Monday, June 22, 2015

Warrior owns Gary in 10 seconds

Haha, Warrior came on and told Gary he brought nothing to bc.  He cried he wanted Admin status and paid and once again threatened to quit bc. Today he came crawling back, AGAIN!!

Haha Gary is the fat balding loser no one likes. He talks about "I like peanut butter and jelly, it is soooo good!".  Like anyone wants to know his childish lies.  The mental hospital does not allow jelly so it does not make patients hyper.

Good job warrior!  I saw the instant rage and know how bad you must feel being on perma mute.


Anonymous said...

Warrior doesn't own anything, not even the shit he drops into the toilet. He's a lameass bitch who was a cook in the army and poses like a big war hero.

Anonymous said...

Between the two of them Warrior offers nothing to Battlecam. Gary at least tries to entertain with his games he puts a lot of work into. Warrior is a total bore who always wants to brag how he did this or that in the military like anyone cares. I never see this guy own anyone. Whether you like Gary or not he is a good shit talker when he is riled up.