Saturday, May 12, 2012


The Error of Dinty show has got a show appeal of 23 people when registered users were counted to see how many were watching.  Suddenly, someone pointed out that Dinty was a FAKE and that it was really Rosie O'Donnell, failed tv host and fat whale.  Not only did Donald Trump own her and put her in her place, changing her hair around and putting on a shirt did not fool us either.

Below is the captured still image. Can you tell the difference??



Anonymous said...

The arguing between Dinty, Zolar and Davelive is all BS. I watch them all and they each have something to entertain. But I rarely watch Dinty lately. He seems to be weird and always has technical problems. It's goes from drama to him interrupting it with his technical interruptions.

Anonymous said...

Dinty IS weird and, like Zolar and Joe (Wisdom), it is a complete mystery as to how they ever arrived at the grossly over inflated egos they've got.

Apparently Mr. Brilliance Incarnate (self proclaimed) wound himself up in the hospital on an overdose of those pills he swallows constantly. Gee, who could argue the massive intelligence in operation here, eh??

Anonymous said...

You called what Dinty has "a show"? The guy can't do one unless he's smashed. It's pretty bad when doing "a show" the caster (Dinty) passes out. Error of Dinty is right on the money. Zolar usually high or drunk at times with his pranks (focused sexually)are boring. He needs new material. Maybe this new guy DrLego (a friend of Zolar's) can take over. I for one will NOT miss con man Zolar.

Out of all three Zolar, Dinty, and Dave I would pick Dave. At least Dave is coherent (not drunk or high) when he's casting unlike the other two. One suggestion I do have for Dave, he needs to pay a little more attention to his chatters and get decent mods that clear those annoying spammers.

Anonymous said...

Dinty doesn't have a show, he has a skype call, that is it. He doesn't pay attention to his chatters and even said one time, that he never even looks at the chat. So why does he even bother broadcasting? He should just do his little skype call conversation and leave it at that, because he certainly isn't putting on a "show". I for one, do not go to his channel anymore.

Anonymous said...

Dinty is a greasy gross nasty idiot. The only way his "show" will even come close to good is if he kills himself on it.