Thursday, May 28, 2020

Deans room struck GOLD!

Wow wow WOW!!!!  Deans room hit the GOLD jackpot!

Today, the women of Deans room were awarded GOLD accounts!


These three content providers were gracious enough to accept their GOLD accounts for their contributions to casting live.  Their not stop wit, intelligence and beauty really makes Deans room the premiere NUMBER ONE room on tinychat!

Let us all take a moment to thank them for taking their valuable time to make us laugh, bring forth friendship and love and make a place to call "home".   ::sniff::: I'm all choked up with their loving sincerity to all casters and lurkers alike.

Yes the FUN never stops in Deans room.  Cash prizes, GOLD accounts and more! 

Earlier this week, Supercaster nino79 was given the first GOLD badge in honor of his long standing contributions to global casting.  While also starring in a rap video, he stays humble and loves to entertain.  A true modern day Bob Hope!

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