Thursday, March 18, 2021

Flamingo, where for art thou?

 Fat Racist Pig Gina is telling people that Flamingo wants $500 or he will ruin her.  She said he gave out her street.

We were all there in Deans room when Gina went off on Flamingo. She told everyone his name. She told everyone where he lives.  Flamingo did not believe me when I told him she did that. So I pm'ed him his name, his location and how he came up with the name "Flamingo". So he then believed me because he said he never told anyone else that information besides her. Gina is a vile disgusting hate filled racist.

Gina came in GTS3 room with Karma.  They got banned. Gina told everyone who didn't have her blocked that she'd pay $500 to have Lurkins information.  She wanted her name and pictures.  I went to Deans room and told Lurkin that Gina was trying to dox her hard.

Someone asked Gina why she was trying to go after Lurkin. Gina said "Because that nigger bitch is trying to interfere between me and Flamingo" She then said Lurkin was going to be "very sorry for sticking her nose in".

Gina is one of those vile woman who puts on two faces.  She tries to smile and then in the next turn of her fat face she will dox anyone who she thinks isn't her friend.

Look at what she she did with chickensalad. She latched onto him and then played her games until she drove the poor man insane. Fueled by both of them binge drinking, she calls the cops on him.  IF he had a gun and waived it around that was wrong. But anyone who knows Gina knows she is NO innocent victim.  She was recorded for almost 40 mins crying and playing the victim.  She embellished and lied.   She still says they have a warrant out for him.  If they do, he needs to turn himself in, tell them the whole story about Gina and then accept his responsibility in that situation.

Gina is totally untrustworthy.  She got mod in deans room , again.  LOL.  Poor poor Gina.  Such a victim!

Scroll down the blog and look at her laughing in black face.  That racism was funny to her.  How many HUNDREDS of times have we heard Gina say on cam, "I hate niggers".  

Flamingo, if she has anyone in law enforcement contact you, have them come to GTS3 and we'll fill them in on her threats, her doxing and racism.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How many guys has Gina fucked over? You were put on the auto kick list so you can't come in deans room. I need to find a video of her calling people niggers.