Friday, October 17, 2014

Gary the loser cries crocodile tears on main.

Poor Gary. So unappreciated!  Gary the loser is crying the blues, AGAIN, about davelive getting a tricaster.  Why?  Nobody likes Garys retarded game shows.  The only reason Gary has an apartment is because his parents don't want strangled to death while Gary is on a hooch filled paranoid episode by living with them.  That is money well spent.

Gary brings nothing to any site he has been at.  Nothing.  He is retarded.  He is a failed caster whose only claim to fame is some high school wrestling championship for special education retards.

With his tv dinner tin foil wrapped microwave he spews his nonsense on a nightly basis.  He does his gay as hell shows that are of zero entertainment value.  He calls Erin a shitty caster yet can't seem to go look in a mirror.  He probably doesn't own a mirror being it could be a sharp object.

Gary needs to stick to making his hooch out of grape flavored Kool Aid and toilet water.  That way he can get through life a little bit easier without having to constantly worrying about davelive.

It is almost comical the way harrybalzac trolls gary and tells him he's an asset to the site. Gary eats those compliments up faster than btf can eat a 90 count bag of pizza rolls.  How cruel can the compliments be when a moron takes them to heart?

We all know Gary is due for a major rage again for not being appreciated, paid or owning his own $13,000 tricaster.

Gary, if you are so god damn talented and important then why haven't you been given a show? Why haven't you been flown to the studio?  Answer:  You are a bum! Yet another failed bum like many who bring nothing, own nothing and yet think you are a superstar.  Go put on your batman jammies and sleep on the floor like the dog you are.  Your jealousy pours all over yourself and everyone laughs at you.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised Alki does not give Gary his own show but doesn't he have to live in LA like most who have their own shows to get to the studio? Main really isn't the place for these shows he puts on getting pooped off. Harry does troll Gary but he does not see it. Not everyone is going to like Gary but I do.

Anonymous said...

Gary thinks he is perfect and everyone else sucks. He blocks people because they tell him he sucks. C14 said you can have a maximum of 75 blocked. Gary needs to go do his retarded show somewhere else. He's among grown adults on main and just can't comprehend that fact.

Anonymous said...

macs blog got taken down because scott777 Flagg bitched.