Friday, August 23, 2019

Where for art thou Nino79?

Good God tinychat is d.e.a.d.

Where is nino79?    He made any room he was in fun.  His no holds barred style of talking was too much for some people. Too  real.  He's banned in the shed dwelling mexicans room again.  Isn't he dead yet?  Living with those filthy dogs, you'd think he'd have croaked by now. 

Whatever happened to the slut sisters?  Manda and Slaya?  Those two tramps finally get tired of calling everyone a pedo?  Will no one donate anymore?  I wonder if Raznet has any more of those dirty foot fetish bath tub pics?  Oh the horrors.

Jennans room went private/closed after his kid faked that suicide attempt.  A lot of people, including myself thought he was literally going to off himself right on cam.  Then not a few days later he cammed up in bandages. A few days later he was screaming his dad scammed him out of $20k and he wanted his money. Then a day later, he cammed up with no bandages. There was not one scar on his head. No blood, no stitches, nothing. #scam

Where has Funster been? Straws? Gary Busey? 

I got an email from tinychat. "You don't use tinychat anymore so we will delete your account". I replied "Go ahead, tinychat is shit now. They raised the prices of coins. You claim you lowered the points for prizes but it still adds up to more than we were paying before". 

Without Nino in a room, why log on?  The man is comedy G.O.L.D.!   So if anyone knows where nino chats now, I'd appreciate knowing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harry and Straws have been hanging out on dischord recently. Hogslammer has been streaming on VL and heard them both on the call as well as showing the chat in his channel. The name of the dischord was "ghosts of battlecam" but it might be changed now. Next time you see Hog on VL he can send you the link to the dischord channel.