Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Incest Slaya wants attention and is going to get it. Worldstar!

Ok bitch. It is on.  I'm going to summarize your vile filth. I'm going to send it to your local media.  Newspapers, tv stations. I want your local media to see what an incestuous alcoholic vile troll you are.  Don't worry, I've been doxed before bitch. I'll make sure they have my real name and info for contact reasons to verify my story is true and accurate.

You'll go worldstar and make "nutty neighbors" seem lame compared to "New Zealands Most Disturbed Alcoholic Mother" when they report on you and your internet life.  When your family and friends see how disgusting you are online, I hope they take those kids and move to another community to avoid the exposure you are going to cause.   You are clearly an unfit mother.  You are vile trash and your incestuous comments are just about the lowest you can go. 

I'd love to see the expression on your face when some reporter says "Are you "slayasweetie"? Then start rolling cameras to get your reaction to your local community. They will all spit on you.


Anonymous said...

Misc. started that pedo talk with your nephew and Slaya copied him.

JustSayin said...

And mac allows it. Even before this started, some of the vilest sickest shit would be typed and mac never did a thing. His little group of friends, slaya, jess(476594), misc, stormdavis.. all trash..

You don't even see bc or vaughn typing some of the weird made up lies like they did in the shitbox. I'm not "obsessed". Slaya crossed the line repeatedly when I told her to stop.

She can talk sick incestuous shit because she's a mod in macs chatroom. Mac. LOL, He used to be the champion of exposing sickos who perved on kids yet lets that vile nasty chat allowed in his chatroom? Fuck him. He ain't anybody. And before you or anyone thinks I am "coming at mac", I told him : "Prior to this shit with slaya, was I ever rude to you or anyone in the shoutbox? Did I ever type anything VULGAR or vile? NO".

Not many went there anyway. If someone new went there they were pretty much driven off. Look how Slaya treated poor Anne!. It's absolutely documented. I even posted where Sarrian wrote that Slaya was one of the WORST ONES.

I'll say this one more time. Anne wanted friends. She wanted a place to chat. She and I had hours of fun on the shoutbox. Slaya would come in and start pissing like a dog marking their territory. She started in on Anne until Anne literally left in tears so we moved to Skype to chat.

I'll give you a newsflash that really isn't news. And I have said this to slaya. The bitch does NOT have as many friends all lovely dovey like she thinks she has. MANY people would pm me or Skype me shit to say to the bitch once this all started. Things THEY wanted said and I agreed. She is one vile sick twisted bitch who is an alcoholic and very bad mother. She is deluded to think that everyone on her skype "has her back" when they laugh and chat about her with others who Skype with them also. Her day is coming very soon where local media, I HOPE, will interview her about her online actions.