Thursday, July 9, 2015

Jennan drove off Croftman for points!

Jennan was just a caster. Then he got GREEDY and took away Croftmans points to propel himself to the number one caster spot with the help of BCM, aka lily.  Now he'll have a list of demands larger than Mr. Spacely since he's GLOATING he is "the number one caster wearing a filmon tshirt that he was sent to wear on cam.

His poor wifes sister died in Ohio and he was arrested at the funeral. Probably from trying to rip off her jewelry before the closed the lid!  His wife inherited that $250,000 and bought him a brand new pickup truck and a new $700 guitar.  The poor lady is hardly cold in the ground and Jennan is going hog wild on a spending spree.  Let's hope Barnboi doesn't sue him and take that money away lol.

Let's start a pool on how long it takes for Mrs. Jennan to throw him out and divorce his ass and take that money and go have a good life! 

Jennan holds down main in the morning because there is only about 9 people on bc!


Anonymous said...

Are you that much of an idiot? If his wife's sister just died, she wouldn't have the money yet to buy him a new truck and a guitar. That takes time.
Remember when Croft would sleep with the cam on to get the points? Not like he earned them either. Croft is washed up.
Move on.

Anonymous said...

Jennan deserves to be #1 caster and didn't sleep on cam to get them like a few have done on Battlecam. Jennan doesn't strike me as a user but someone who would help a person in need like he tried with Barnboi.

JustSayin said...

It might sound cold but when you are talking about that much "cash" she probably had certificates of deposit. If I owned one and named you the beneficiary, all you have to do is have a death certificate which is usually issued in the first 3 days of death. You can run straight down and have that certificate transferred to your name or cash it immediately. Once they die, the next second that is your property. Some people cash them before the decedent is even buried.