Friday, May 15, 2020

UK Walk craze!

Sing along!  "Put one foot in front of the other........ ".  Yes, the hottest UK walk craze is sweeping the internet! You will only find content like this in the channel of tinychat's very own DeanSmith!

Yes, brought to you by a GOLD supercaster, Nino79.  He took time out of his busy schedule to show us how it's done!
"Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walking 'cross the floor
Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you'll be walking out the door".
Wow wow wow!  People are clapping and singing along! What content!

You don't see content like this in other rooms.  Other casters have stumbled around drunk or high on weed and wiggled their feet for attention. (very sad).

Other casters sit in a shed shared by six dogs and beg for cash online. (pathetic).  These tyrants want to FORCE you to sit in their channel and be "loyal". Freedom to go into other rooms is taboo and forbidden!  You are labeled "disloyal" or "traitor" and excommunicated!  Why put up with little dictators?

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