Monday, October 10, 2016

Slayasweetie throws down a challenge!

LOL, this stupid fatss pedo talking predator from New Zealand throws down a challenge? It would be nothing to have an attorney from New Zealand file the correct paperwork to have you internet shut off for life for your violation of New  Zealands digitial act.  I had a New Zealand attorney "like" my twitter post about you! haha.  I think I 'll contact him and ask him to make sure the paperwork is filed so you indeed lose your internet. Not just for me. But for everyone you have ever slurred and defamed while sitting in macs shit box.  YOU know you are violation the law yet continue to do so.  When they order your internet removed, just remember. You are one vile disgusting pedo talking sex pest predator. You are a pill popper and alcoholic who blames everyone else but yourself or your miserable life.  Your vitriol in even calling the Vaughns incestuous is enough to get your internet removed for violating the act when you have ZERO proof of your comments.  You can't defame them and continue on your bloody crusade trying to crucify them when you have no proof to your lies.  You are one disgusting reject in life.  I also hope when it comes to light of your online antics that enough press allows your ex husband to have full custody without unsupervised visits because you are sure as hell no decent mother to those children when you are drunk, defaming others with incestuous remarks online and living a hellish life.  You make me sick.

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