Friday, May 11, 2012

zolar quit again

Alki David has been called a "liar" by Zolar !  Davelive was in his channel and they were talking about zolar leaving and rage quitting ONCE AGAIN. 

Zolar said he cammed up in a "halter top" and showed ZZmoh and ZZmoh banned him.  Zolar came back five times and ZZmoh kicked him for the no shirt rule. Zolar stated he got no respect and that no one there did anything at all to help him out.

Zolar said he asked harry_balzac to intervene and harry stated he was only there for "tech support".

Asking Harry balzac for help ! I screamed laughing.  Harry would lure  you into an alley, anally rape you and then smash your head into a concrete wall and walk away laughing. And zoltard thought harry would help him?

Davelive stated that alki david came onto battlecam and stated that zolar asked him for money and he declined and zolar quit.  Zolar said that's not the reason he quit at all.  No one believes him.  He flat out asked for money.  He stated NOW that he quit, he is going to do a three hour show on another website, five nights a week and will be paid $1,000 a month.  omg, how do we all sign up for that whopping 1k a month???

Boohoo, waaa Boohoo waaa.  He has left before and been banned and the site never closed.  No one left in rage to bring him back.  Maybe he should go live on omegle and watch those nude teens?

Seriously now, Zolar needs to write to harry and explain his position. I have never thought I'd reveal another persons email address without their consent but in this case, I don't think he'd care, since it's an emergency.  and write to him and tell him softly how you feel and ask him to intervene on your behalf. 


"i am a celeb, i am a celeb i am i am i am " -failzar 2012


Culver said...

While Alki was doing pranks on main, Lily said in chat, zzmoh won't be de-modded.

Anonymous said...

I heard since zolar claimed he can make $1,000 from another site he is free to go and stay there. He wasn't that big of a draw and a lot of casters have messaged alki to just let him stay away.

good riddance ! I am glad his rage quitting made troll2 happy !

troll2 we love you !!!

Anonymous said...

Zolar and Harry. Now there's a pair (but a pair of what??). His ranting on DaveLive's about how fabulous and fascinating he is that just watching him is satisfaction and entertainment enough for an audience was truly pathetic. Nope, he can stay away at no loss to anyone. Now, how to get creepy Harry to do the same?

Anonymous said...

LMAO, best part is harry was the last one to kick zolar off cam.

JustSayin said...

Harry Balzac works online with two german websites. He told me in the beginning that he'd like to work on battlecam and I told alki that. If alki literally knew half of what harry said behind his back, he'd can his ass. I could tell him and give alki the proof, since he has to admit I have NEVER lied to him once but I could care less who he associates with.

Harry is the epitome of narcissism. Harry literally is the type of person that could walk into a room and see an 8 yr old dying child. He'd see a gold watch on the table. He'd swipe it and walk out of the room laughing. He's sick. He's fucked up.

One day when he's fired, everyone will laugh and taunt him until his narcissism implodes on him.

I bet harry jacked off when he kicked zolar. He probably laid there and did it a few times knowing he got to kick zolar when he was down and asking for help. Harry will read this and laugh and say "how true !".

I have more stories to write and I'll put out a few this weekend. I can't work now so am bed ridden at this time.

Anonymous said...

What's the problem with shirts? JTV allows shirtless men and boys there and they have more ads and advertisers. They don't seem to have issues. Alki doesn't know how to run a website.

Anonymous said...

For all the talk and twitting and whatever the Zolar show at Stickam only brought in about 170+/-. Ghostdog, however, was taking no chances that his wagon might become disengaged from this rising star and was in full Skype attendance over there as he has been at BC. I expect disappointment lies just beyond the horizon for GD, yet again.

Anonymous said...

alki likes to watch the guys with no shirts. he fapped to wisdoms ass on that pizza challenge. every challenge involves a guy. we get the hint.

JTV does have advertisers. Alki puts up his own money each month for a failing site. haha, who is the bitch?

He prank calls badly like he is some teen which he is not. He married someone far too young for him and its not fair for her . She said she's dreamed of this since a child on her blog. Marry rich, fuck love. She's in denial. He's fooling himself.

Anonymous said...

notice no one else rage quit to go follow him? haha. let him shove stickcam right up his pedo ass. he is NOT missed. no one else gets PAID and he's known that from day one. he's crying the blue so bad now he just woke up Elvis.

Anonymous said...

zolar was lurking in Susies room then left when she called him out. Then he was on main lurking. Not one sign of chat. hahaha.

hey ZOLFAG, I THOUGHT YOU RAGE QUIT? NEVER COMING BACK? ZZMOH has got wild kuddo's for booting your ass. Harry might actually get laid by following suit. Lily said ZZmoh will not be demodded.

get the hint yet? You are a liability and are NOT going to get PAID BITCH ! You are NOT going to earn money. GOT IT? Now troll off and talk about how you were on haywood ferns show a few times years ago and were not good enough then to be known as a has been now . HAHAHAHAHA. So long loser, you'll crawl back here and cry cry cry like a bitch and want back in !!! then we'll laugh again.

I guess alki's refusal to intervene and help you shows he's sick of your ass too ! HAHAHA

Ruen, Risa, Susie, Abamski, Harry, Cazul and tons of others cam up to fill your 4 second time slot ! You aren't missed, so I ain't gonna lie baby it's bye bye bye !

Anonymous said...

Kudos for zzmoh a job well done. Let's all say it together now "Z-O-L-A-R G-O-T O-W-N-E-D" when his demands weren't met hahahahahahahahahaha EPIC!

Dinty and Dave now need to ban those idiots who spam his Stickam link that isn't allowed on the site.

R.I.P Zolar

Don't hurry back anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

Then go to JTV, faggot.