Thursday, May 10, 2012

I am pretty damn sad

Beerguy said he did a challenge and alki did not pay him.  Evidently, Beerguy and girl pissed on each other.  


A lot of people lost respect for both of them.  Are people really that desperate for money?  I would have given beergirl $500 if she needed it that badly.

It's disgusting that battlecam is used for such a sick deviate thing.

Am I so naive that I just don't realize that people are so shallow that they'd not only watch that type of behavior, but the ones who didn't like it, won't speak up?
I know what will happen if you do. "Permaban".  

As I said before, someone asked lily if she watched the vomit episode or was there. She replied "no".  Damn, that makes her ok in my book. You have to draw the line somewhere and although she works there and for him, she didn't take part in that.  Good.

It's not funny anymore at all.  Anyone who doesn't speak up condones it.  Imagine getting puked on.  While that was going on alki and jen were just watching.  I'd hate to be a kid raised up in that house  with that kind of people for parents.  Human degradation at it's finest.  That has always been a sore point with me.  Many people are down on their luck.  You have poor people everywhere and no one can stop that.  You have rich people that try to help yet they can't help the world.

I was pretty sick today.  Damn sick.  Somedays I cannot even get up out of bed.   Sometimes, and you will know it when it hits you, your internal body and body clock lets you know when your time is up.  I don't think that I will live very long.  It's the cards I was dealt.

I'll tell you this, I'd never make anyone do a damn thing that was degrading if they truly needed money. That's not in me.  If I had $550 in my wallet and I knew you really needed $500, it's yours.  I'll be crafty and make my remaining $50 stretch and last me until more funds are available.   

Harry, you german faggot. You read this blog. You wanted my contact information /skype.  You have an email address. I assume you had planned some ultimate troll once you got it.  I have not seen an email from you saying differently.  Does it feel good to win and constantly kick me all those months?  Does it make you feel superior that you banned me even when I just tried to talk to Susie?
 As I said before, if you have something to say, spit it out.

Susie, one day I turned on your room. It was as if something TOLD me to turn your room on.  I saw you singing. I saw Abamski sing. I saw Peachy sing and dance.  God that was fun to watch.  There is some real talent in that room.  Granted the talent is just as comparable to a half a dozen homeless people standing around a burning barrel as they take sips of their muskatel, but it still rated HIGH in my book.  I think Las Vegas headliners are safe in their jobs.

I was floored when I heard about beergirl and beerguy.  It saddened me.

I feel sick, I'm going to bed.

Thanks Susie, Abamski, Peachy and all those that cammed up and gave it their best shot in karaoke. You all did a damn fine job.  Damn fine.  I am glad I got to meet some of you.  The pleasure is mine and look forward to hearing you again !


Anonymous said...

pukeing will always win over karaoke thats just the way it is

Anonymous said...

Uh, in a word, NO. That is entirely dependent upon the level of "humanity" with which you "hang".

Anonymous said...

Well, hopefully you missed the gross porn show put on by one of the resident retards (quite literally) last night. Twice she was cut off by someone throwing up a Pay Per View screen over the "show".

Don't worry yourself too much over justice, quite simply and absolutely I can assure you it will come. It is entirely inescapable.

Unknown said...

love you too!

Anonymous said...

All the gross nasty shit Alki allows on cam Lily wants the hate to stop. You insult someone you get a ban from her, but yet the nasty vile shit is allowed challenges or not. So many don't enjoy the site anymore and have to walk around egg shells when that bitch is around. I missed the Beergirl/guy pissing along with the vomit girl and thankful I did. That site welcomes nothing but trash and humiliation.

Anonymous said...

I like reading when someone sits down and types out their thoughts. I believe you when you say that was your idea for the site and it was swiped from you. Many agree with you on the gross stuff going on and your point of view. I can't believe he gets off on that and it is allowed. Most go to a private channel. I still remember when it used to be non stop laughs and fun. Chatting among each other and insulting someone until they raged and then we all laugh. Later they would come back realizing they fell for it and got caught up in the moment. We not only laugh at those on cam we laugh at ourselves because it is like being a heckler in an audience and that's not something you get to do in real life. I hope you win your case so he is knocked off his high chromed horse.

Anonymous said...

Troll my man hope you are feeling better, i agree with you about beerguy and beergrl they have sunk very low and are now on alkis perveted level in my book.

Anonymous said...

I always liked troll before I knew him being sick and before alki cheating him. I admit, I go there and watch and take part in the insanity. At times, I have questioned why I am there. That's why I read his article above and it hit me on a personal level. I rationalize it because I like some of the people. Alki and Jen are fake. Rich but fake. They wake up in their mansion and don't work. They live off his families fortune.

For some reason, now I feel bad for myself and think I know what he's going through when he says we condone what goes on there.

Anonymous said...

I adore you Troll, always have and always will. You are such a good writer, this post really touched my heart in many ways. You always speak the truth. If anything I hope I make you smile with my poor singing and dancing abilities. :)

JustSayin said...

It is my honor to have met you. You bring a smile to anyone that knows you. Money can't buy that. Oh sure, it could buy a life in Paris with us eating caviar and croissants, but wouldn't we be just as snug by a fire? :) We'd stand up, break out in song and dance and then notice that 30 strangers have gathered around us, watching. We'd continue as if no one was watching at all. We'd sing "My Endless love" as we teared up and gazed at each other as the fire sparkled. We dance to the tango!

As we finished our last song, we bent over to take a sip of our glasses filled with the best champagne. Suddenly, one of the crowd steps forward and says "Ok enough of this shit, give us your money and the keys to that damn camper".

OH SNAP ! Back to real life. We wuz robbed cuz.. Where are our backups? Susie, Abamski and all the others? Did they suddenly appear from the woods to help us out? No, they are all over at Abamski's drinking sambucca and reading chat with one eye open ! Life goes on.

Do not read my next post, I'm going to bear down and write about how alki david cheating me has really affected myself and a few around me. It might make you cry.

I think of you everytime I lay down with my thermal blanket lol... .

Anonymous said...

Beergirl sunk a new low. "I will do it for Battlecam" she says. Beerguy I can understand that guy is pure scum not to mention he treats Beergirl like a whore. Any chance he gets he's always trying to whore her out. That girl needs to wake up and just say NO for once.

Anonymous said...

I comment on my own blogs repeatedly so it looks like someone else actually reads them, and maybe even cares.
I am really only sad lonely and pathetic. I can't even remember if I'm a virgin or not. Please pity me.

Anonymous said...

So put your money where your mouth is and give Beergirl some money, dummy.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine what troll2 thinks of you flopping out your big titties, Susie. Oh but I guess he thinks that's just wholesome entertainment HUEHUEHUE