Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Mod Abuse and fake charges by a slut snitch

It's clearly evident that Ayyone is kicking everyone off bc main so he can watch that nasty filthy lowlife joint smoking trash.  It's mod abuse at it's finest.

Gary, Freezetime and many others were booted so Gayone could control this catastrophic fail.
Plus with information being released it once again shows you NEVER to give out your real information to anyone or you could be next.

Who is ayyone?  A felon con?  Why was he in prison?

Chica clearly made it clear that she called the cops and basically faked the charges on that guy.  She's trash.  She's a snitch who is now crying "he beats a woman?"  WHAT WOMAN?????

Ayyone is just about as fake as they get. A major ass kisser.  He showed off his little $300 Lenovo laptop because he's a bc lapdog.  OOOooooo big man mod. What a loser.  Doesn't he work?  Clearly, Ayyone doesn't have what it takes to be a good broadcaster. He is clearly jealous of others attention.  He cut his arm on cam when Don Tony trolled him into doing it!  Mental issue much?

I just saw chatters vote off Ayyone for Toxic. That clearly shows that he doesn't have much "power" as he assumes he controls.  His modship is probably the highlight of his life.  A thing of importance in his tiny world. 

We've all seen chica13 get banned because of her horrible trashy mouth. Tonight on main channel she was showing cock pictures from her cell phone!  How old are some of the users watching?  Does she know their ages?   She said he hit her with a crescent wrench on the name of her dead tattoo'ed kid.   How did her kid die, suicide?  If she was my mother, I'd walk in front of a truck and end it all.

Look at Ayyyydumb. A grown man has a piece of paper behind him with battlecam written on it. Then he writes peoples names on it with a marker.  Is this 3rd grade? A grown man writes down names of fellow casters on a piece of paper?   Is that all you bring bitch?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ayyone had to give others polit badges so they would like him up hahahaha