on the internet 20 hours a day.   She has admitted that she sends pictures of her own children to men on the internet.  Why? She claims one of them put sexually graphic images over her kids.  Proof or it didn't happen bitch.   That would bring federal charges for child pornography. 

So it appears she is now using battlecam.com as a forum to talk about kids and incest.  I watch battlecam but don't log in.  She now feels safe to use battlecam knowing i won't log in to respond.  They are absolute lies but the fat cow gets her jollies off on repeating incestuous talk about the Vaughns and others is rather disturbing.

Anyone that knows me knows she is nothing but a liar. They know she is an alcoholic.   Below are a few caps to show you what she is now doing on battlecam.com.  Not one censor called her out on talking about incest. 

LOL, look how she turned on ghostdog when he called her out!


Anonymous said...

I have no love for the Vaughns but to say or believe Mark and his mother are an incestuous couple is just ridiculous. Yes, many can't stand them for whatever reasons but there is no need to make up lies calling it trolling.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 5:20PM. That is not only fucked up it is disturbing to read.