Monday, September 7, 2015

Lily using bc info against a bc'er

So it seems littlemiss lent FightingIrish some money with agreed upon terms to pay it back.  Apparently Irish broke it off and she immediately demanded the money returned - against the terms.   lilttlemiss came on bc and told everyone Irishs personal info.  She's bringing the battle online.

So there you have BCM trying to go against Irish when she clearly does not know the whole story but her version.

"you won't pay her back" says BCM.

When battlecam advertised online and through media that you could EARN CASH, $1.00 to $10.00 a minute, it was done to attract more to battlecam.  YET how many were ever paid their money?

The $1.00 to $10.00 per minute ran a long time. Some casters had over $40,000.00 like ayyone.  Other casters such as glazed420 and others asked to be paid out.


That's fraud plain and simple in my opinion. Every single caster who followed the rules and cast up on cam in main during  the times specified and during the $1.00 per minute or even $10.00 a minute challenges earned cash for their endeavor.  Cash.  It's a simple 4 letter word.  Yet people have asked and wanted paid.

"I'm not going to pay you".  Do you see BCM typing THAT?

IF alkibucks were going to be an addition to battlecam, all monies currently in play should have been cashed out FIRST and then new totals started up for the new point system and alki bucks.

To not pay out as advertised is a terrible fraud upon every single caster who came to bc to "EARN CASH".  Who wants worthless alki bucks when they were due CASH?  Let them buy what they want with their own money!

With BCM trying to take a stance to go after Irish, you know it is not safe to use your real information on that site.  How many times have we posted that they'll dox you, out you or even put out threats against you.  Or how about the wanted poster for someones dox? 

Wanted. Verbals info $5,000.00 .   Do not register. You have been given a friendly warning.


Anonymous said...

You take lilly the Cunt, harry the nazi and alki the greasy billionaire mix them together you get the 3 stooges of social casting.

Anonymous said...

BCmoments should have stayed out of it. If lilmiss posted Irish's dox she should have been banned for 24 hours. If it had been the other way around he would have been banned longer.