Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Our very own Claudette!

Yes, ::sniff:: our very own Claudette is moving in other circles now. Ocean cruises with the Wahlbergs and now singing with Jake Gyllenhaal. This diva is jet setting across the world while we peons sit in our tinychat rooms and watch room wars go on.

Once word of the virus hit the USA, Claudette flew in from her home in Paris, France to help out the needy.  She took time out of her busy schedule to do a music video to entertain us during these trying times.

She has lost countless hours of sleep so she could stay at her sewing machine to make masks for the needy.  I asked her during a recent phone interview;

"Claudette, how long have you been making masks to protect others?
Claudette: "About three months now"

"Did you find the material hard to get during the stay at home orders?"
Claudette: "No, I just bleached some old sheets I got out of a Goodwill bin"

"In the past three months, how many masks have you made?"
Claudette: "Two"

"Are you going to make some 'private label' masks with the Claudette brand?"
Claudette: "That's  a secret for now. I have to go before my hot pocket gets cold"

Her selflessness in unparalleled  and I'm sure if Mother Theresa were alive today, she'd stand back and applaud her!  Rumors are floating around that she just might get the Congressional Medal of Honor for her sacrifices for her fellow mankind.

Click here to listen to Claudette on youtube!


MandasWhiteKnight said...

I never thought Claudette was funny. At least making masks to help people she's doing something useful... Don't know why you made a post about it, though.

Anonymous said...

Claudette was funnier on Battlecam when she would put on the neck brace.

OFF TOPIC: I do not like the bots on TC (whoever makes them) that announce people entering a channel. Sometimes a person just wants to watch and not speak but get noticed when entering a channel.