Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Harry did someone a favor? That's just about the worst fucked up troll line I have ever seen someone type out. And to Scott777.

I was watching Scotts room and when you typed that I could not believe my eyes.  Scott is fun to troll on main but in his side room when he is seriously down?

Harry has never done anything without the sole and intent purpose of satisfying his narcissist personality.  EVERYONE knows this.  How anyone could ever even make light of what he does just leaves me speechless. 

Next comes this whore :

The bc whore speaks. Who hasn't had her?  Scott needs to seriously demod the bitch.  Let her stay but keep the option to kick her ass for trolling him.  Without mod, they'd troll that whore a lot harder.

There was always saying about a girl who was that easy and everyone knew it.  Bro's before ho's and never marry a slut.

Next comes the german nazi faggot :

Who isn't her friend?  I heard real justin banged her too.  If Harry believes anyone is his friend then he is more mentally unstable than I imagined.  He fucks with Scott and everyone knows why. To make himself laugh.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Abamski to drop that stuck up bitch Cattitude. Does Scott really think she doesn't talk hateful about him behind his back? All she does is troll Scott along with Harry. She has an ok body for a skinny bony chick but her face isn't all that great to look at. Scott needs to UNMOD that bitch.

Anonymous said...

She is ugly as hell. I've seen wayyyyyyyy better than her. She is about a 3 out of 10. Abamski has low standards to be hitting that bitch. Scott set him up with Catty? lol, what kind of loser needs set up to find a date off the internet?

Anonymous said...

Cattitude is straight out european trash, just like most of the women from there are. Abamski lowered his standards when he hooked up with her. I do find it ironic that the women who aren't pretty or even have a decent personality seem to think so highly of themselves.

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE NOT ALONE ! Abamski has low standards so the question is really "what is wrong with him?" haha. loser.

If that's his bc claim to fame banging catty then hes pathetic.
He used to be a nice guy but he has changed too much for me let him stay in scotts room and off main.

Anonymous said...

He isn't anybody. Euro trash. Fucked up loser on the net like the rest of us. I hope that bitch gave him a disease for being that stupid. He isn't married at his age? Must not be a very good catch or he has major issues. Fuck them both they are not nice to Scott777 and with harry balzac amuse themselves at Scotts expense by thinking they are superior to him. They FAIL.

Anonymous said...

abamski lost his sense of humor when he started with abamski