Monday, April 4, 2016

Battlecam boring and dying

As you can see, Toxic got called out for being boring.  That's hardly  a newsflash. Toxic cams up from his wifes closet.  A grown ass man casting from a closet.  He might as well cast from the cellar with the other rats and vermin.  He was never the least bit funny.  It was pointed out how he CRIED THE BLUES when lily banned him the last time!  "You unban me RIGHT NOW, where is alki? I'm telling alki"   What a bitch.  The man moved to vaughn telling everyone what filth bc was.  How it sucked.  How he was never going back.

They go to Toxics room because gangs hang together. It's not because he's some big box office draw. IF he wouldn't cast  in a side room they would go to Ferns room or anyone else who decided to cam up.

Slaya is going to dox Admiral. As you can see from the previous blog post she thinks the USA should be nuked.  She is a vile disgusting bad mother. Her own children have to be the shame of the entire school system.  A couple of derelicts running wild with an alcohol infused mother on the internet 20 hours out of the damn day.  If they'd move to the USA her daughter would probably be featured in the tv show "14 and pregnant".  Her son would be on the tv show "Intervention".

Make sure you go to the shoutbox and sign in as an anon.  Troll that Nuke Loving Anti American that she can keep her New Zealand crazy ass out of everyones business and mind her own!

Scott he creep made a presence once again on bc.  He modded his arch enemy Slaya in his side channel. LOL, she must have skype sexed him for that honor!  How many times has she said he "pervs on young girls" and he mods her?  Everyone laughed when they saw this creeping duo in cahoots. Skype lurv, go figure.  He must love nasty tits with a HUGE gut under them.

Michael, I mean harry_balzac was in Scotts side room.  Only one day before he was telling Scott on bc main that he was a huge loser.  He was even typing sweet nothings like "cya Slaya *lustful kisses*. God what a great troll.  I couldn't type anything like that without vomiting up blood.  He's still not on my level but his penchant for flattering the fatties, bad alcoholic mothers, meth heads and creepers keeps him in their thoughts as a loyal friend.  Harrys loyal friendship qualities always reminds me of that great quote from the Shakespeare play Julius Caesar "et tu brute?"

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