Saturday, October 31, 2015

Battlecam broadcaster blindsided a brother blindman!

In an interview after the BattleRoyale ghostdog said he was barking mad that he was blindsided by apparent CHEATING and backstabbing that went on without his knowledge.  It appears azrebel backed out of the battles and warrior was substituted in his place.  This was a pre-planned troll on part of warrior and azrebel.  That way warrior could battle ghostdog without giving him any time to prepare.

Included in this TREACHERY was toxic, ghostdogs partner in the shows. Toxic thought it would be funny to see ghostdog thrown off balance and battle warrior without being able to prepare for it.

After the battle was over people got a chance to vote.  The voting was pretty clear until about 10 minutes in when BTF had his people jump him up in the voting.  Again, clearly cheating and making a mockery of the entire event.

BryanSaucer bowed out of the event when he realized his Clearasil wasn't dry and he did not want to stay on cam.

harry_balzac held his own but the entire even was sullied by the fact that ghostdog didn't have time to factor in warrior would be in the event.  When others had this knowledge prior to the starting of the show they had a better advantage.  I'm not a fan of ghostdog but the clear cheating ruined the entire event.

Here is a skype message that was passed around so people could laugh at ghostdog behind his back. I'm surprised no one forwarded this to him so he could spin the tables at the last minute.

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