Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Attn: Vaugnlive. Bradders is not dead

Can you imagine that Slayasweetie, the resident shoutbox foul mouthed mod would be so bold to say this about poor Bradders who just died?  She is scum!  A lot of people were very upset about his death and she fucks around saying he's not dead?  Before I get called a liar, I wanted to make sure I saved the screencap.  See for yourself:

She then ends it by calling out applecandyfruity.  Following up the conversation by saying the people in Paradices life would be "relieved she was dead"

She retreats to the shoutbox and casts her lies daily.  She lied about me and denies it. Again, I'll post the proof.  She fucked over poor raz bigtime.

I got banned because I was yelling at slaya for her constant lies.  Frogtech, the other mod was calling me a pedo and saying I killed anne and he has proof.  I told him to step up his game and he banned me.

We were talking about how Anne could be in the shoutbox for 2 hours chatting with everyone. Slaya would come in and start shit and troll Anne until Anne left the shoutbox and went to her bc room. She'd even follow her in there to start shit.  Below is a screen cap yet again. Her consience must eat her her becasue she said 4 others accused her of trolling Anne to death also.

She then says nino, straws, cattitude, myself and hanky blame her for trolling anne to death.

Do you see a pattern? She loves to troll, way way too far.  Then she blames everyone but herself and then she goes ballistic and makes up lies to deflect her own guilt.

I thought I'd let Vaughlive see what we see.  weekly. Does anyone find this funny?


Anonymous said...

foxmanshawn22 is a fag.

Anonymous said...

Slaya spends too much time on social media sites.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see an obituary

Anonymous said...

she can stay off vaughn!!!!!

Anonymous said...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fM74vNCid6U don't forget she went after goosezilla

Anonymous said...

lol you just figure out she is trash? why do you think she hangs out on the blog?

Anonymous said...

Her name is Lisa and she lives in New Zealand. I'll post her facebook and dox if you want them.

Anonymous said...

You don't have anything.