Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Butterfly the creepy stalker

 I posted this video on youtube and three times it was flagged. I wrote to youtube and asked them why it was being flagged for "identity" when no ones real name was mentioned. They reviewed it and said it was ok and would not be taken down! haha.

The best part of this video starts around 15 mins when juggy reappears and she goes apeshit trying to drag him into the drama. 

I thought I would share this.  It's 39 minutes of a crazy woman screaming at me. She makes shit up that I never said and she tries and tries to get me mad.  What a complete failure.  To start the video off, they were in gts3 room saying that Butterfly and Josh are completely annoying on a day by day basis.  I typed "I just mute their video's". That is ALL I typed.   Then Butterfat came flying in throwing a fit saying everything she could to try and start a chat fight.  Did I get mad? No. Did she get mad? haha YES.  It went on for an entire 39 minutes!  She's a crazy bitch.

It stemmed from the fact that she's there from 8 am until 2 am. She's there all day.  Night and day.  At one point she had to be told to stop private messaging juggy because she tries to take things too far and, he's married and it's just tinychat. She's his stalker.  Someone might say "Hey juggy, how is it going?" and you can see juggy is on his laptop and then Butterfly would type "He's ok, a few sniffles but he's working". Then juggy would type "They were talking to me, don't answer for me, I hate that".  haha.

Next, I told juggy a chihuahua joke.  The next day I told him another one. He laughed. Then suddenly, Butterfatso floods the chat with copied and pasted jokes.  Juggy had to tell her to stop.  "He's trying to tell me a joke a day and you jump in pasting this shit? stop already".  haha.  See? You can't say a thing to juggy without her getting pissed about attention being taken away from her to him.  It's creepy.

So, sit back and listen, if you are bored to death of a crazy bird ranting for almost 39 minutes over tinychat.  (She recently demodded me from GTS3 when I put Josh on an auto kick list for insulting Hogslammer.  Hog said he did NOT give a fuck if I did that and told her to shut up when she complained about it, even wanting me perma banned from the room! LOL).  Most of the guys there do not like her and she's only there because she's there 18 hours of the day and someone to talk to if they happen to log on.  If it wasn't for juggy, they'd get rid of her LOL.  So much for her thinking they are all her friends.  She'd delusional.  Alone with her barking dogs. Enjoy the video. It's like an old school battlecam session where someone lost their marbles!


Anonymous said...

She comes in chaos room and just sits there . She never says a word. People were asking who she/he was. It is creepy. We'll get rid of her.

Anonymous said...

I heard she enjoys the pecca penis!

Anonymous said...

She came from the bbw rooms. More guys have seen her titties and pussy than Carter has pills. I'll post a couple of her pictures you can blog later when I get home.

Anonymous said...

I listened
I laughed
I have no life
Got any more you can post?


Anonymous said...

Well, she does sound easy to get riled up but who would want too with her whiny ass voice.