Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mod abusing manda goes wild again!

I got this in skype.  LOL, mod abusing manda on a tirade again?  Why do you people go in there?

Remember when the great room divide happened?  Toxic, Duke, Manda, Slaya, Mike etc all went to the other room and Chaos swore they would NEVER be mods in his room. again, LOL.  I had three people skyping me.  I told them I haven't been there since Chaos first banned me because of fat manda.  I was in Jenanns room. 

As fast as manda would ban today they said the other mods were jumping all over it and unbanning who she banned. Poor Saxo, tnutty, bcbouncer, segfault, Gina and others.

Saxo lost mod and RawUh told him not to come there because she and her friends didn't want him there. Saxo told the fatass that it was Chaos room and not hers and she was a fat nasty cunt who doesn't even have custody of her own kids!  (we all know that).  Look at her greasy hair and 3 chins in this picture.

So the mod abuse by her and Clavo kept the other mods busy today unbanning people.  I saw they banned tnuttynut. WHAT in the hell has that guy ever done to anyone?  He came back asking and they said Clavo banned him again.

Don't go in that room. Start your own.  Slaya and Manda are very vile toxic people. They are mentally disturbed.  Yet you all keep quiet and put up with them.  I am GLAD I don't go in there anymore.

I've found great fun in watching plenty of youtube movies.  I'm hiring someone to do remodeling in this house.  So that will keep me busy for a few months.

Being in Chaos room is toxic.  It's a cesspool that a few of the users have made it so.  They live for drama. They live to cause controversy.  It's certainly not "battlecam". 27 mods speaks volumes.

I'll blog a few pictures of the before and after remodeling! 


Anonymous said...

Chaos said one time he loves when things go crazy in the channel so of course he isn't going to care about kicks or bans. It stirs up shit and he loves it.

JustSayin said...

LOL, Oh what a big decision for him to make in a free chat room. He acts like he's alki running battlecam. He's a fat worthless mexican living in a shed.

I never did a thing to that fat fucker. He let them go as low as pedo talk and didn't do a thing? Fuck him. Then manda starts an argument in TGS2 room and runs back to chaos room with the chat and he bans me? LOL, it's a free chat room, I'll live. It shows what a scumbag he is. Listens to that disgusting whore over others? I thought he would never mod Manda, Slaya, Nino, Duke, Toxic or Mike? Yet I heard he gave Slaya mod too LOL.

Slaya is the one that said Chaos runs a pedo room. A room where pedo's are allowed to come and he protects them.

Face it. Slaya and Manda are mental cases beyond the normal that you see on tinychat. They are fucked up in the head bigtime. Both want to scream, argue and insult people and then when someone brings up the fact they are trash mothers, they scream "boo hoo they are attacking my poor children".

Chaos was a side room on battlecam. He rarely was on main and when he was, he was on their as alki's stooge. Living in that filthy shed, he hardly got rich off of it. But, he was in a badly made infomercial he calls a movie. How sad. That's probably the highglight of his life. I get a few ppl send me screen caps every now and then. It's not worth blogg unless you see them turning on manda like the post I just did. It's funny. Mods vs mods attacking each other. sideroom freaks. Never were real casters on bc and never will be. but at least they have those nudes of slaya and manda floating around and can feel like a winner!

Anonymous said...

Manda's a disgusting fat whore!