Friday, July 15, 2022

Anyone out there still alive?


Anyone still alive? The blogs and chat rooms are dead. Tinychat either has groups fighting or people leaving because they never fixed the youtube function which brought some good fun at times.

I am still alive!  I know how many of you have emailed me with concerns and I try to respond but I don't check email very much because I'm rarely in the loop anymore.

Vaughnlive offers a lot of movies and tv shows that you can watch.

Let's not forget  They have a ton of free programming.

I do miss listening to a handful of casters talk on a daily basis.  But people move on or to other programs.  I do not do instagram, discord and other programs.  Too damn many things to register.  But maybe one night we can hook up in Deans room and have a party!

Don't forget to turn on youtube and watch "Mike the Scavanger". That guy cracks me up.  $100k a year just from scrapping!!  

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