Sunday, January 10, 2016

Perverts return to battlecam

This disgusting slob was back on main this weekend.  Disgusting doesn't even come close to my opinion of this loser.  People should vote him off every single time he tries to cast.  I about threw up when I saw him going into his own sisters room wearing a tshirt and naked.  Who would do that to your own sister?  Then his family SCREAMED at him to put pants on.  His own parents.

ChrisBama just said he knows where "Royal lives and will hunt him down and kill him". Death threats?  Call the cops.  "I will kill you and your fucking dogs. I will kill your dogs because you love them. I will John Wayne Gacey your ass. I will kill everyone you fucking love".  Disgusting.

Blanket sniffing cavacho was back on main.  Ughh.  Another pervert.  Why do people even chat to the likes of these dregs of society?  They should be locked up and they key thrown away. Isn't he also the one that got a perma ban for saying alki david was a "nigger"?

Cavacho collects disability but he can cast 24/7?  He can go on challenges and to the Filmon studio?

He's not that disabled. Yet another waste of your tax dollars working for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

foxmanshawn is a fag and hates jews