Monday, September 14, 2015

Felony Fake Rapes on

ONCE again, finds it amusing for someone to do the stupid ass pizza challenge. You dress up in a bikini and order a pizza. When the driver gets there you try to get him to take off his shirt or his pants and especially if he touches you, you scream  RAPE RAPE RAPE.

What sick sexual deviate kind of challenge is that?  To harass some poor working slob and have a woman scream rape?  That's funny?  

Some asian trash is on main getting ready to do just that to some poor slob.

Rape is no joke.  Rape shouldn't be made fun of lightly.

What if Jen David was raped?  What if lily was raped?  Should we all laugh then?

The owner of the site, Alki David offers prizes to scream rape for lulz.  It's not funny. It's disgusting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She didn't scream rape unless I missed that part. I hope she got paid.