Saturday, October 6, 2018

Demod Saxo

Most rooms have rules. A room owner selects mods.  When a mod abuses the trust given to him/her it ruins the flow of the room and the fun. Some people stop typing because they don't want to get banned also.  They fear the mod might go after them.

Mod abuse.  If you ban someone for zero reason, THEY are usually the winner of your temper tantrum.  You don't have the ability to set aside your personal bans and follow the rules set down by the room owner.  THEN the room owner usually gets msgs out the ass from people complaining about an abusive mod.  They then must decide whether the ban was legitimate or whether a mod is breaking the trust they put in them to help run a decent room.  It's sad.  It's sad a room own has to receive 500 msgs to deal with.  He/she might as well demod all and mod themselves 24/7.  That's not a reality.

Saxo was on something tonight? Alcohol? Drugs?  He started in on Rng and then banned Reece.  Neither of them did one single thing in breaking a rule.  Saxo is one nasty disgusting user let alone being a mod.    I spoke up.  Then I got banned by this perverted, bigoted racist.  He's not funny in the least.  

Some mods take it upon themselves to "unban" someone when they see a mod acting like that.  When someone unbans HonestFrank it's not the least bit funny.  Yet if they admit to unbanning the abused other mods assume they clear the list at will.    Moval started a pretty good movement to stop this childish insanity.  For the most part it has worked but still needs revised as more mods literally prove they are NOT worthy and break the trust given them.


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