Sunday, February 10, 2019

troll2 the topic in Chaos room!

Well well. Am I being gossiped about again? By the ugly twin sisters Lush and Pillpopper?

I once blogged "If i was slayas kid, I'd go find the nearest pond and drown myself".  She read that, probably in a severe alcoholic state again, and then went around telling people "he threatened my children" LOLOL. What a crazy bitch.

Lush and PillPopper are the two absolute WORST mothers on the internet.

How many times have they called a guy a "pedo" because they are both fit to be tied and have no other argument or a thing to reply back?  ::yawn::  Both are absolutely vile.  They turn on each other and they turn on everyone else sooner or later.

Yet they can't keep my name out of their mouths!  

They want to be adored. They want compliments.  They are always right and don't want anyone to contradict them.  Yet if you are speaking, they'll tell you why you are wrong, according to them, and go on and on and on.  ::yawn::

They are both played out.  Yet mods in any room don't speak up. They don't kick or ban them if they talk pedo talk.  That casts a great shame on the mods.

The day Chaos kicked me he didn't have the balls to ask my side of the story. Despite any lies to the contrary, I have not once been back to his room since the day I got kicked. Not once. Who cares, it's a free internet chat room for fucks sake.  Manda came over into TGS and started in.  She copied what I said and went back running to Chaos.

Did she tell him the entire story? Well, let's briefly look at it.  I said that I truly and honestly believe that Manda is SUCH AN UNFIT MOTHER, that I do not believe she should be allowed visitation of those children WITHOUT ADULT SUPERVISION BEING PRESENT.  Any sensible grown adult would agree. She's unstable as hell.  She denies doing any pot around her kid.  A known lie.  She was smoking a joint in her car, then lit a cig and got out and SURPRISE! There was her little girl walking around the vehicle.

Manda was in TGS and was showing text messages. A few weeks ago when Chaos demodded her, yet again. She said that Chaos sends her very creepy sex messages that just creeped her out.  "Oh I wanna lick you all over" etc.  We need not go farther and get the gist of her texts.

He so creeps her out she continues to not only use his room but she's a mod... again... haha.   Is that how she keeps mod?  dirty sex texts?

Hasn't anyone learned that what goes on between Lush and PillPopper sooner or later comes out when they are drunk? 

Let's talk about TGS.  Jenann is absolutely nuts.  Was anyone there a few days ago when he held up a piece of paper and said "Hey , anyone want Moochies telephone number?".  You looked at his cam and he had a phone number with Moochies name written on.  He's been giving out info lately. Going on a doxing spree.  He said he has files on everyone and info!  woohoo, who cares.

People have info on him too.  Has he given garrye another good beating lately?


Anonymous said...

garrye is just an old dirty rummy. his own daughter hates his guts never paid child support and she lost out on a lot of stuff cause they never had the money. yet he had the money to drink. he is a piece of shit loser. he and chaos have something in common. they both live in a shed. she got married and they said he attended the wedding can you imagine that dirty scruffy cunt in a church? i felt so bad for her.

Anonymous said...

Slaya and Rawuh are both very toxic people.

Anonymous said...

They both blame everyone. You are stalking me. You are creepy. Why won't you leave me alone? Stop following me. You are a pedo. You are a real creep. Try to be nice and this is what happens! (that's a classic)

As far as gary, I don't watch him. An old man in a utility shed is hardly entertainment. I heard he gave away a $500 bicycle. Too drunk to ride it anymore? How sad society has to pay for alcoholics like him to wake up and drink all day rather than work.

Anonymous said...

You're obssessed with Slaya and Manda. What's up with you always calling women out for being bad moms? You did this not only with this to you did it with other woman to. Did you have a bad experience with your own mom? I think its fucked up she smokes cigarretes and joings near her children, I think she's not the best, but you talk about this way too much. Same with Slaya. how did all the hate start? You need to get your head examined. How long did you spend writing this blog post.