Monday, September 30, 2019

Slayas defamation

Well it looks like this alcoholic psychotic bitch can't quit her LIES.  Remember when she said I was a pedo? When she called BigChaos a pedo and said his room catered to pedophiles? When she said Skunkybuddy was a pedophile?  One of the worst things you could say about a man (or woman).

This vile disgusting alcoholic sow is now telling people I killed my aunt. THAT is defamation of character and the Whangerei  New Zealand police will be notified to tell her to STOP!  I haven't been in that room, in what?  9 months?  Her alcoholism isn't even funny.  Her ex husband should NOT allow her around children until she gets in rehab.  New Zealand needs to take action to make sure those children are safe!


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Slaya remembers some of the things she says while drunk.

Anonymous said...

She's nothing but a filthy drunk and a disgusting fat whore... As for the rest of the scum in Chaos's room, they can all go fuck themselves...

Anonymous said...

google her. she runs a poetry society over in whangerei haha. drunken bitch.

Anonymous said...

Used to be cool with Slaya/Slayasweetie she was a drunk but damn after being away for few years seeing her now my god she looks like a piece of shit. Cleaned myself believing her bullshit about lambs on her property she claimed to slaughter for meat selling to McDonald. Had Skype sex with her one time so bad couldn't hope laughing her fake she was, played like I was feeling for that shit Coke was a hell of a drug, I got off she still on pills, beers, crack, and snorting cum fulled hepatitis nuts.